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Mutton and sweet fruit ordinarily steal the culinary spotlight in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. But they will soon have to share the stage with an unlikely contender in the inland region — aquatic food.在新疆维吾尔自治区,食材的焦点通常是羊肉和甘甜的水果。但很快,水产食品——来自内陆地区的让人意想不到的竞争者,将登上舞台。Freshwater aquatic produce, which is cultivated in cold, clear water from melting snow, is set to evolve into newfound delicacies in Xinjiang.淡水产品产自冰冷清澈的融雪水,将逐步成为新疆的新晋佳肴。Production of rainbow trout raised in rivers in Nilka county is expected to reach 6,000 metric tons this year, nearly double last year’s output, according to Xinjiang Tianyun Organic Agriculture Co.根据新疆天蕴有机农业有限公司,今年尼勒克县河流中虹鳟鱼的产量预计达到6000公吨,几乎是去年产量的两倍。Rainbow trout, which belongs to the same family as salmon, is known for its meaty texture and few bones, making it an ideal food source.虹鳟鱼和鲑鱼同属一个家族,多肉而少骨,是非常理想的食材。“Demand in the market for trout is significant,” said Li Chunyu, general manager of Tianyun. “Our company is currently operating at full capacity, producing fresh trout every day.”天蕴总经理李春雨告诉记者,“三文鱼的市场需求非常大。我们公司目前全速运转,每天都能产出新鲜的三文鱼。”China is the world’s largest market for aquatic products. Last year, the country imported 4.54 million tons of aquatic products, an increase of more than 20 percent year-on-year. China has also become one of the world’s largest salmon importers, with Norway, Canada and Chile as the main suppliers, according to the General Administration of Customs.中国是世界上最大的水产品市场。去年,中国的水产品进口量高达454万吨,同比增长20%。海关总署的数据显示,中国也已成为世界最大的鲑鱼进口国之一,主要进口自挪威、加拿大,和智利。Because of concerns regarding seafood after discharges into the Pacific Ocean of nuclear-contaminated water from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi power plant, freshwater aquatic products will likely become more popular in the future.日本福岛第一核电站向太平洋排放核污水,引发了人们对海产食品安全问题的担忧,淡水产品在未来很可能比现在更受欢迎。There are many choices, including South American white shrimp, tilapia, abalone and lobster being raised in Xinjiang and making their way onto consumers’ dining tables nationwide. Some of these products are also sold in foreign markets.产自新疆的南美白对虾、罗非鱼、鲍鱼和龙虾被送往全国消费者的餐桌,为人们提供多样的选择,部分产品也远销海外市场。The high salinity of the ground in many parts of Xinjiang and the region’s natural lakes provide a conducive environment for fish farms in the region, experts said.有关专家称,新疆多地的高盐度土壤和当地的天然湖泊为鱼场提供了有利的环境。Farmers in a village in Midong district of Urumqi, the region’s capital, have been busy catching South American white shrimp lately. The village has 10 freshwater shrimp ponds that produce more than 50 tons annually.米东区位于新疆维吾尔自治区的首都乌鲁木齐市。该地村中的农民最近一直忙着捕获南美白对虾。村中有10个淡水虾塘,年产量超过50吨。The shrimp produced here are prized by consumers, according to local media reports.当地媒体报道称,消费者都对米东的虾赞美有加。The melting snow and glaciers of the Tianshan mountain range — water known for its purity — make for superior-quality fish.天山山脉融化的雪水和冰川融水是出了名的纯净,能够产出质量上乘的鱼。Taking advantage of the water resources, Tianyun has been developing fish farms and processing facilities since 2014 in Nilka county. It now offers a series of products, ranging from fillets to minced trout.天蕴公司充分利用水资源,自2014年起在尼勒克县发展鱼场和加工设施。目前,公司拥有从三文鱼排到三文鱼碎等一系列产品。The company mainly sells its trout in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dalian and markets in Singapore and Malaysia.公司的三文鱼主要售往北京、上海、广州、大连,以及新加坡和马来西亚的市场。“The meltwater is pure, cold and rich in dissolved oxygen, which is perfect for raising trout,” said Li, the company’s manager.公司经理李春雨介绍到,“融雪水纯净,冰冷,含氧量高,非常有利于虹鳟鱼的生长。”The water must be deep enough to accommodate environmentally friendly net cages, which have a diameter of 51 meters and a depth of 25 meters, ensuring optimal fish growth.水必须够深才能放置环保网箱。该网箱直径51米,深25米,能够给鱼提供最佳的生长环境。To maintain a clean and healthy river, the company uses automatic machines to clean fish droppings, leftover bait and silt from the riverbed.为保持河水干净、健康,公司使用自动化机器来清理鱼的排泄物、吃剩的鱼饵,以及河床上的淤泥。Li said the company is developing more projects to raise trout in Xinjiang’s high-quality water to meet the growing demand.李经理还说,公司正在发展更多的项目,在新疆高质量的水中养育虹鳟鱼,以满足日益增长的市场需求。The trout business has brought benefits to local farmers in the region. “We provide jobs for more than 100 local farmers, with 39 percent belonging to ethnic minorities,” Li said.三文鱼生意为当地的农民带来了好处。李经理告诉记者,“我们为当地一百多名农民提供工作,其中39%的农民来自少数民族。”The average monthly salary for breeding and processing jobs reached 6,800 yuan ($935) last year, a local media outlet reported.根据当地一家媒体的报道,养殖和加工岗位的平均月收入能达到6800元(约合935美元)。Tianyun aims to build a world-class cold-water fish industry base in Xinjiang. It also hopes to develop high value-added products such as fish oil for healthcare.天蕴公司的目标是在新疆建立一个世界级的冷水鱼工业基地。同时,公司也希望能研发具有高附加值的产品,比如用于保健的鱼油。Aquatic英/əˈkwætɪk/美/əˈkwɑːtɪk/a.水生的;水栖的Rainbow Trout (trout)英/ˌreɪnbəʊ ˈtraʊt/美/ˌreɪnboʊ ˈtraʊt/n.虹鳟鱼(食用三文鱼的重要来源)