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The new site of the National Natural History Museum was unveiled in Beijing on Monday.6月5日,国家自然博物馆在北京正式揭牌。"Formerly known as the Beijing Museum of Natural History, its inauguration marks a new page in the country's development of the natural history museum sector," Meng Qingjin, director of the National Natural History Museum, said at the plaque-revealing ceremony.国家自然博物馆馆长孟庆金在揭牌仪式上说:“国家自然博物馆的前身是北京自然博物馆,它的落成标志着中国自然博物馆事业翻开了新的发展篇章。”A popular attraction exploring life on Earth, the current 23,000-square-meter museum receives 1.8 million visits every year, according to the museum.据博物馆介绍,国家自然博物馆现有建筑面积2.3万平方米,每年接待观众180万人次,是探索地球生命的热门场所。The new location, along the south of Beijing's central axis, covers 57,700 sq m.国家自然博物馆新观位于北京中轴线以南,占地面积5.77公顷。Without revealing when it will open to the public, Yu Yingjie, a vice-mayor of Beijing, believes the new venue will become a landmark along the central axis.北京市副市长于英杰尚未透露新馆的开放时间,但是他表示这将成为中轴线上的地标。With a collection of more than 372,000 historical and current artifacts and a history of more than 70 years, the facility will expand its collection, actively play an increasingly important role in scientific research, develop diversified learning programs and deepen international communication, according to Meng.孟庆金表示,国家自然博物馆距今已有70多年的历史,现有 37.2万件古今藏品。未来,博物馆将增加藏品,在科学研究中发挥越来越重要的作用,开展多样化的学习项目,深化国际交流。In her video message to the event, Emma Nardi, president of the International Council of Museums, said museums play a key role in promoting the harmonious relationship between nature and humans, and inspire the public to embrace long-term sustainability and protect the environment for future generations.国际博物馆协会主席艾玛·纳迪在视频致辞中表示,博物馆在促进自然与人类的和谐共生方面发挥着至关重要的作用,有助于公众接受长期可持续的发展理念,保护环境造福子孙后代。"We are delighted to observe the growth and endorsement of new establishments in the vibrant city of Beijing, signifying the recognition of cultural institutions as beacons of hope for sustainable development and well-being," she said.纳迪说:“我们很高兴在充满活力的北京看到新博物馆的发展和认可,这标志着文化机构被认可为可持续发展和福祉的希望灯塔。”To mark the inauguration, the exhibition Curator's Choice Collections — Preserving the Past for the Future was opened at the museum on Monday. The monthlong exhibition tells the history of the museum over the past seven decades.为了庆祝开幕,“撷英集萃·继往开来——国家自然博物馆馆藏精品展”于当日揭幕。为期一个月的展览呈现了博物馆七十年的发展历程。In March 1951, the ministry of culture and the Chinese Academy of Sciences established a preparatory committee to build the museum and in January 1959 it was opened to the public. In 1962, it was named Beijing Museum of Natural History, and in January this year it was renamed the National Museum of Natural History.1951年3月,文化部和中国科学院成立了中央自然博物馆筹备处,并于1959年1月对外开放。1962年定名为北京自然博物馆,今年1月更名为国家自然博物馆。At the ceremony, a public contest for the museum's logo design was launched. Running through Aug 4, the winner will win a prize of 50,000 yuan ($7,000) .在揭牌仪式上,国家自然博物馆发布了标识设计方案征集公告。从即日起至8月4日,获奖者将赢得5万元人民币(7,000美元)的奖金。Unveil英 /ˌʌnˈveɪl/美 /ˌʌnˈveɪl/vi. 揭幕Inauguration英 /i,nɔ:ɡju'reiʃən/美 /ɪnˌɔɡjəˈreʃən/n. 开幕(式);落成(典礼)Collection英 /kəˈlekʃn/美 /kəˈlekʃn/n. 收藏品