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In the early morning of Feb 6, Li Nan, a tour guide from China Tourism Group, was busy helping tourists check in their baggage at Beijing Capital International Airport for a long-awaited trip to Singapore.2月6日凌晨,中国旅游集团的导游李楠在北京首都国际机场忙着帮游客办理行李托运,准备开始期待已久的新加坡之旅。The 15 travelers made up the first Singapore-bound tour group departing from Beijing since the country resumed outbound group travel on Monday. Outbound group tour services have been suspended in China over the past three years due to COVID-19.自2月6日中国恢复出境游以来,这15名游客组成了首个从北京出发的新加坡旅游团。受疫情影响,过去三年中国出境游团队暂停了服务。"I am really excited today," Li said, adding that it marks a rebound and a new beginning of the domestic tourism industry.李楠说“我今天真的很兴奋,”并表示这还标志着国内旅游业的恢复和一个新的开始。Besides Singapore, travel agencies are permitted to organize group tours to 19 other countries and regions including Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Russia and New Zealand.除新加坡外,旅行社还获准组织赴泰国、阿联酋、埃及、俄罗斯和新西兰等19个国家和地区的团体旅游。Also starting on Monday, cross-border travel between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and Macao was fully resumed.同样从2月6日开始,中国大陆与香港和澳门之间的跨境旅行全面恢复。Dai Bin, head of the China Tourism Academy, said China's outbound tourism market is expected to see a sustained recovery this year thanks to the optimized COVID-19 protocol.中国旅游研究院院长戴斌表示,得益于疫情优化政策,今年中国出境游市场有望持续复苏。According to data from online travel agency Ctrip.com, the realtime search volume for outbound tour products on its platform surged five times when the new policy was announced on Jan 20.根据在线旅行社携程网的数据,自1月20日新政策宣布以来,其平台出境游产品的实时搜索量激增了5倍。Travel portal Tuniu said the number of bookings made from Feb 6 to 12 for overseas trips is estimated to double that of last week.旅游门户网站途牛表示,2月6日至12日的海外旅行预订量预计可达上周的两倍。Many domestic airlines including Spring Airlines and China Southern Airlines also reported a high occupancy rate in international flights and plan to add more flights to meet the growing demands for outbound travel.包括春秋航空和中国南方航空在内的许多国内航空公司也报告说,国际航班的上坐率很高,为了满足日益增长的出境游需求,将计划增加更多航班。China had remained the largest outbound tourism market worldwide for several years before the pandemic hit. In 2019, Chinese tourists made 155 million overseas trips, with consumption abroad worth $133.8 billion.疫情前的几年里,中国一直是全球最大的出境游市场。2019年,中国游客出境旅游1.55亿人次,境外消费1338亿美元。Paul Pruangkarn, chief of staff at the Pacific Asia Travel Association, said Chinese tourists are an essential part of global tourism.亚太旅游协会会长Paul Pruangkarn表示,中国游客是全球旅游业的重要组成部分。The resumption of China's outbound travel is injecting strong impetus into tourism in the Asia-Pacific region and into the recovery of the global economy, he said.他说,中国出境游的恢复为亚太地区旅游业和全球经济复苏注入了强劲动力。Destination countries such as Thailand, Singapore and Cambodia have extended warm hospitality to first arrivals from China.泰国、新加坡和柬埔寨等目的地国家热情接待了第一批来自中国的游客。"We are extremely delighted to receive these first tour groups today, and look forward to more Chinese tourists coming back to Thailand," Yuthasak Supasorn, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, said at a welcoming ceremony held in Bangkok on Monday.2月6日,泰国旅游局局长Yuthasak Supasor在曼谷举行的欢迎仪式上说:“我们非常高兴今天接待了第一批旅游团,期待更多的中国游客来到泰国。”TAT predicted that Thailand will receive 7 million tourists from China this year, roughly 63 percent of the pre-epidemic level in 2019.泰国国家旅游局预测,今年泰国将接待700万中国游客,约为2019年疫情前的63%。However, outbound tourism is still at the preliminary stage of recovery, said Sun Guizhen, secretary-general of the China Association of Travel Services, adding that major constraints include the limited number of international flights, high costs and inadequate hoteliers.然而,中国旅行社协会秘书长孙桂珍表示,出境旅游仍处于恢复的初步阶段,主要制约因素包括国际航班数量有限、成本高、和酒店经营者不足。Industry insiders said that it requires the joint efforts of regulators, business entities, employees and tourists to achieve a full recovery. Some travel service providers therefore are re-collecting resources and conducting training to remedy the industrial chain.业内人士表示,要实现全面复苏,需要监管部门、企业、员工和游客的共同努力。因此,一些旅游服务提供商为了修复产业链,正在重新收集资源并开展培训。So far, Ctrip.com has launched nearly 1,200 outbound tour packages. Tuniu offered 400 overseas trip products on its platform, most of which are for small-scale tour groups.截至目前,携程网已经推出了近1200个出境旅游套餐。途牛在其平台上提供了400种海外游产品,其中大多数是针对小规模旅游团的。The outbound travel market is set to see a more apparent boom during this year's May Day holiday, experts predicted.专家预测,今年“五一”假期期间,出境游市场将更加繁荣。outbound英 [ˈaʊtbaʊnd]   美  [ˈaʊtbaʊnd]adj.向外的 Inadequate英 [ɪnˈædɪkwət]   美  [ɪnˈædɪkwət]adj.不充分的