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Many Chinese students managed to pull off a miracle on Saturday night — finishing their winter break homework before registration for the new semester on Sunday.许多中国学生都会在周日新学期开学的前一晚,神奇地完成寒假作业。Sun Yan was one of the many parents who witnessed the feat, joking about it on social media.Sun Yan在社交媒体上开玩笑称自己就是见证这一壮举的众多家长之一。"It's funny to see my son staying up to finish homework in a hurry," said the father of a fifth grader in Huaian, Jiangsu province. "But he needs to get more organized and diligent for school."江苏淮安的一位五年级学生的父亲说:“看到儿子熬夜赶作业很有意思,不过他去了学校还是需要更有规划、更勤奋。”After a long winter break that lasted nearly two months, the new semester will officially begin on Monday in Jiangsu. Many students and teachers were excited by the changes to COVID-19 prevention measures, upgraded cafeterias and new decorations at schools.2月6日,在长达近两个月的漫长寒假之后,江苏的新学期将正式开始。学生和老师们对新冠病毒防控措施的变化、食堂的升级和学校的新装饰感到兴奋。Many schools have abandoned daily PCR tests for students and staff members. They only ask that parents guarantee that students have been in good health for at least seven days before the start of the semester.许多学校已经取消了对学生和教职员工的每日核酸检测。他们只要求家长确保学生在开学前一周身体健康。Shi Qinmeng, principal of Fuxijie Primary School in Nanjing, the Jiangsu capital, said that the school is encouraging students to stay home if they feel unwell.江苏省会南京市府西街小学校长史勤蒙表示,学校鼓励身体不适的学生在家休息。"We disinfect the school regularly and have set up an observation room for students who feel under the weather," he said. "Their health is the top priority."史勤蒙说:“我们定期对校园进行消毒,并且为身体不适的学生设立了观察室,学生的健康是重中之重。”As manystudents at Fuxijie are children of migrant workers, Shi and his colleagues encouraged students to bring back souvenirs, including flowers, grasses or even a handful of soil, to remind them of their homes.府西街小学的许多学生都是外来务工人员的子女,因此史勤蒙和他的同事们鼓励学生们带回一些纪念品寄托思乡之情,可以是鲜花、小草甚至是一抔土。Due to COVID-19 prevention and control measures over the past three years, many children weren't able to return to their hometowns for family reunions during Spring Festival.过去三年的新冠病毒防控措施,让许多孩子在春节期间无法回家与家人团聚。Ai Jing, a doctor at the Institute of Acute Infectious Diseases at the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, suggested that if students and staff show symptoms such as fever, fatigue or sore throat, they should stay home to avoid infecting others.江苏省疾控中心急性传染病防治所医生艾静建议,如果学生和教职员工出现发热、乏力、咽痛等症状,应居家避免传染他人。"Temperatures should also be checked before entering school," she said. "Those who feel sick should go to the observation rooms."艾静表示:“入校前仍然应该检测体温” “身体不适的人应去观察室。”Compared with normal winter breaks, which usually last less than a month in Jiangsu, this year's break started in mid-December in many of the province's schools due to an outbreak of COVID-19 that led to many calling in sick.在江苏,正常的寒假通常不到一个月,而今年的寒假在12月中旬就开始了,这是因为新冠病毒的爆发导致许多学生请了病假。To allow the children to adapt to the coming days, many schools are running special activities and will send students home early for the first week.为了让孩子们适应即将到来的日子,许多学校都在举办特别活动,并在开学第一周让学生们提前回家。"We will mainly hold safety education sessions and organize interesting activities during the first week," said Shi, "so that the children get used to being back at school days, quickly and joyfully."史勤蒙表示:“开学第一周我们主要举办安全教育课并组织一些有趣的活动,” “这样能够让孩子们快速且快乐地适应学校生活。”Registration英  [ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n]   美  [ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n]n. 登记Symptoms英  [ˈsɪmptəmz]   美  [ˈsɪmptəmz]n. 症状