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Japan's decision to release more than 1.3 million metric tons of radioactive wastewater into the sea has spooked Chinese consumers of seafood, threatening the livelihood of China's own fishing communities and seafood farmers.日本向大海排放130多万吨含放射性元素的污水的决定使中国的海鲜消费者受到惊吓,也威胁到中国渔业社区和海鲜养殖户的生计。Shortly after the Japanese government began discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on Thursday, worrying comments appeared on livestreams hosted by fishermen in coastal Zhejiang province who were advertising their latest hauls.就在日本政府周四开始从受损的福岛第一核电站向海里排放核污染水后不久,浙江沿海渔民主持的直播节目上出现了令人担忧的评论,这些渔民正在宣传他们的最新收获。A comment on the livestream read "You are doing harmful stuff", falsely accusing the host of being irresponsible for vending nuclear-contaminated food.直播上的一条评论写道:“你在做有害的事情”,诬蔑主持人贩卖核污染食品是不负责任的行为。"Please stop buying seafood for your own safety," read another as its author sought to scare away potential buyers.另一条评论写道:"为了你自己的安全,请停止购买海鲜",留言者试图吓跑潜在的买家。The remarks, which have led to the emotional breakdowns of several hosts on live broadcasts, were reported by a news website owned by Zhejiang Daily newspaper.《浙江日报》旗下的一家新闻网站报道了这些言论,这些言论导致几位主持人在直播中情绪崩溃。In a desperate move to sell her products, one host shouted at the camera that their seafood was caught close to the shore and wouldn't be polluted by the recent discharge.一位主持人为了卖出自己的产品,不顾一切地对着镜头大喊,他们的海鲜是在靠近海岸的地方捕获的,不会被最近的排放物污染。China's customs authorities on Thursday announced a sweeping ban on Japanese seafood imports out of safety concerns over such products.出于对日本海产品安全的担忧,8月24日,中国海关当局宣布全面禁止日本海产品进口。Zhou Zhongyuan, a marine life researcher at Ocean University of China in the seaside city of Qingdao, Shandong province, told the website the self-imposed boycott of China's sea catches was needless.位于山东省海滨城市青岛的中国海洋大学海洋生命学院副教授周仲元告诉该网站,对中国海产品的自我抵制是没有必要的。"Seafood from Chinese waters is still free to be consumed, as it is subject to strict safety screening processes before hitting the market," he said.他说:“来自中国海域的海产品仍然可以自由食用,因为它们在进入市场之前都经过了严格的安全检查程序。”On Friday, an unnamed official with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, which oversees seafood production, told People's Daily that the ministry attaches great importance to the quality and safety of aquatic products.8月25日,农业农村部一位负责监管海产品生产的不愿透露姓名的官员告诉《人民日报》,农业农村部高度重视水产品质量安全。"The ministry will strictly adhere to the national standards for the maximum allowable concentration of radioactive substances in aquatic products, and will strengthen the monitoring of nuclear pollution risks in marine aquatic products to ensure their quality," the official said.该官员表示:“农业农村部高度重视水产品质量安全,将严格按照水产品中放射性物质限制浓度国家标准,加大对海洋水产品核污染风险监测力度,确保水产品质量安全”The potential harm that the discharge of contaminated water may pose to the marine fishing industry will also be closely monitored in order to ensure the healthy development of the industry, the official added.“同时,密切关注日本福岛核污染水排海对我国海洋渔业可能造成的危害,保护海洋渔业健康发展。”On Friday, authorities in Wenzhou, another seaside city in Zhejiang, created an office that will collect samples every two months in its surrounding waters to monitor for radioactive contamination, local media reported.据当地媒体报道,8月25日,浙江海滨城市温州市政府成立了一个办公室,每两个月在其周边海域采集一次样本,以监测放射性污染。In an interview with Wenzhou Daily on Sunday, Wan Xinlong, a radioactive contamination expert and head of the new office, said they had collected such samples twice since late last year when the discharge was in the planning stages, and the results showed that no pollution has reached waters near Wenzhou.在27日接受《温州日报》采访时,放射性污染问题专家、新办公室负责人万新龙说,自去年年底排污工程处于规划阶段以来,他们已经收集了两次此类样本,结果表明温州附近海域没有受到污染。According to last year's National Fishery Economy Statistical Bulletin, an annual report released by the agricultural ministry, the value of China's marine fishing industry was 249 billion yuan ($34.16 billion) last year, and the output value of the fast-growing industry of marine life farming was 464 billion yuan.根据农业农村部发布的《2022年全国渔业经济统计公报》,去年中国海洋捕捞产值为2490亿元人民币(341.6亿美元),快速增长的海水养殖产值为4640亿元人民币。Contaminated英/kənˈtæməneɪtɪd/ 美/kənˈtæmɪneɪtɪd/adj.受污染的,弄脏的Angler英/ˈæŋɡ(ə)l/ 美/ˈæŋɡ(ə)l/n.钓鱼;钓鱼者