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As hospitals have begun providing a variety of sanfu moxibustion services — a traditional Chinese medicine treatment applied during the hottest days of summer to boost immunity against winter chills — officials and experts stressed that the therapy is only recommended for people with certain respiratory conditions and weak immunity and is not suitable for everybody.随着夏季酷暑的深入,医院纷纷推出“三伏灸”这一传统中医特色疗法,旨在利用一年中最炎热时段的自然之力,强化人体免疫力,为抵御冬季严寒打下坚实基础。但这种疗法只推荐给患有呼吸系统疾病和免疫力低下的群体,并不适合所有人。Sanfu in Chinese refers to the hottest period of the year.三伏是指中国一年里最热的时期。Liu Qingquan, president of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that sanfu moxibustion — which involves plastering warm herbal patches onto acupuncture points — dates back to a traditional Chinese medicine formula in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and mainly comprises white mustard seeds and dried ginger.北京中医院院长刘清泉介绍,三伏天艾灸是明朝(1368-1644)的一种传统中药方剂,即将温热的草药(主要由白芥和干姜组成)制成贴片贴在穴位上。"The therapy was originally used to treat asthma and would leave blisters and marks on acupuncture points on the skin," he said. "But now we have upgraded the formula so that blisters will be reduced while the effects in stimulating acupuncture points are strengthened."他进一步阐述:“三伏灸原用于治疗哮喘,过程中或会在皮肤穴位上留下水疱和烫伤等,但经过现代改良,不仅减少了不适感,更增强了穴位刺激的疗效。”Liu said that sanfu moxibustion is among a series of TCM approaches aimed at enhancing overall health to prepare for the cold season and protect against winter diseases. Components of the patch also vary based on an individual's health condition and local climates.刘清泉院长强调,三伏灸作为中医综合疗法的一环,旨在全面提升体质,“冬病夏治”。其配方根据患者体质差异及地域气候特点灵活调整,确保个性化治疗。"But not all people are suitable. These treatments are recommended for people who tend to suffer asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, allergic rhinitis and recurrent colds, as well as people who have cold hands and feet," he said.“然而,并非所有人都适合。”他建议,哮喘、慢性支气管炎、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、过敏性鼻炎和反复感冒的患者以及手脚冰凉的人更应把握这一调养时机。This year's Chinese lunar calendar points to a longer-than-usual hot period that started on Monday and will last for 40 days.据今年农历推算,自7月15日起,将迎来一个超长版的三伏天,为期四十天,炎热程度或超往年。The Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine said earlier this month that more than 800 medical institutions across the city are certified to deliver sanfu moxibustion services.北京市中医管理局早前透露,全市范围内已有超过800家医疗机构获得资质,可提供专业的三伏灸服务。"The treatment mainly targets people with chronic respiratory illnesses or allergic rhinitis, as well as children, the elderly and those who feel lethargic, catch a cold or cough frequently," it said.该局明确指出,三伏灸主要针对慢性呼吸道疾病或过敏性鼻炎患者,以及小儿、老年人、体虚易感冒、反复咳喘(呼吸道感染)人群。It added that there is a variety of moxibustion plasters, such as a phlegm-dispelling patch used for toddlers aged 2 and above and adults and a cough-relieving patch designed for those aged 4 and above.为满足不同年龄段需求,市场上还推出了多样化的艾灸贴产品,如专为2岁及以上幼儿及成人设计的“温阳化痰穴贴”,以及针对4岁以上儿童及成人的“消喘膏”。It said that all biological products used for sanfu moxibustion therapies should be registered with local drug regulators.管理局强调,所有用于三伏灸的生物制品均须通过当地药品监管部门严格注册。"Medical institutions are forbidden from unreasonably expanding the target population suitable for receiving the treatment for the sake of economic benefits," it said.同时,管理局严正声明,禁止医疗机构出于经济利益考虑,擅自扩大三伏灸的适用范围及人群,更不得使用无中药成分的替代品,如红外贴、磁疗贴等。Hospitals are also banned from using patches that do not contain TCM ingredients, such as infrared patches or magnetic therapy patches, as part of sanfu moxibustion treatment, it said.禁止医院使用不含中药成分的红外贴、磁疗贴等。Zhao Yingwen, a 61-year-old Beijing resident, received his first sanfu moxibustion patch on Monday.7月15日,61岁的北京市民赵英文(Zhao Yingwen,音译)尝试了一块三伏灸。"I heard that the therapy can help relieve allergic rhinitis," he said. "Now that I am retired and have some free time, I decided to give it a shot."他表示:“听说这种疗法可以缓解过敏性鼻炎,现在我已经退休了,有一些空闲时间,我决定试一试。”Zhao said that the doctor asked him about his illness and checked his tongue before issuing a prescription.医生向其询问了病情后,检查了他的舌头,随后开具处方。acupuncture pointsn.穴位infrared adj.红外线的magnetic therapyn.磁疗