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英语新闻︱英国为已故女王伊丽莎白二世举行国葬For the first time in more than two centuries,Westminster Abbey in London was full of mourners for the state funeral of a monarch, as the UnitedKingdom said farewell on Monday to Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigningsovereign in the nation's history.英国19日为已故女王伊丽莎白二世举行国葬,两百年后,伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂再次挤满了前来哀悼的公众。The state funeral was organized after 10 daysof national mourning in the UK after the queen passed away on Sept 8. The lastfuneral for a monarch in the abbey was in 1760, for George II.伊丽莎白二世于8日去世,英国举国哀悼了10天之后举行了国葬。是自1760年英王乔治二世的葬礼以来,首次在威斯敏斯特教堂举行的君主葬礼。Among the 2,000 attendees at the funeral weremembers of the British royal family, UK politicians and foreign leadersincluding United States President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macronand Chinese Vice-President Wang Qishan, who came as President Xi Jinping'sspecial representative and had paid respects to the queen's lying-in-state onSunday evening.英国王室成员、政府官员、外国王室成员和政要等2000多位宾客出席了女王的葬礼,其中包括美国总统拜登和法国总统马克龙。应英国政府邀请,国家主席习近平特别代表、国家副主席王岐山出席葬礼,并于18日晚对女王去世表示哀悼。Over the past four days, hundreds of thousandsof people from across the UK and many other countries filed past the coffin ofthe queen at Westminster Hall, some of them having waited for more than 10 hours.在过去的四天里,不少英国及全球各地的民众在威斯敏斯特宫外排队等待进入瞻仰女王,其中一些民众等候长达十余个小时。The funeral service in the abbey began at 11am, and lasted around an hour. Toward the end of the service at 11:55 am, atwo-minute silence was observed in the UK for the late queen.葬礼从上午11时开始,持续了大约一个小时。上午11时55分,葬礼进入尾声,英国全国默哀两分钟。Outside the abbey, crowds lined up along the3-kilometer route on which the coffin of the queen was transported on the RoyalNavy State Funeral Gun Carriage in a procession from Westminster Abbey and pastBuckingham Palace to Wellington Arch.仪式结束后,女王灵柩由皇家海军炮车护送,队伍从威斯敏斯特教堂出发,经过白金汉宫,抵达惠灵顿拱门。一路上民众排起了长队吊唁女王。The coffin was then taken by hearse to WindsorCastle and buried at St George's Chapel together with her late husband, PrincePhilip, the Duke of Edinburgh.随后,灵柩被送往温莎城堡的圣乔治教堂举行入葬仪式,与女王已故的丈夫菲利普亲王安葬在一起。The passing away of the queen, who was thefirst British monarch to visit China, in 1986, and witnessed the development ofbilateral relations between the two countries, has also reverberated amongthe Chinese community in the UK as well expatriates in China.1986年,伊丽莎白二世对中国进行了为期6天的国事访问,是第一位访华的英国君主,女王见证了中英两国关系的发展。女王的去世也在英国华人社区和英国在华侨民之中引起了反响。记者:邢奕编辑:陈月华mourner英[ˈmɔ:nə(r)];美[ˈmɔrnə(r)]n.哀悼者,悲伤者;悲伤的人,哀伤的人;忏悔者;[拳]眼圈被打得发黑的拳手coffin英[ˈkɒfɪn];美[ˈkɔːfɪn]n.棺材;蹄槽reverberate英[rɪˈvɜ:bəreɪt];美[rɪˈvɜrbəreɪt]vi.回响;弹回;反射vt.使回响;使反射;使回弹expatriate英[ˌeksˈpætriət];美[ˌeksˈpeɪtriət]n.侨民,移居国外者;被逐出国外者