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The first spacecraft to visit China's Tiangong space station this year — the Tianzhou 6 robotic cargo ship — was launched on Wednesday night to transport materials for the next manned missions.5月10日晚,今年首艘造访中国天宫空间站的航天器——天舟六号货运飞船——发射升空,为下一次载人任务运送物资。With the Tianzhou 6 atop, the Long March 7-Y7 carrier rocket blasted off at 9:22 pm at the coastal Wenchang Space Launch Center in the country's southernmost island province of Hainan.晚上9点22分,在海南文昌航天发射场,搭载天舟六号货运飞船的长征七号遥七运载火箭发射升空。After a short flight, the rocket will place Tianzhou 6 into a low-Earth orbit. The three-story cargo ship will then travel a couple of hours to rendezvous with the Tiangong station and then dock with the massive outpost.经过短暂的飞行后,火箭将把天舟六号货运飞船送入近地轨道。这艘有着三层楼高的货运飞船在行驶数小时后与天宫空间站组合体进行交会对接。The cargo vehicle is the ninth vessel to visit the station and the first to do so since the station was completed at the end of 2022.天舟六号是访问中国空间站的第九艘飞船,也自2022年底空间站建成以来第一艘造访空间站的飞船。Tianzhou 6 is carrying about 260 packages with a combined weight of nearly 5.8 metric tons, including supplies to sustain the three-member crew for 280 days. In the food packages, there are about 70 kilograms of fresh fruits, double those carried by the Tianzhou 5.天舟六号载有约260个包裹,总重量近5.8公吨,其中包括三名航天员280天所用的物资。在食品包中,约有70公斤新鲜水果,是天舟五号携带水果重量的两倍。There are 98 packages of scientific equipment, which weigh 714 kikograms and also include spare parts and experimental materials. The payloads will be used in 29 scientific experiments and tests in fields such as life science, biology, fluid physics in microgravity as well as combustion and material sciences.天舟六号载有98件实验样品,重714公斤,其中还包括备件和实验材料。这些产品将用于生命科学、生物学、微重力流体物理与燃烧科学、材料科学等领域的29项科学实验和测试。With a designed life of more than a year, a Tianzhou cargo craft has two parts, a cargo cabin and a propulsion section. The vehicles are 10.6 meters long and 3.35 meters wide.“天舟”飞船设计在轨寿命1年以上,主体包括推进舱和货物舱两部分。飞船全长10.6米,最大直径3.35米。It is the world's best space cargo transporter when it comes to carrying capacity — more than half of its 13.5-ton lift-off weight can be used for payloads, according to designers. Tiangong's current inhabitants — the three members of the Shenzhou XV mission — arrived at the station on Nov 30 to take charge of the massive orbital outpost from the three Shenzhou XIV astronauts.据设计者称,在运载能力方面,天舟六号是世界上最好的太空货物运输工具,它13.5吨的升空重量有一半以上可用于有效载荷。目前生活在天宫空间站的是三名神舟十五号航天员,2022年11月30日,神州十五号乘组进驻空间站并与神舟十四号乘组进行交接轮换。At present, the Shenzhou XV astronauts — mission commander Major General Fei Junlong, Senior Colonel Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu — have conducted four spacewalks to mount equipment required for extravehicular scientific experiments and technological demonstrations.目前,由费俊龙、邓清明和张陆组成的神舟十五号航天员乘组已经进行了四次太空行走任务,挂载出舱科学实验和技术论证所需的设备。Spacecraft英/ˈspeɪskrɑːft/ 美/ˈspeɪskræft/n.宇宙飞船,航天器Extravehicular英/ˌekstrəvəˈhɪkjələ(r)/ 美/ˌekstrəviˈhɪkjələr/adj.太空船外的;舱外的