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Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work is proceeding well in Wuchang, Heilongjiang province, minimizing the impact of the recent flooding, especially on local farmers' livelihoods, according to senior officials.据高级官员称,黑龙江省五常市的灾后恢复和重建工作进展顺利,最大限度地减少了近期洪灾的影响,尤其是对当地农民生计的影响。Vice-Premier Liu Guozhong outlined the work that needed to be done when he made a research trip to Wuchang on Sunday and Monday.国务院副总理刘国中在8月13、14日前往五常市调研时概述了需要开展的工作。"It is necessary to organize water drainage in affected fields as soon as possible, send experts to guide farmers to carry out scientific production and self-recovery, and strive to reduce disaster losses," Liu said.刘国中说:“要抓紧抢排受灾田块积水,组织专家深入田间地头,指导农民科学开展生产自救,努力减轻灾害损失。”"It is also necessary to promptly repair damaged farmland, water conservancy and other infrastructure to ensure faster recovery of agricultural production."“要迅速修复受损农田、水利等基础设施,保障农业生产加快恢复。”Liu urged local governments to disperse agricultural disaster relief funds as soon as possible, settle insurance claims in a timely way, optimize credit services, and provide targeted help and support for affected business entities and farmers.刘国中敦促要尽快落实农业救灾资金,及时做好保险理赔,优化信贷服务,为新型经营主体和普通农户提供针对性帮助支持。Lying in the lower reaches of the Songhua River in the south of Heilongjiang, Wuchang, a county-level city in Harbin, was hard-hit by the floods.五常市位于黑龙江南部松花江下游,是哈尔滨市的一个县级市,也是此次洪灾的重灾区。According to statistics provided by the city's agricultural and rural department, Wuchang has over 168,660 hectares of arable land used for growing rice, of which around 66,660 hectares have been affected by the flooding to different degrees. That is equivalent to almost 40 percent of the city's arable land.根据该市农业和农村部门提供的统计数据,五常市用于种植水稻的耕地面积超过168,660公顷,其中约有66,660公顷受到不同程度的洪灾影响。这相当于全市耕地面积的近40%。Wuchang rice is famous for its unique flavor and texture, and is grown in fertile black soil. The province's large temperature variances between day and night help produce rice that is high in starch and low in moisture, resulting in a firm, chewy texture.五常大米以其独特的风味和口感而闻名,生长在肥沃的黑土地上。该省昼夜温差大,有助于生产高淀粉、低水分的大米,从而使大米口感结实、有嚼劲。Wuchang's rice yield was 700,000 metric tons last year.五常去年的水稻产量为70万吨。"The flooded area is mainly located in low-lying land on the riversides," Wang Shouxin, director of Wuchang Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau told state broadcaster China Central Television on Sunday. "Most of the high-yield paddy land is not seriously affected," he said, adding that there were no specific statistics yet on production reduction and failure.8月13日,五常市农业农村局局长王守新告诉中国中央电视台,“受淹地区主要位于江边低洼地带。”他说,“大部分高产水稻田受灾不严重。”他补充说,目前还没有关于减产和歉收的具体统计数据。In recent days, local governments have organized the draining of water from flooded fields. As of Monday, drainage work on 28,000 hectares of land had been completed.近日,当地政府组织了排涝工作。截至14日,已完成28000公顷土地的排水工作。In seriously affected areas, farmers are spraying foliar fertilizer to accelerate crop growth and increase grain weight. A technical assistance group has been dispatched to affected areas to give guidance on the resumption of production.在严重受灾地区,农民正在喷洒叶面肥,以加快作物生长,增加粮食重量。一个灾后技术指导组已被派往灾区,指导恢复生产。About 70 percent of the arable land in Wuchang has agricultural insurance, and insurance companies are currently assessing the impact of the disaster and registering claims.五常市约70%的耕地购买了农业保险,目前保险公司正在评估灾害影响并进行理赔登记。"We will immediately make an emergency prepayment plan, which means that for large losses of land, we will make a partial payment in advance to the farmers," said Yang Guanghui, manager of the Wuchang branch of China Pacific Property Insurance. "We will make sure that the compensation is paid quickly."中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司五常支公司经理杨光辉表示:“我们马上出台一个紧急的预赔预案,也就是说针对损失较大的绝产地块,我们先预赔给农户一部分,一定做到应赔尽赔快赔。”Last year, Heilongjiang saw a grain harvest of 77.63 million tons, accounting for 11.3 percent of the national yield, according to National Bureau of Statistics data.根据国家统计局的数据,去年黑龙江省粮食产量为7763万吨,占全国产量的11.3%。Although the province has been affected by heavy rainfall recently, very few low-lying plots of Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group have been affected, Heilongjiang's Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department said on Monday.8月14日,黑龙江省农业农村厅表示,虽然该省近期受到强降雨影响,但北大荒农垦集团的极少数低洼地块受到影响。After the flood, experts inspected the group's seedlings and found the three main crops — rice, corn and soybean — are growing normally, with good harvest conditions.洪灾过后,专家对该集团的秧苗进行了检查,发现水稻、玉米和大豆三大作物生长正常,收成情况良好。The company has nearly 3.1 million hectares of arable land, including 1.53 million hectares for growing rice.该公司拥有近310万公顷耕地,其中153万公顷用于种植水稻。"Before the arrival of the heavy rainfall, we had dredged canals, bridges and culverts in the farmland in advance, reduced the storage capacity of the reservoirs and prepared sufficient materials to ensure an effective response after the disaster," said Liang Daoman, general manager of the agricultural development department of the group.据北大荒集团农业发展部总经理梁道满介绍,此次强降雨到来前,北大荒集团各级单位和农场有限公司提前疏通了水渠、桥涵,降低水库库容,准备了充足的物资,启动了应急预案,确保灾情发生后有效应对。"The group organized disaster prevention and reduction expert teams to carry out technical guidance in the farmlands.“集团防灾减灾专家组深入一线开展技术指导。”"Professional workers have been sent to drain water, carry out aviation operations to prevent diseases and pests, and add nutritional elements to promote the normal growth of crops," he said. "We are striving to minimize losses and achieve a bumper harvest."梁道满表示:“业务人员第一时间踏查灾情,集中力量抢排积水;统筹调度农用飞机开展航化作业,防病虫害、补充营养元素,促进作物正常生长发育,尽最大努力将损失降到最低,实现丰产丰收。”Recovery英/rɪˈkʌvəri/美/rɪˈkʌvəri/n.恢复,复苏Drainage英/ˈdreɪnɪdʒ/ 美/ˈdreɪnɪdʒ/n.排水,排泄