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President Xi Jinping will host heads of state from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan on Thursday and Friday in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, for the China-Central Asia Summit, a milestone event that is expected to boost the countries' economic cooperation and jointly tackle the region's security challenges at a higher level.5月18日至19日,中国—中亚峰会将在陕西省西安市举行。中国国家主席习近平将主持峰会,哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦与乌兹别克斯坦六国元首将出席峰会,这届峰会将会是一个里程碑式的活动,有望促进中国与中亚国家的经济合作,共同在更高水平上应对地区安全相关挑战。The summit takes place against the backdrop of the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, mounting geopolitical competition and the ongoing Ukraine crisis.这次中国—中亚峰会是在新冠疫情持续影响、地缘政治紧张日渐加剧、乌克兰危机延宕的背景下举办的,It is also taking place as the G7 Summit is due to be held from Friday to Sunday in Hiroshima, Japan. The G7 member states are expected to issue a statement on "economic security" that is likely to highlight issues such as countering China's so-called "economic coercion" and ending "dependence" on China in fields such as semiconductors and critical minerals.5月19日至21日,七国集团峰会将在日本广岛举行。成员国将发表一份关于“经济安保”的声明,强调反制中国所谓的“经济胁迫”,并在半导体、关键矿物等领域摆脱对中国的“依赖”等问题。Analysts said that the two summits would differ greatly in their outlook and approach.分析人士表示,中国—中亚峰会和七国集团峰会的展望和途径将大相径庭。They said that the G7 Summit would see Western nations, led by the United States, strive to build small circles that would further divide the international community and even create confrontation.分析人士表示,在七国集团峰会上,西方国家将以美国为首,力图打造小圈子,进一步分化国际社会,甚至制造对立。In marked contrast, the China-Central Asia Summit will help to strengthen solidarity and cooperation among countries in promoting economic recovery as well as regional peace and stability.与此形成鲜明对比的是,在促进经济复苏、地区和平稳定方面。中国—中亚峰会将有助于加强各国的团结合作。Mariam Shah, an independent researcher of conflict studies and military psychology in Islamabad, Pakistan, said that the Xi'an summit shows China's successful diplomatic efforts and growing regional influence by establishing comprehensive strategic partnerships with all five Central Asian countries, demonstrating high levels of trust and cooperation.巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡冲突研究和军事心理学独立研究员玛丽亚姆·沙阿表示,在西安峰会上,通过与中亚五国建立全面战略伙伴关系,中国展示了外交成果和不断扩大的地区影响力,体现了高度信任和合作。Head-of-state diplomacy enhances mutual trust, establishes cooperation mechanisms, and overcomes political obstacles, Shah said.玛丽亚姆·沙阿说,元首外交增进了互相信任,建立了合作机制,克服了政治障碍。"One of the most important highlights is President Xi's active involvement and personal engagement in the summit, highlighting China's commitment to strengthening ties with Central Asian countries."“最重要的亮点之一是习主席亲自积极参与了峰会,这凸显了中国加强与中亚国家关系的努力。”At a virtual summit last year commemorating the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Central Asian countries, the presidents of the six countries jointly announced the building of a China-Central Asia community with a shared future, and the China-Central Asia cooperation mechanism came into being, characterized by openness, transparency, mutual benefit, equality, reciprocity and real results.2022年,在中国同中亚五国建交30周年视频峰会上,六国元首共同宣布打造中国—中亚命运共同体,中国同中亚合作机制应运而生,公开透明、互利共赢、平等互惠、务实管用。Addressing the virtual event, Xi said that the key to successful cooperation between China and the five Central Asian countries is their abiding commitment to mutual respect, good-neighborly friendship, solidarity in trying times and mutual benefit.习近平总书记在线上峰会中表示,中国同中亚五国30年合作的成功密码,在于我们始终相互尊重、睦邻友好、同舟共济、互利共赢。The Foreign Ministry has said that during the Xi'an summit, the presidents of the six countries will exchange views on the development of the China-Central Asia mechanism, cooperation in various sectors and major international and regional issues of common interest, draw up a new blueprint for China-Central Asia relations and usher in a new era for cooperation between the two sides.外交部表示,中国—中亚峰会期间,各国领导人将就中国—中亚机制建设、各类合作以及共同关心的重大国际和地区问题深入交换意见,制定中亚关系新蓝图,开启中亚合作新时代。Fruitful outcomes in political, economic and security areas are expected as the participants seek new cooperation agreements.随着六国元首探寻新的合作协议,预计政治、经济和安全领域将取得丰硕成果。Shakhrat Nuryshev, the Kazakh ambassador to China, said that the primary objective of the summit is to initiate a new stage of cooperation between Central Asian countries and China.哈萨克斯坦驻华大使努雷舍夫表示,这次峰会的首要目标是开启中国与中亚国家合作的新阶段。"An important point is that the Central Asian region is seen here as an integral entity, not divided into five separate nations, but rather engaging with China in unity in the spirit of neighborly friendship. Therefore, we keenly anticipate it," Nuryshev said in an article published on the website of China Global Television Network.努雷舍夫在接受中国环球电视网采访时表示:“重要的是,中亚地区在这里被视为一个整体,没有被分成五个独立的国家,而是本着睦邻友好的精神与中国团结起来。因此,我们热切期待参加峰会。”BRI collaboration一带一路合作Central Asia is where the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed, and it is also one of the regions to have reaped the early fruits of the initiative.中亚是“一带一路”的首倡之地,也是共建“一带一路”集中取得早期收获的主要地区之一。China's trade with the five countries increased to $70.2 billion in 2022 from $460 million in 1992, when China established diplomatic ties with the nations.中国与中亚五国的贸易总额从1992年建交时的4.6亿美元一直增长到2022年的702亿美元。Investment cooperation has also benefited all sides. As of the end of March, China's direct investment stock in the five Central Asian countries stood at over $15 billion. The cumulative turnover of completed projects reached $63.9 billion, according to the Ministry of Commerce.投资合作也让多方受益。截至3月底,中国对中亚五国直接投资存量超过150亿美元。商务部表示,累计完成工程承包营业额达到639亿美元。The summit in Xi'an, historically known as Chang'an, the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, will further build up the consensus between China and the Central Asian countries on high-quality development of the Belt and Road, and enable them to continue to act as the pacesetter of BRI cooperation, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular news conference on Tuesday.外交部发言人汪文斌在5月16日的例行新闻发布会上表示,此次中国—中亚峰会在古丝绸之路起点西安举行,将进一步凝聚中国和中亚国家高质量共建“一带一路”的共识,助力双方继续做共建“一带一路”的先行者。Summit英/ˈsʌmɪt/ 美/ˈsʌmɪt/n.(政府间的)首脑会议