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英语新闻︱彭州山洪酿悲剧,出游风险意识不容放松The safety of tourists visiting unregulated scenic spots prone to flash flooding has become a matter of public issue following the tragic death of seven people, and the injury of eight others, in a flash flood at a scenic spot in Sichuan province.四川彭州市龙门山镇龙漕沟突发山洪,致7人罹难、8人轻伤。龙槽沟属于未开发景区,易发生山洪灾害,此类“野景区”的安全问题随之成为公众关注的焦点。At about 3:30 pm on Saturday, a flash flood hit Longcao valley, a popular tourist spot in Longmenshan town, Pengzhou, which is administered by Sichuan provincial capital, Chengdu. Several tourists were unable to escape before the flood hit.8月13日15点30分许,四川省成都市彭州市龙门山镇龙漕沟区域突发山洪,导致群众被困。In the wake of the tragedy, tourists have been cautioned against visiting mountainous locations susceptible to flash flooding during the summer flood season.悲剧发生后,有关部门告诫游客切勿在汛期前往易发生山洪等山地灾害的旅游景区。"Mountain climates are very complicated. There can often be heavy rain at the top of a mountain and clear weather below. This can sometimes lead to flash floods or mudslides that people lower down the mountain have no clue are coming," Xie Hong, a researcher from the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told China Science Daily.“山区气候条件非常复杂,经常出现山上下雨、山下无雨的情况。有时候山上已经暴发了山洪或泥石流,而山下的人还根本不知情。”中国科学院山地灾害与环境研究所研究员谢洪在接受《中国科学报》采访时说。Xie said that although people know to avoid certain areas in the mountains during heavy rain, greater awareness is needed.谢洪表示,虽然“下雨天不进山”是人们的共识,但人们仍需要提高安全意识。When it rains, slopes become prone to instability and to disasters such as flash floods, mudslides, rockslides, landslides and cave-ins, he said.谢洪指出,下雨时山体坡面容易不稳定,除山洪、泥石流外,滚石、滑坡、崩塌这一类灾害也时常发生。Longcao valley experiences frequent weather fluctuations, with rain often falling higher up on the mountain. As a result of its location in the heart of the Longmen Mountains, it is difficult for rescue workers to arrive in time in the event of a disaster, said Long Chengyan, Party chief of Xiaoyudong community, whose jurisdiction includes the valley.龙门山镇小鱼洞社区党委书记龙成艳表示,由于龙漕沟地处龙门山山区核心地带,气候变化非常大,经常出现山上降雨山下无雨的情况,如果发生险情救援力量难以及时到达。According to villagers, the flash flood hit within seconds.据村民介绍,山洪仅用了几秒钟便席卷而来。Xie said that although the warnings are clearly posted at such places, some people are quick to forget about such tragedies.谢洪说,虽然龙漕沟明确树立了安全警示牌,但游客很快便忘记了此地发生过的悲剧。He suggested teaching a better understanding of the way weather behaves in the mountains in schools, so that awareness of potential danger is ingrained at a young age.谢洪建议,国家应该加强对中小学生山地灾害方面的科普,让孩子们从小树立起安全意识。"Tragedies like this can be avoided," he said.“这场悲剧本可以避免的!”谢洪说。According to the Pengzhou city emergency management bureau, floods in 2015 and 2017 destroyed more than 100 meters of the river bank in the valley.彭州市应急管理局表示,龙漕沟曾于2015年和2017年爆发两次山洪,造成护堤被冲毁100余米。Longmenshan is popular with Chengdu residents for its cool weather and cold water in summer, and clear warnings had been set up on the river bank and along nearby streams to dissuade tourists from going down to the water.龙门山因气候和水源条件,长期受到成都市民的青睐。河岸和周边溪流均已设置了禁止下河的警示牌。Recently, Longcao valley has been widely touted on social media platforms as an "Instagramable" location and niche holiday resort.最近,龙漕沟在社交平台上被推荐为“网红打卡地”和小众避暑胜地Many bloggers have posted pictures of the valley's beautiful scenery and their trips on recommendation platforms like Xiao Hong Shu and Dazhong Dianping and short video platforms like Douyin, encouraging people to visit.此前在小红书、大众点评、抖音等平台上,许多博主会发布龙漕沟的风景和在此地的旅行照,推荐大家来龙漕沟游玩。After the incident, many platforms removed Longcao valley from their recommendation lists, and now searches for the valley on some social media platforms return warnings about "traveling safely "and "staying away from dangerous areas".悲剧发生后,许多平台下架了龙漕沟相关推荐,现在在一些社交平台上搜索龙漕沟,会出现“旅游出行,安全第一”和“切勿在危险地方逗留、游玩”的安全提示。Xu Guilin, a lawyer from Beijing, told Beijing Youth Daily that the platforms are obliged to issue safety alerts and to review content before publishing posts about high-risk tourist spots. Publishers are also obliged to remind viewers of risks in video content, otherwise, both the platform and the publisher incur certain liabilities.北京市时代九和律师事务所合伙人许桂林律师在接受《北京青年报》采访时表示,对未经过商业开发且存在高风险的旅游景点,平台有安全提醒义务和内容审核义务。发布者在发布视频时也有提醒广大观众风险的义务。若均未做出风险提示,平台及发布者均存在一定侵权责任。"The only thing we can do is to advise people to avoid going to mountains during the flood and rainy season. If parents still want to take their children to the mountains to play in the water to cool off, it is better they choose regulated scenic spots. These places have usually been evaluated by safety experts and will have some protection or rescue measures in place. It is better to avoid unattended scenic spots," researcher Xie said.谢洪说:“我们唯一能做的就是,劝诫身边的人,汛期、雨季最好不进山。如果非要带孩子戏水纳凉,可以到一些政府允许开放的景区、水上项目等。因为这些地方通常有专家做过评估论证,而且相应的会有一些防护和救援措施,像网红推荐的野游地就别去了。”记者:罗望舒黄志凌对本文亦有贡献mudslide英[ˈmʌdslaɪd];美[ˈmʌdˌslaɪd]n. (沿缓坡而下的)徐缓黏滞泥流,泥流;泥石流cave-in英[ˈkeɪvˌɪn];美[ˈkevˌɪn]n. 塌陷;坍塌ingrain英[ɪn'greɪn];美[ɪn'greɪn]vt. 生染,就原料染色,使根深蒂固adj. 生染的,根深蒂固的n. 生染的纤维,原料染色,本质