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英语新闻|习近平主席开启沙特之行Unity and collaboration between China and Arab nations is set for a significant boost after President Xi Jinping arrived in Saudi Arabia's capital, Riyadh, on Wednesday for a state visit.12月7日,国家主席习近平抵达沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得,对沙特进行国事访问,这将极大促进中国和阿拉伯国家之间的团结与合作。During his four-day Middle East trip, Xi will attend two important conferences — the first China-Arab States Summit and the first summit of the China and Gulf Cooperation Council.在为期四天的中东之行中,习近平将出席两场重要会议——首届中国-阿拉伯国家峰会、中国-海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会峰会。China and Saudi Arabia are good friends, partners and brothers, Xi said in written remarks upon his arrival on Wednesday.“中国和沙特阿拉伯是好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟。”习近平在12月7日抵达沙特后发表的署名文章中写道。The two sides have always understood and supported each other over the past 32 years, during which strategic mutual trust has been consolidated and pragmatic cooperation has yielded fruitful results, Xi added.习近平说,32年来,双方始终相互理解、相互支持,战略互信不断增强,务实合作取得丰硕成果。As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic and challenges to a global economic recovery, China and Arab countries will use Xi's visit to step up support for each other's self-reliant development, bolster post-pandemic prosperity, and advance peace and stability in the region, observers said.观察人士认为,在当前国际社会应对新冠肺炎疫情、全球经济复苏面临挑战的情况下,中国和阿拉伯国家将以习近平的访问为契机,加强对彼此自主发展的支持,促进疫情后的繁荣,促进地区和平与稳定。The China-Arab States Summit is the first opportunity for face-to-face communication between leaders since the outbreak of the pandemic, Chinese consul-general in Dubai, Li Xuhang, told local media. It is also the first major multilateral diplomatic event co-chaired by China after the conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October, he added.中国驻迪拜总领事李旭航在接受当地媒体采访时表示,中国-阿拉伯国家峰会是疫情以来中阿领导人首次面对面交流的机会。他补充说,更是继中共二十大成功举办后,由中方作为共同主办方之一的第一场重大多边外交活动。"The summit constitutes a major diplomatic action of the largest scale and highest protocols intended for the Arab world since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and will become a milestone in the history of China-Arab ties," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Wednesday.12月7日,外交部发言人毛宁表示:“习近平主席出席首届中国—阿拉伯国家峰会,是新中国成立以来中国面向阿拉伯世界规模最大、规格最高的外交行动,将成为中阿关系发展史上具有划时代意义的里程碑。”The two sides will map out a blueprint for future cooperation, and render each other firm support, promote common development and defend multilateralism, Mao said.毛宁表示,双方将共绘未来合作蓝图,坚定相互支持、促进共同发展、维护多边主义。In the first nine months of this year, bilateral trade was $319.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 35 percent, according to a report issued by the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday.根据外交部发布的报告,2022年前三季度,中阿贸易额达3193亿美元,同比增长35%。In addition to constantly deepening collaboration on traditional energy, the two sides have also made breakthroughs in "high-end, cutting-edge technology domains", such as 5G telecommunication, nuclear power, aerospace and satellite technology, according to the report.《新时代的中阿合作报告》显示,除了不断深化传统能源合作外,中国同阿拉伯国家在5G通信、核能、航天卫星等高新领域合作取得突破。Yu Zirong, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said economic and trade cooperation between China and Arab countries has witnessed remarkable achievements since the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was founded in 2004, and the introduction of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013.商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院副院长俞子荣表示,2004年中阿合作论坛成立以来,尤其是“一带一路”倡议以来,中阿经贸合作全面深入发展,取得显著成果。"The two sides should intensify efforts in advancing negotiation on a China-GCC free trade zone, further optimize the trade structure between them, tap into emerging areas for investment, and upgrade their collaboration on infrastructure," Yu said.“未来,中阿双方应大力推进中国-海合会自由贸易区谈判,进一步优化贸易结构,拓展新兴领域投资,促进基础设施合作转型升级。”俞子荣说。The Gulf Cooperation Council, which was founded in 1981, consists of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. China established relations with the grouping in 1981.海湾合作委员会成立于1981年,由巴林、科威特、阿曼、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国组成。中国于1981年与该委员会建立了关系。In recent years, two-way cooperation on the economy, trade, finance, energy, technology and culture has rapidly increased. The two sides started negotiation on a free trade agreement in 2004.近年来,在经济、贸易、金融、能源、技术和文化方面的双向合作迅速增加。双方于2004年开始就自由贸易协定进行谈判。The upcoming China-GCC Summit will be the first time that leaders of China and GCC countries gather in person to discuss future plans.即将举行的中国-海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会峰会将是中国和海合会国家领导人第一次齐聚一堂,共商中海关系大计The summit is expected to carry forward the China-GCC traditional friendship, enrich strategic China-GCC ties and lift relations to a higher level, said Mao, the spokeswoman.外交部发言人毛宁表示,相信本届峰会将赓续中海友好传统,进一步充实中海关系战略内涵,推动中海关系迈上新台阶。Wang Guangda, secretary-general of the China-Arab Research Center on Reform and Development and a professor at Shanghai International Studies University said, "China's presence in the Middle East region is not to fill a geopolitical blank there, but to promote peace, facilitate dialogues and achieve common development".中阿改革发展研究中心秘书长、上海外国语大学教授王广大指出,“中国在中东地区不是在地缘政治上寻求填补空白,而是劝和促谈,共同发展。”Xi arrived in Riyadh on Wednesday for his second visit to Saudi Arabia since 2016.习近平于12月7日抵达利雅得,这是习近平主席继2016之后时隔6年再次访问沙特。The Saudi Press Agency said on Tuesday the visit will "bolster historic ties and strategic partnership between the two countries".“习主席的访问反映了沙特与中国领导人加强两国之间的历史关系和战略伙伴关系。”沙特通讯社评论道。Currently, China is the top trade partner of Saudi Arabia and the Middle Eastern country is China's largest source of oil imports.目前,中国是沙特第一大贸易伙伴,沙特是中国第一大石油进口来源国。"In recent years, the two countries have jointly advanced the synergy of the Belt and Road Initiative with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 blueprint, and they have achieved fruitful outcomes, benefiting the people of both countries," Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chen Weiqing said in an article published last month.“近年来,双方共同推进共建“一带一路”倡议同“2030愿景”对接,取得丰硕成果,造福两国人民。”驻沙特大使陈伟庆在沙特媒体发表的署名文章中写道。During his visit, President Xi will hold talks with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud to "exchange views on bilateral ties and issues of common concern, taking China-Saudi Arabia comprehensive strategic partnership to a higher level", said Mao.外交部发言人毛宁表示,访问期间,习近平主席将同萨勒曼国王和穆罕默德王储兼首相就中沙双边关系及共同关心的问题深入交换意见,推动中沙全面战略伙伴关系向更高水平迈进。People in Saudi Arabia have high expectations for the leaders' meetings as cultural exchanges and economic cooperation have made solid progress, especially under the BRI.随着文化交流和经济合作取得坚实进展,特别是在“一带一路”倡议下,沙特阿拉伯人民对两国领导人峰会寄予厚望。Yousef Al Balushi, a sales and marketing director in Riyadh, said China's development has been beneficial for the region. It represents the future, and many local parents want their children to study Chinese, he said.利雅得的销售和市场总监尤塞夫·巴卢什表示,中国的发展对阿拉伯地区有利。他说,中国代表着未来,许多当地家长希望孩子学习中文。Mark Refaat, an engineer working on a hotel project in Riyadh, said they have just finished a large complex in the capital, which features Chinese quarters among others. He added that China's infrastructure strength is impressive.在利雅得从事酒店项目的工程师马克·雷法特表示,他们刚刚在首都完成了一个大型综合建筑,其中包括中国公寓。他补充说,中国的基础设施实力令人印象深刻。Render英 [ˈrendə(r)]  美 [ˈrendər]V. 给予Aerospace英 [ˈeərəʊspeɪs]  美 [ˈeroʊspeɪs]n.航空航天Synergy 英 [ˈsɪnədʒi]  美 [ˈsɪnərdʒi]n.协同作用