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The curtain came down on the 2024 Paris Olympic Games early this morning Beijing time. Chinese athletes have grabbed more gold medals than they obtained in the previous Games in Tokyo.北京时间8月12日凌晨时分,2024年巴黎奥运会落下帷幕。与上届东京奥运会相比,中国运动员在本届活动中赢得的金牌数量有增无减。What is even more impressive is the sportsmanship they displayed in the competition fields. Medals are valued by athletes and the countries they represent, but it is the demonstrations of the sporting spirit that capture people's hearts and remain in memories.比起这一成就,他们在赛场上表现出的体育精神更令人印象深刻。虽然运动员和他们所代表的国家都十分珍视这些奖牌,但是真正触动人心、被人们长久铭记的,是对体育精神的诠释。  And while many athletes did not win a medal, they did not leave the Olympics empty-handed. The applause the audiences gave them when they tried their utmost for the best possible results was recognition that they gave it their all for their nation.。并且,尽管许多运动员没能赢得金牌,但他们并没有空手而归。当他们竭尽全力,在赛场上取得最佳成绩时,台下雷动的掌声正是对他们全力以赴、为国争光的认可。  When Chinese table tennis player Fan Zhendong beat his Japanese counterpart Harimoto Tomokazu in the quarter-final of the men's singles competition, both players presented a wonderful match for the audience. Tomokazu, although eliminated, got credit for the perseverance he displayed. Chinese player Fan, when he lost the first two rounds, instead of losing heart, mustered his courage and played to the best of his skills and finally won the match. What the two players exhibited is the will to push themselves to new heights.在乒乓球男单1/4决赛中,中国乒乓球运动员樊振东击败日本选手张本智和,两位选手共同为观众呈现了一场精彩绝伦的比赛。尽管张本智和未能晋级,但他所展现的坚韧不拔赢得了赞誉。中国选手樊振东在输掉前两局后并没有气馁,而是鼓起勇气,发挥出自己的最佳水平,最终赢得了比赛。两位选手所展现的,是不断挑战自我,追求更高境界的意志。Fan is one of the many Chinese athletes, who pushed themselves to personal bests to get the better of their rivals in matches. Many of them were born in the early 2000s. Chinese tennis player Zheng Qinwen was born in 2002, and she powered her way to the final, and won the gold medal, the first one of its kind for China and Asia as well.樊振东是许多杰出的中国运动员之一,他们勇于挑战自我、突破极限,在赛场上发挥出了最佳水平,他们中的许多人出生于2000年之后。2002年出生的中国网球选手郑钦文一路开足马力冲进决赛,成为了中国第一位,也是亚洲第一位在此项目上赢得金牌的选手。Swimmer Pan Zhanle, 20 years old, shattered his own world record in the men's 100-meter freestyle final with a time of 46.40 seconds to win gold, becoming the first Asian swimmer to win the men's 100m freestyle Olympic gold medal since the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics.今年20岁的游泳选手潘展乐,在男子100米自由泳决赛中以46秒40的成绩打破了他自己保持的世界纪录,夺得金牌,他成为自1932年洛杉矶奥运会以来,首位在该项目上赢得金牌的亚洲选手。  Despite the fabrication of a dope scandal to stigmatize Chinese athletes by some from the United States, that flew in the face of the most intensive testing of Chinese athletes, the Chinese swimmers' excellent performance won the applause of the global audience, gaining credit for themselves and the country as well.尽管一些美国人无视中国运动员们接受着最密集的药检这一事实,仍试图捏造嗑药丑闻以抹黑中国,中国游泳运动员们的精彩表现还是赢得了全世界的喝彩,为自己和国家赢得了荣誉。  Not only did Chinese athletes compete to the best of their ability and skills, they also displayed the Olympic Spirit by exhibiting goodwill for their rivals before and after the matches. It was very moving when Chinese badminton player He Bingjiao held up a miniature badge of Spanish flag while receiving her Olympic silver medal on the podium. She would not have reached the final with that ease had her strong Spanish opponent in the semifinal not quit due to injury.中国运动员不仅在赛场表现了他们的最强实力,也通过在赛前赛后向对手表达善意展现了奥林匹克精神。当中国羽毛球选手何冰娇获得银牌时,她举起一个西班牙国旗的迷你徽章登上领奖台,这一举动令人为之动容。如果不是她的劲敌——西班牙选手在半决赛中因伤退赛,她晋级决赛之路会更加艰难。In sports without the distortion of politicization, friendship prevails.当竞技体育摆脱政治操弄,友谊便是主旋律。Stigmatizev.侮辱,污蔑Dopen.麻醉剂,毒品;(兴奋剂等)体育比赛的违禁药物Scandaln.丑闻