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Beijing underlined at high-level talks on Wednesday the urgency for China and the United Kingdom to show mutual respect, jointly tackle weather global challenges and spur two-way trade and investment.8月30日中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅在北京同英国外交发展大臣克莱弗利举行的会谈上强调,中英两国迫切需要相互尊重,共同应对全球天气挑战,促进双向贸易和投资。Vice-President Han Zheng and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met separately in Beijing with visiting UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs James Cleverly.国家副主席韩正和外交部长王毅在北京分别会见了来访的英国外交发展大臣克莱弗利。Cleverly's official visit to China on Wednesday was the first by an incumbent UK foreign secretary to the country in five years.克莱弗利此次对中国进行的正式访问是英国现任外交大臣五年来首次访华。Observers noted that keywords such as "global" and "communication" demonstrated the common ground shared by both sides at the meeting, reflecting goodwill expressed by both sides to repair their strained ties.观察家们注意到,“全球”和“沟通”等关键词表明了双方在会晤中的共同点,反映了双方为修复紧张关系所表达的善意。Vice-President Han is no stranger to the British political community, as he attended the coronation ceremony of King Charles III and related activities as President Xi Jinping's special representative in May.韩正副主席对英国政界并不陌生,今年5月,他作为习近平主席的特别代表出席了英国国王查理三世的加冕仪式及相关活动。Speaking to Cleverly, he noted that China and the UK have had ambassadorial-level diplomatic relations for more than half a century and "have achieved positive results in practical cooperation in various fields".他在会见克莱弗利时表示,中英建立大使级外交关系半个多世纪,各领域务实合作取得积极成果。He underlined the two nations' shared identities: permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and major global economies.并强调了两国的共同身份:联合国安理会常任理事国和世界主要经济体。In the face of risks and challenges in the current international situation, China and the UK "should uphold the spirit of mutual respect and win-win cooperation, take care of each other's core interests and major concerns, maintain communication in international and regional affairs, and jointly promote world peace and development".面对当前国际形势的风险和挑战,中英两国“要秉持相互尊重、合作共赢精神,照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切,在国际和地区事务中保持沟通,共同推动世界和平与发展。”China has long been among the UK's largest export markets. Last year, China was the UK's second-largest trading partner in goods imports and its fifth-largest in goods exports, according to the UK Office for National Statistics.长期以来,中国一直是英国最大的出口市场之一。根据英国国家统计局的数据,去年中国是英国第二大货物进口贸易伙伴和第五大货物出口贸易伙伴。This year, the UK is the Guest Country of Honor for the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services, which is scheduled to open this weekend in Beijing.今年,英国是定于本周末在北京开幕的2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会的主宾国。During the meeting, Han also noted that economic and trade cooperation is the basis for the sound and stable development of China-UK relations.韩正在会谈中还指出,经贸合作是中英关系健康稳定发展的基础。He called on the two governments to "create an enabling business environment for enterprises and actively explore new growth points for pragmatic cooperation".两国政府要为企业创造良好营商环境,积极探索务实合作新增长点。Cleverly said that China is a key power with global influence and is increasingly playing an important role in international governance.克莱弗利表示,中国是具有全球影响力的重要大国,在国际治理中日益发挥重要作用。The UK appreciates China's important contribution to the world economy and poverty reduction, and is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges and strategic communication with China to build consensus and deepen cooperation, he added.英国赞赏中国对世界经济和减贫事业作出的重要贡献,愿同中国加强高层交往和战略沟通,凝聚共识,深化合作。In his meeting with Cleverly, Foreign Minister Wang said that the UK foreign secretary's visit reflected the importance and positive attitude he attaches to ties with China, and said the two countries "should conduct and step up regular exchanges in various fields".王毅在会见克莱弗利时说,英国外交大臣此次访问体现了对中国的重视和对华的积极姿态,中英应当开展并加强各方面的正常交往。London should "respect China's core interests and faithfully honor the one-China policy", he said, adding that the two countries should jointly champion world peace and stability, step up macro policy coordination and promote dialogue among cultures.他指出,英方应切实尊重中方核心利益,恪守一个中国政策。并强调“作为历史文化大国,理应加强交流互鉴,倡导文明对话,为人类社会减少隔阂冲突发挥建设性作用。”The visit was made at a time when relations have been overshadowed by London's recent policy agenda and comments regarding topics such as Xinjiang, Taiwan and Hong Kong.此次访问正值中英关系因英方近期有关新疆、台湾和香港等议题的政策议程和言论而蒙上阴影之际。Ahead of his visit, Cleverly said, "No significant global problem—from climate change to pandemic prevention, from economic instability to nuclear proliferation—can be solved without China."克莱弗里在访问前说:“任何重大的全球性问题,从气候变化到大流行病预防,从经济不稳定到核扩散的解决都离不开中国。”Many officials and policy watchers have spoken out and urged the UK not to be misled by voices advocating "decoupling" or "de-risking".许多官员和政策观察家纷纷发表言论,敦促英国不要被“脱钩”或“去风险”的主张所误导。They also said it is key for London to take tangible actions to repair trust with Beijing while seeking greater benefits in trade and investment.他们还表示,关键是伦敦要采取切实行动,修复与中国政府的信任,同时在贸易和投资方面寻求更大的利益。Rebecca Choong Wilkins, Asia government and politics correspondent for Bloomberg News, said in an article that, "It may be now or never for the UK to repair its battered relationship with the world's second-largest economy."彭博新闻社亚洲政府与政治记者丽贝卡-琼-威尔金斯(Rebecca Choong Wilkins)在一篇文章中说:“对于英国来说,现在是修复它与世界第二大经济体之间紧张关系的最佳时机,否则就没有机会了。”Tian Dewen, deputy director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, said that "China-UK cooperation is expected to play a positive role" when the UK looks to find a new way to enhance its economic autonomy and engage in extensive international cooperation.中国社会科学院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所副所长田德文说,当英国寻求新的途径来增强其经济自主性并参与广泛的国际合作时,“中英合作有望发挥积极作用”。Steve Tsang, director of the SOAS China Institute in London, told the Associated Press, "We need to engage in conversation with China, we need to have effective communication channels with China—even if we don't agree on anything—because China does matter."伦敦SOAS中国研究所所长史蒂夫-曾(Steve Tsang)告诉美联社记者:“我们需要与中国进行对话,我们需要与中国建立有效的沟通渠道--即使我们在任何事情上意见不一致--因为中国确实很重要。”Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters on Tuesday that "maintaining and growing bilateral relations serves the common interests of the peoples of both countries".8月29日,中国外交部发言人汪文斌告诉记者:“维护和发展好双边关系符合两国人民的共同利益。”Zheng Zeguang, Chinese ambassador to the UK, noted that China and the UK have broad prospects of cooperation in areas such as the digital economy, trade and finance, and green energy.中国驻英国大使郑泽光指出,中英两国在数字经济、贸易金融、绿色能源等领域有着广阔的合作前景。"The two countries should adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, provide a level-playing field for each other's business communities, and break new ground in collaboration in new areas," he said.他说:“两国应坚持互利共赢的原则,为彼此工商界提供公平竞争的环境,在新领域开辟合作新天地。”Consensus英/kənˈsensəs/ 美/kənˈsensəs/n.一致看法,共识Communication英/kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/n.表达,交流