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Multinational corporations have voiced optimism and confidence in China's long-term potential for economic growth, despite mounting external uncertainties such as the potential risks of decoupling and supply chains disruptions.尽管外部不确定因素越来越多,如脱钩和供应链中断的潜在风险,但跨国公司对中国经济增长的长期潜力表示乐观。They also are beefing up efforts to expand their presence in the world's second-largest economy through further investment and localized operations.跨国企业正加倍努力,通过进一步投资和本地化运营来扩大在世界第二大经济体——中国的影响力。Economists and industry insiders said any intention of decoupling from China is clearly infeasible and against the historical currents, and attempts to do so would hamper the recovery of the world economy, which is suffering from high inflation and downside risks.经济学家和业内人士表示,任何与中国脱钩的意图显然是行不通的,也是违背历史潮流的,这将阻碍全球经济在高通货膨胀和下行风险中的复苏步伐。They also highlighted China's economic resilience and pivotal position in global industrial and supply chains.经济学家和业内人士还强调了中国经济的韧性和在全球产业链和供应链中举足轻重的地位。Their comments came as Bloomberg quoted anonymous sources as saying that United States President Joe Biden aims to sign an executive order limiting investment by US businesses in key parts of China's economy, around the time of the summit of the Group of Seven advanced economies, which is scheduled to start on Friday in Japan.在上述评论被发表之际,彭博社援引匿名消息人士的话表示,美国总统拜登打算在5月19日召开的七国集团峰会前后签署一项总统行政令,以限制美国企业对中国经济关键领域的投资。Hideki Ozawa, president and CEO of Canon China, said: "The anti-globalization trend has not affected the development of Canon's business in China or the relationship between Canon and our Chinese partners. On the contrary, China's opening-up remains a significant source of new opportunities for Canon."佳能(中国)有限公司总裁兼首席执行官小泽秀树表示:“逆全球化趋势并未影响佳能在中国业务的发展,也没有影响佳能与中国合作伙伴的关系。相反,中国的开放仍是佳能获得新机遇的重要来源。”Ozawa said that with the upgrading of China's industries and consumption, domestic demand for overseas high-end manufacturing and high-tech services is growing rapidly, and Canon will seize the opportunity and continue to extend and deepen cooperation with its Chinese partners.小泽秀树表示,随着中国产业升级和消费升级,中国国内对海外高端制造和高科技服务的需求快速增长,佳能将抓住机遇,继续延伸和深化与中国合作伙伴的合作。"The Chinese economy is very resilient, and China is the most important market for Canon. Canon is confident in the Chinese market. … We will establish a more comprehensive supply chain from research and development to production and sales in China, and invest more here," he added.他还补充道:“中国经济非常有弹性,中国是佳能最重要的市场。佳能对中国市场充满信心......我们将在中国建立从研发到生产和销售的更完善的供应链,并在中国进行更多投资。”Frank Meng, chairman of Qualcomm China, said the company has always been optimistic about the long-term development of the Chinese economy and will continue to increase investment and expand cooperation in China.高通中国区董事长孟樸表示,高通公司始终看好中国经济的长远发展,将继续加大在华投资,扩大合作。"The number of Qualcomm's employees in China has grown by double digits almost every year since 2018," Meng said.孟樸说:“自2018年以来,高通在中国的员工人数几乎每年都以两位数的速度增长。”In addition, Qualcomm has established joint innovation centers with partners, which is an important part of the company's continuous development in China, he said.此外,高通还与合作伙伴建立了联合创新中心,这是高通公司在中国持续发展的重要组成部分。Data from the Ministry of Commerce showed that foreign direct investment in the Chinese mainland, in terms of actual use, expanded 4.9 percent year-on-year to 408.45 billion yuan ($58.8 billion) in the first quarter of this year. Specifically, FDI in high-tech manufacturing increased 18 percent from the same period a year ago.商务部数据显示,2023年第一季度,中国大陆实际使用外国直接投资额同比增长4.9%,达到4084.5亿元人民币(588亿美元)。具体而言,高科技制造业的外商直接投资同比增长18%。Samson Khaou, executive vice-president of Dassault Systemes Asia-Pacific, said the French industrial software company is highly confident about China's economic growth this year and will continue to invest more in the Chinese market, believing that China's growth will come from both domestic and global demand.达索系统亚太区执行副总裁许善淞表示,法国工业软件公司达索系统对中国2023年的经济增长充满信心,将继续加大对中国市场的投入,相信中国经济将从国内需求和国际需求中得到增长。Charlie Munger, a US billionaire investor and vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, said: "One thing we should do is to get along with China, and we should have a lot of free trade with China. It's in our mutual interest. … Everything that increases the tension between the two … is stupid, stupid and stupid."美国亿万富翁、投资者、伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司副董事长查理·芒格表示:“我们应该与中国和睦相处,与中国进行大量自由贸易。这是符合我们共同利益的。一切加剧与中国之间紧张气氛的行为是愚蠢的,愚蠢的,愚蠢的。”The International Monetary Fund has projected that China's economy will likely expand by 5.2 percent this year, and the country is going to contribute about one-third of global growth this year, which will provide more growth opportunities for other countries.国际货币基金组织预计,今年中国经济有望增长5.2%,对今年全球经济增长的贡献率约为三分之一,这将为其他国家提供更多增长机会。"Technological decoupling would impose significant costs on Asian economies — about 5 percent loss in GDP. That's quite a big number. … In general, technological decoupling is very expensive for not just Asia, but for the rest of the world," said Krishna Srinivasan, director of the IMF's Asia and Pacific department.国际货币基金组织亚洲太平洋部主任克里希纳·斯里尼瓦桑表示:“技术脱钩会给亚洲经济体带来巨大成本——GDP损失约5%。这是一个相当大的数字。总的来说,技术脱钩代价昂贵,不仅是对亚洲,对世界其他地区也是如此。”Tu Xinquan, dean of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, said Washington's increasingly tightened restrictions will wreak havoc on international economic and trade cooperation, jeopardize global industrial and supply chain safety, and harm the interests of multinational companies around the world.对外经贸大学中国世贸组织研究院院长屠新泉表示,美国日益收紧的限制将对国际经贸合作造成严重破坏,危及全球工业和供应链安全,并损害世界各地跨国公司的利益。Li Xianjun, an associate researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Industrial Economics, said, "Such attempts aimed at containing the rise of China's high-tech sector will motivate Chinese enterprises to double down on independent innovation and achieve breakthroughs in key technologies."中国社会科学院工业经济研究所副研究员李先军说:“这种旨在遏制中国高科技行业崛起的尝试将激励中国企业加大自主创新力度,并在关键领域取得突破。”For example, China Electronics Corp, the country's largest State-owned comprehensive electronic information enterprise group, has launched China's first open-source desktop operating system platform, openKylin, which marked a breakthrough in bolstering the development of homegrown software operating systems.例如,中国最大的国有综合性电子信息企业集团——中国电子信息集团推出了中国首个开源桌面操作系统平台“开放麒麟”,标志着在支持自主软件操作系统发展方面取得的突破。Economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, said a lot of the tension between the US and China arises from the US side.哥伦比亚大学可持续发展中心主任、经济学家杰弗里·萨克斯表示,中美之间的紧张局势有很大一部分源于美方。"This is the US' mistake, because some Americans think that if China is rising, the US must be losing," Sachs said. "But this is false. Economics is a win-win cooperative game."萨克斯说:“这是美国的错误,因为一些美国人认为如果中国崛起,美国一定会失败,但这是错误的。经济学是一种双赢的合作游戏。”Multinational英/ˌmʌltiˈnæʃ(ə)nəl/ 美/ˌmʌltiˈnæʃ(ə)nəl/adj.跨国的Decoupling英/diːˈkʌp(ə)lɪŋ/ 美/diːˈkʌplɪŋ/n. 脱钩