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The owner of a black Rottweiler that attacked a girl on Monday has been criminally detained by the local public security bureau in Chongzhou, a county-level city in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province.一名女童于10月16日遭到一只黑色罗威纳犬袭击,黑犬主人已被崇州市公安局刑事拘留。崇州市是四川省成都市的县级市。According to a statement released by the Chongzhou's joint investigation group on Tuesday, the police have found the black dog and its owner, surnamed Tang. They have also taken criminal coercive measures against Tang according to the law.据崇州市联合调查工作组17日通报,警方已找到伤人黑犬及其主人唐某,并已对唐某依法采取刑事强制措施。At present, the police have filed a case to investigate the incident.目前,警方已对该事件立案侦查。In order to receive better treatment, the girl has been transferred to the West China Hospital of Sichuan University. Her vital signs are currently stable.为了得到更好的治疗,受伤女童已转至四川大学华西医院,目前生命体征稳定。On Monday, a woman and her daughter were attacked by a black dog in Chongzhou city, Sichuan province. The daughter suffered multiple bites, a right kidney contusion and a right rib fracture.10月16日,四川省崇州市一名妇女和她的女儿遭到一只黑犬袭击。女童全身多处被咬伤,右肾挫伤,右肋骨骨折。Rottweiler英/ˈrɒtwaɪlə(r)/美/ˈrɑːtwaɪlər/n.罗威纳犬Criminal coercive measuresn.刑事强制措施