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Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country, marking the first adjustment in the arrangement since 1950s.9月13日,全国人大常委会会议表决通过了关于实施渐进式延迟法定退休年龄的决定,这是自20世纪50年代以来对这一规定的首次调整。According to the decision adopted at the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, the statutory retirement age for men will be gradually raised from 60 to 63 in the course of 15 years starting 2025, while that for women cadres and women blue-collar workers will be raised from 55 to 58 and from 50 to 55, respectively.根据在第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过的决定,从2025年期,我国将用15年时间,逐步将男职工的法定退休年龄从原60周岁延迟到63周岁,将女职工和女性蓝领工人的法定退休年龄从原50周岁、55周岁,分别延迟到55周岁、58周岁。Starting 2030, the minimum year of basic pension contributions required to receive monthly benefits will be gradually raised from 15 years to 20 years at the pace of an increase of six months annually.从2030年开始,领取月度福利所需的最低基本养老金缴费年限将逐步从15年提高到20年,每年增加半年。Meanwhile, people will be allowed to voluntarily retire by no more than three years in advance after reaching the minimum year of pension contributions. But it is not allowed to retire earlier than the previous statutory age.同时,达到最低养老金缴费年限后,人们可以选择自愿提前退休,但提前退休的时间不得超过三年。但是,不能在达到原定的法定退休年龄之前退休。The new policies will also allow individuals to postpone retirement to an even later date if they reach an agreement with employers, but such a delay should be no more than three years.新政策还将允许个人在与雇主达成协议后推迟退休,但延迟期限不得超过三年。The decision also specifies measures to refine the old-age insurance incentive mechanism, implement the employment-first strategy, ensure the basic rights and interests of workers who have passed their statutory retirement age, and improve elderly care and childcare services.该决定还明确了完善养老保险激励机制、实施就业优先战略、保障已过法定退休年龄工人的基本权益以及改善老年人护理和儿童保育服务的措施。The document includes specific provisions on welfare for unemployed old-age workers and on earlier retirement for those in special professions.文件中还包含了对失业老年工人福利和特殊职业提前退休的具体规定。The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made clear arrangements on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country.中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会和第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议明确了逐步提高法定退休年龄的安排。The plan passed by lawmakers on Friday was formulated on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the average life expectancy, health conditions, the population structure, the level of education and workforce supply in China. 在全面评估中国的平均预期寿命、健康状况、人口结构、教育水平和劳动力供应的基础上,会议代表于13日通过了该决议。 Cadresn.(尤指共产党的)党务工作者,干部Provisionsn.法律协议的条纹,条款,规定Postponev.推迟;延期