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The meeting in Beijing on Tuesday between top officials from China and the United States has provided a forum for the two sides to reestablish dialogue mechanisms and help properly handle trade friction, analysts and business leaders said.分析人士和商界领袖表示,8月29日在北京举行的中美高级官员会议为中美双方重建对话机制和妥善处理贸易摩擦提供了渠道。During his meeting with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Premier Li Qiang said that economic and trade relations between China and the US are mutually beneficial and win-win in nature, and that China is willing to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with the US in the economic and trade fields. He also called on the US to work together with China and take more pragmatic actions.国务院总理李强总理在会见美国商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多时表示,中美经贸关系的本质是互利共赢,中方愿同美方加强经贸领域对话合作。希望美方与中方一道努力,拿出更多务实有益行动。Vice-Premier He Lifeng also met with Raimondo. The two sides had candid, pragmatic and constructive discussions on implementing the important consensus reached at the meeting in Bali in November between the two countries' heads of state, as well as on economic and trade issues of common concern, according to Xinhua News Agency.国务院副总理何立峰也会见了雷蒙多。据新华社报道,双方就落实两国元首去年11月巴厘岛会晤重要共识以及共同关心的经贸问题进行了坦诚、务实和建设性的讨论。The Chinese side expressed its concerns over measures taken by the US, such as tariffs imposed under Section 301 of the US Trade Act of 1974, export controls against China and investment restrictions. The two sides agreed to continue to maintain communication and support enterprises of the two countries in carrying out pragmatic cooperation, Xinhua reported.中方表达了对美方1974年《贸易法》301关税、对华出口管制、限制投资等措施的关切。据新华社报道,中美双方同意继续保持沟通,支持两国企业开展务实合作。On Monday, Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with Raimondo, and the two sides agreed on concrete steps to ensure open lines of communication between the world's two largest economies on export controls and commercial issues.8月,商务部长王文涛会见了雷蒙多,双方同意采取具体措施,确保世界最大的两个经济体之间在出口管制和商业问题上保持顺畅的沟通。Wang also called on the US to deliver on its commitment to not seek decoupling from China, and raised serious concerns about issues such as US semiconductor policies, discriminatory subsidies and sanctions on Chinese enterprises.王文涛重点就半导体政策、歧视性补贴、制裁中国企业等表达严正关切,并强调美方多次表示不寻求与中方脱钩,希望美方将表态落在实处。While upholding the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, China is willing to work with the US to foster an enabling policy environment for cooperation between the two countries' business communities, Wang said.王文涛表示,中方愿与美方共同努力,秉持相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的原则,为两国工商界合作创造良好政策环境。Analysts said both sides are striving to put dialogue mechanisms, which have been seriously disrupted by the US' damaging unilateral trade measures and policies toward China, back in place to help restore economic relations.此前美国对中国的破坏性单边贸易措施和政策严重破坏了对话,分析人士表示,目前中美双方正在努力恢复对话机制,以帮助恢复两国的经贸关系。The two sides agreed to maintain regular communication, with the two commerce chiefs agreeing to meet at least once a year.两位部长同意经常性沟通,每年至少会见一次。Wu Xinbo, dean of Fudan University's Institute of International Studies, said that China and the US share extensive interconnected interests and cooperate widely on trade and investment, and that appropriate handling of friction will lay a solid foundation for stable economic ties.复旦大学国际问题研究院院长吴心伯表示,中美两国有着广泛的共同利益,在贸易和投资方面有着广泛的合作,妥善处理摩擦将为稳定的经贸关系奠定坚实的基础。Although immediate changes like the US reversing tariffs or lifting high-tech investment restrictions are yet to happen as a result of the high-level talks, modest yet measurable progress has been made in establishing government-to-government communication mechanisms, with the participation of enterprises also emphasized, Wu said.吴心伯说,虽然高层会谈尚未使美国取消关税或取消高科技投资限制,但在加强政府间沟通方面取得了显著的进展,并强调了企业参与。A bilateral working group involving government officials and business sector representatives to seek solutions on specific commerce issues has been set up, and it will meet twice a year at the vice-ministerial level, with the first session to be hosted by the US in early 2024, according to Chinese and US statements.根据中美两国声明,中美双方成立工作组,由中美副部长级和司局级的政府官员组成,并有企业代表参加,以寻求解决具体商业问题的办法。工作组将每年举行两次副部级会议,第一次会议将于2024年初由美国主办。Meanwhile, the two sides have initiated an export control information exchange mechanism, which will serve as a platform for understanding their respective export control systems and improving communication.此外,双方还启动了出口管制信息交流机制,作为解释各自出口管制制度和改善沟通的机制。双方将按照各自法律,就出口管制信息进行交流。He Weiwen, senior fellow at the Center for China and Globalization, said it is a positive sign that the two countries have scheduled a series of meetings via newly established mechanisms, which will enhance the transparency of export control enforcement and facilitate normal business and trade cooperation.中国全球化智库高级研究员何伟文表示,两国通过新建立的机制安排了一系列会议,这是一个积极的迹象,这将提高出口管制执法的透明度,促进两国开展正常的经贸合作。While such moves will shore up exchanges and reduce misunderstandings, the administration of US President Joe Biden is unlikely to abandon its hard line, and Washington will probably continue to insist on hampering China's development of cutting-edge technologies, including semiconductors and artificial intelligence, He Weiwen added.何伟文补充说,虽然这些举措将加强两国沟通,减少误解,但是拜登政府不太可能放弃其强硬路线,美方可能会继续阻碍中国发展尖端技术,包括半导体和人工智能。Moving ahead, more tangible steps from the US are needed, rather than simply vowing not to decouple from China, in order to better resolve conflicts and bridge differences on the economic and trade front, the senior fellow said.何伟文表示,为了更好地解决经贸冲突、弥合分歧,美国需要采取更切实的措施,而不是简单地发誓不与中国脱钩。Rosa Chen, vice-president of Beckman Coulter Diagnostics, a subsidiary of Danaher Corp, a US-based industrial conglomerate, said that with the Chinese government's new guidelines to provide a more favorable business environment and broader market opportunities for foreign-invested enterprises, the company's manufacturing and innovation capabilities will be further enhanced in China.美国工业集团丹纳赫集团子公司贝克曼库尔特诊断公司副总裁陈小穗表示,中国政府为外资提供更有利商业环境和更广阔市场机会的指导方针,该公司在中国的制造和创新能力将进一步增强。As Danaher's single largest investment project in China, the R&D and manufacturing center of Danaher'a diagnostics platform in the country will be officially launched later this year.作为丹纳赫在中国最大的单项投资项目,丹纳赫诊断平台在中国的研发制造中心将于今年晚些时候正式启动。"We will continue to accelerate our localization process to quickly respond to the diverse needs of Chinese clients," Chen said.陈小穗表示:“我们将继续加快本地化进程,以快速响应中国客户的多样化需求。”Dialogue英 /'daɪəlɒg/美 /'daɪəlɑɡ/n.对话vi.对话Trade英 /treɪd/美 /treɪd/n.贸易,交易;vi.交易,买卖;