英语新闻 | HK, Zhuhai airports coordinate

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A new policy simplifying immigration for international travelers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will create more business opportunities and promote the coordinated development of airports in the southern region, according to officials from the GBA.粤港澳大湾区官员表示,粤港澳大湾区国际旅客入境流程的简化将带来更多商机,促进华南机场的协调发展。The "Fly from Hong Kong via Zhuhai" policy, which took effect on Tuesday, allows travelers arriving at Zhuhai Jinwan Airport on the Chinese mainland to travel via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to Hong Kong International Airport to fly to overseas destinations without going through immigration in Hong Kong.自12月12日“经珠港飞”政策生效起,旅客便可以由大陆的珠海金湾机场,经港珠澳大桥,抵达香港国际机场,然后飞往国外,而无须办理香港入出境手续。The same service applies in reverse, with people flying into Hong Kong from overseas being able to transfer to mainland cities via the HZMB and Zhuhai Airport without the need to undergo Hong Kong immigration procedures.反过来也是如此,从国外飞往香港的旅客可以经由港珠澳大桥和珠海机场,到达国内目的地,无需办理香港出入境手续。"The project not only provides more options for international travel, but also plays an active role in supporting the development of the GBA and the building of a world-class airport cluster by giving full play to the connecting role of the HZMB and taking advantage of the complementary resources of Hong Kong and Zhuhai airports," said Vivian Cheung Karfay, chief operating officer of Airport Authority Hong Kong.香港机场管理局首席营运总监张李佳蕙表示:“该政策不但让旅客有更多国际出行的选择,更充分发挥了港珠澳大桥的贯通连系作用,借助港珠两地机场资源整合互补,支持大湾区发展,为国家建设世界级机场群。”While Hong Kong International Airport has direct connections with nearly 200 international destinations, Zhuhai Airport has air routes with nearly 90 mainland destinations.香港机场直飞境外近200个国际目的地,珠海机场也有近90个内地航线。To ensure smooth implementation of the policy, a designated channel has been set up at the checkpoint for inspection of passengers, said Lin Meihong, a senior border control official at the HZMB.港珠澳大桥边检站政委林美红表示,为确保政策落地后能够顺畅实施,港珠澳大桥边检站在珠港出入境方向设置了专用查验通道。Shuttle bus services will be provided to travelers for transit flights. Mainland passengers traveling overseas will be able to board the bus at the Zhuhai Port of the HZMB after completing immigration and go directly to the Skypier Terminal of HKIA, where they will then head to the boarding gates of their flights.过境航班的旅客还可以享受接驳巴士服务。前往海外的内地旅客,在完成出入境手续后,可在港珠澳大桥珠海口岸登上接驳巴士,直接前往香港国际机场海天中转大楼,然后前往航班登机口。Michael Yuen, general manager of hub development at AAHK, said that currently there is one bus running from the HZMB to HKIA every hour from 10 am to 7 pm, but the frequency of bus services will be increased in accordance with the number of travelers in the future.香港机场管理局航空枢纽发展总经理阮英杰表示,现在,从上午10时至晚上7时,每小时有一班巴士从港珠澳大桥开往香港国际机场,日后会根据客流量增加巴士班次。The development of the aviation industry in the GBA is gaining momentum, with the 11-city cluster comprising nine Guangdong cities plus the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions ramping up efforts to build a world-class airport cluster to fuel business growth.粤港澳大湾区航空业发展势头强劲,由广东省9个城市及港澳特别行政区组成的城市群正在大力建设世界级机场集群,推动经济业务增长。Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area n. 港珠澳大湾区