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The mobilization of the civilian teams came as China increased its aid to quake-devastated Turkiye and neighboring Syria. The death toll in the two nations had reached more than 11,000 as of Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.民间救援队伍的动员正值中国增加对地震灾区土耳其和邻国叙利亚的援助之际。据美联社报道,截至周三,这两个国家的死亡人数已超过1.1万人。A magnitude-7.8 earthquake caused devastation in Turkiye and neighboring Syria at 4:17 am local time on Monday, and was followed by a magnitude-7.5 quake at 1:24 pm, along with hundreds of aftershocks.当地时间2月6日凌晨4点17分,土耳其和邻国叙利亚发生7.8级地震,随后下午1点24分又发生7.5级地震,并发生数百次余震。China will provide Syria 30 million yuan ($4.4 million) in emergency aid, including $2 million in cash, the China International Development Cooperation Agency said on Wednesday. The agency announced on Tuesday it will send a first tranche of 40 million yuan in emergency aid to Turkiye.2月8日,中国国际发展合作署表示,中国将向叙利亚提供3000万元人民币(440万美元)的紧急援助,其中包括200万美元现金。2月7日,合作署宣布,将向土耳其提供第一批4000万元人民币的紧急援助。Among the civilian teams that left for Turkiye on Wednesday was Blue Sky Rescue, a nonprofit Chinese search and rescue organization.在2月8日前往土耳其的民间救援队伍中,有一家中国的非营利搜救组织蓝天救援队。Forty-one members of the team departed from Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, shortly after midnight, and another 98 members left from Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, at noon, according to a media release from the organization.据蓝天救援队发布的媒体消息,41名队员于午夜后不久从广东省省会广州出发,另有98名成员中午从湖北省省会武汉出发。The rescue workers who departed from Wuhan are from at least nine provincial-level regions, including Anhui, Jiangxi and Yunnan provinces as well as the Tibet autonomous region, said Su Qin, a team member from Hefei, capital of Anhui.来自安徽省会合肥的救援队员苏琴说,从武汉出发的救援人员来自至少9个省级地区,包括安徽、江西、云南以及西藏自治区。"We got in touch with Chinese chambers of commerce in Turkiye and local emergency management authorities," Su said, adding that they would meet them in Turkiye to discuss what help was needed.“我们已经和土耳其的中国商会以及当地应急管理部门取得了联系,”苏琴说道,他们会在土耳其会面,讨论需要哪些帮助。Zhang Yupu, from Jiangsu province, said his team could be on the ground in Turkiye for 12 to 15 days, depending on how the situation develops.来自江苏省的张玉普表示,他所在的救援队可能会在土耳其境内停留10到 15天,具体时间视情况而定。"We will try our best to search for and rescue survivors," said Zhang, who also joined relief work after a magnitude-8 earthquake hit Wenchuan, Sichuan province, in 2008.“我们会尽最大努力搜寻和营救幸存者,”张玉普说道,他也参加了2008年四川汶川8级地震的救援工作。The Zhejiang Rescue Team of Ramunion has already sent a group of eight rescue experts to Turkiye.浙江省公羊救援队已向土耳其派出8名救援专家。A second group of 14 rescuers has also been dispatched and is expected to arrive on Thursday, according to the NGO.这一非政府组织称表示,第二批救援人员共14名,也已派遣,预计将于2月9日抵达。The Amity Foundation has also sent a team of around 60 to Turkiye. The team will carry out rescue work and provide aid to the quake-affected victims, such as distributing clothes and food and helping to improve sanitation, said the Jiangsu-based NGO.爱德基金会也向土耳其派出了一支约60人的救援队。这一总部位于江苏的非政府组织表示,救援队将提供援助并派出人员支持灾后救援,比如分发衣服和食物,帮助改善卫生条件。According to the Ministry of Emergency Management, the chartered flight for China's 82-member official rescue team, with 20 metric tons of disaster relief materials and equipment onboard, arrived at Adana in southern Turkiye at 4:30 am local time on Wednesday.据应急管理部消息,由82人组成的中国官方救援队包机于当地时间2月8日凌晨4:30抵达土耳其南部的阿达纳,飞机上载有20吨救灾物资和设备。The rescue team was dispatched after a request for help from the Turkiye government. In addition to equipment for search and rescue work, communications and medical treatment, the team also has four rescue dogs.救援队为响应土耳其政府请求而派遣。除了用于搜救、通讯和医疗的设备外,救援队还有四只搜救犬。Zhao Ming, head of the team, said they unloaded the equipment and aid materials immediately after landing for transportation to quake-hit areas.团队负责人赵明说道,他们降落后立即卸下了设备和援助物资,并运往地震灾区。The team will undertake tasks according to the developing situation on the ground and after consulting the Chinese embassy, local governments and United Nations bodies.救援队将根据当地形势发展情况,在征求中国大使馆、当地政府和联合国机构的意见后承担任务。With certification from the UN as an international heavy urban search and rescue team, the Chinese team consists of high-quality, well-equipped personnel, said Wang Mo, the team's deputy head. "The team can carry out search and rescue operations simultaneously in two locations," he said.中国搜救队副队长王墨表示,中国救援队是通过联合国认证的国际重型城市搜救队伍,人员和资源配备精良。他说:“救援队可在两个不同的工作场地同时开展搜救行动。”Overseas branches of Chinese companies are also lending a helping hand.中国企业的海外分支机构也伸出了援手。Chinese machinery giant Xu­zhou Construction Machinery Group has mobilized employees of its branch in Turkiye to join the relief efforts.中国机械巨头徐州工程机械集团已动员其土耳其分公司的员工加入救援工作。Dozens of pieces of equipment, including excavators and loaders, have been deployed to help rescue survivors.包括挖掘机和装载机在内的数十台设备已部署到位,用以帮助营救幸存者。The first shipment of relief materials, such as blankets and hygiene products, had been sent to the earthquake-ravaged region, the company said.这家公司表示,毛毯和卫生用品等第一批救援物资已运往地震灾区。Mobilization英 [ˌməʊbɪlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 美 [ˌmoʊbɪlaɪ'zeɪʃn]n.动员Sanitation英[ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn]    美[ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn]n.卫生系统Dispatch英 [dɪˈspætʃ]     美 [dɪˈspætʃ]v. 派遣