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英语新闻|美国重蹈覆辙释放恶魔In their joint statement delivered on Jan 11, US President Joe Biden "commended Japan's bold leadership in fundamentally reinforcing its defense capabilities" as illustrated in the new National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy and Defense Buildup Program.在1月11日发表的联合声明中,美国总统拜登“赞扬日本在从根本上加强其防御能力方面的大胆领导”,如制定新的《国家安全战略》、《国防战略》和《国防建设计划》。Considering the fact that US House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy established the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and China almost immediately upon taking office, and that the bill passed by 365 votes to 65 in the House, there are quite a few politicians in Washington that view the world's largest developing country as a competitor, even a potential enemy. For them, a re-militarized Japan can act as a guard dog at the door of the "Indo-Pacific" to keep China contained.考虑到美国众议院议长麦卡锡几乎一上任就成立了“美中战略竞争众议院特别委员会”,且该法案在众议院以365票对65票获得通过,华盛顿有不少政界人士将这个世界上最大的发展中国家视为竞争对手,甚至是潜在敌人。对他们来说,重走军事化之路的日本充当着在印太地区遏制中国的看门狗。But few of them might realize how fierce their imagined guard dog is. According to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Japan's defense-related expenditure reached $50.69 billion in 2021, $647 million higher than that of 2020. The spending had already exceeded the 1 percent ceiling set by its so-called pacifist Constitution that Japanese politicians have vowed to break.但很少会有人意识到他们想象中的看门狗有多么凶猛。据斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所数据显示,2021年日本国防相关支出达到506.9亿美元,较2020年增加6.47亿美元,已经超过了其所谓和平宪法的规定上限1%,而日本政界人士誓言要打破这一上限。Japan's maritime Self-Defense Force ranks fourth in the world, and it has more than 150 ships that exceed 550,000 in tonnage, more than those of the United Kingdom and France.日本海上自卫队位居世界第四,拥有55万吨级以上的舰艇150多艘,超过了英国和法国。Notably, it has two Izumo-class so-called helicopter carriers, one bearing the name Kaga that belonged to a sunken Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier that participated in both the Shanghai Incident and the attack on Pearl Harbor. In October 2021, the two ships passed the US Navy's test landing of an F-35B fighter plane, showing that they could easily be turned into aircraft carriers, and so giving up the pretense that they were not built for that purpose.值得一提的是,日本海上自卫队拥有两艘所谓的出云级直升机航母,其中一艘名为加贺号,属于旧日本帝国海军航空母舰。这艘航空母舰参与了上海事变和偷袭珍珠港。2021年10月,这两艘航母通过了美国海军F-35B战斗机的降落测试,表明它们航母化改造很容易,从而展露出日本想要改造航母的野心。Further, on Jan 11, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida signed a defense pact with his UK counterpart Rishi Sunak in London allowing the two countries to station troops on each other's soil, a move that reminds the world of their alliance in 1902.此外,1月11日,日本首相岸田文雄与英国首相苏纳克在伦敦签署了一项防务协定,允许两国互相在对方的土地上驻军,允许两国在对方领土上驻扎军队,此举让世人想起了1902年两国的同盟关系。History always tends to repeat itself. Seventy-seven years after its unconditional surrender as a Fascist power, Japan is not only gaining military capability as it did before World War II, but also making arrangements with the Western powers that tried to appease it in the 1930s.历史总是重复上演。日本作为法西斯国家,在无条件投降77年后,不仅获得了像二战前那样的军事能力,还与上世纪30年代打算安抚日本的西方大国达成了协议。Even the appeasers are the same.甚至安抚者都是一样的。But the planners in Washington should beware their guard dog showing itself to be a wolf that does not heed the voice of its master.但是,华盛顿的规划者应该提防他们的看门狗会变成一只不听主人话的狼。That was the fatal mistake the US made in the 1930s. By continuing to export crude oil and used steel to imperial Japan even after the latter launched an invasion against China, the US not only deepened the sufferings of the Chinese people, but also suffered the Pearl Harbor attack on itself.这是美国在上世纪30年代犯下的致命错误。美国在日本帝国主义发动侵华战争后,继续向日本出口原油和钢铁,不仅加深了中国人民的苦难,自己也遭受了珍珠港偷袭。Expenditure英 [ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] 美 [ɪkˈspendɪtʃər]n. 花费Pacifist英 [ˈpæsɪfɪst]      美 [ˈpæsɪfɪst]n.和平主义者Appease英[əˈpiːz]      美[əˈpiːz]v.安抚