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英语新闻∣习近平主席即将出席上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第二十二次会议President Xi Jinping's upcoming Central Asia trip will give a major boost to China's bonds with its neighbors there, catalyze two-way,pragmatic cooperation and promote the unity and efficacy of the 21-year-old Shanghai Cooperation Organization, observers said.观察人士表示,习近平主席即将进行的中亚之行将极大地促进中国与中亚邻国的关系,促进双向务实合作,加强已有21年历史的上海合作组织成员国的团结,提升上海合作组织的效能。From Wednesday to Friday, Xi will attend the 22nd meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Council of Heads of State in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, and make state visits to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying announced on Monday.9月12日,外交部新闻发言人华春莹表示,9月14日至16日,国家主席习近平将出席在撒马尔罕举行的上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第二十二次会议,并应哈萨克斯坦共和国总统托卡耶夫、乌兹别克斯坦共和国总统米尔济约耶夫邀请对两国进行国事访问。The Central Asia tour will be Xi's first trip abroad in more than two years, and the timing of the visits to the two destinations bears profound significance, experts said.专家表示,中亚之行将是习近平主席两年多来首次出访,而选择在这个时机出访两国具有深远意义。Both Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year of building diplomatic relations with China, and their presidents visited China in February to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games and met with Xi.今年,哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦都庆祝了与中国建交30周年,两国总统在今年2月访问中国,参加北京冬季奥运会开幕式,并与习近平主席会面。Kazakhstan is the birthplace of the landmark Belt and Road Initiative, as it was there that Xi first proposed the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative—a key component of the BRI—during his first state visit to the country as president in 2013.哈萨克斯坦是“一带一路”首倡之地。2013年,习近平主席首次访问哈萨克斯坦时提出了共建“丝绸之路经济带”的倡议。As of July 4, 149 countries and 32 international organizations have signed cooperative documents with China on jointly building the Belt and Road.截至7月4日,已有149个国家、32个国际组织同中国签署共建“一带一路”合作文件。As Kazakhstan is on the first stop of the BRI's westward routes from China, "China-Kazakhstan relations have yielded fruitful outcomes in areas such as connectivity, production capacity, economy, trade and culture", said Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Xiao.中国驻哈萨克斯坦大使张霄表示,哈萨克斯坦是“一带一路”的西出首站,“中哈两国在共建‘一带一路’框架内成功开展互联互通、产能、经贸、人文等领域合作,取得实打实、沉甸甸的丰硕成果。”Annual bilateral trade reached $25.25 billion last year, nearly 70 times the amount in 1992, the year in which the two countries established diplomatic ties, making the country "avanguard and exemplary zone in co-building the Belt and Road", Zhang told China National Radio recently.近日,张霄在接受中央人民广播电台采访时表示,2021年中哈贸易额达到252.5亿美元,1992年中哈两国建交之初贸易额的近70倍,“哈萨克斯坦已成为共建‘一带一路’的重要先行区和示范区。” The two countries' trade volume reached $17.69 billion in the first seven months of the year, according to China's General Administration of Customs.根据中国海关总署的数据,今年前7个月,中哈贸易额达到176.9亿美元。Meanwhile, China is working closely with Uzbekistan to boost thesynergy between the BRI and the Development Strategy for New Uzbekistan, the country's flagship vision for growth.与此同时,中方正与乌方密切合作,加快“新乌兹别克斯坦”战略和“一带一路”倡议对接合作。Both countries are working toward the goal of reaching $10 billion in annual bilateral trade, according to Chinese Ambassador to Uzbekistan Jiang Yan.中国驻乌兹别克斯坦大使姜岩说,两国正在朝着年双边贸易额100亿美元的目标努力。The trade volume between the two nations was $5.53 billion in the first seven months of 2022, according to Customs data.海关数据显示,2022年前7个月,中乌贸易额为55.3亿美元。Su Xiaohui, deputy director of the China Institute of International Studies' Department of American Studies, said the trip "will further build on the great relationships between the top leaders and chart the course for more highlights of bilateral collaboration in the years to come".中国国际问题研究院国际战略研究所副所长苏晓晖表示,此次访问“将进一步巩固两国最高领导人之间的良好关系,并为未来几年双边合作的更多亮点制定路线图”。"Also, the trip is expected to see China and the rest of the SCO member statesgear up in tackling the unprecedented economic and political challenges from the outside world, given thespillover effects of the global economic downturn, geopolitical conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic," Su said.此外,考虑到全球经济低迷、地缘政治冲突和新冠肺炎疫情的溢出效应,预计此次访问将促使中国和上海合作组织其他成员国加紧应对来自外部世界的前所未有的经济和政治挑战。Samarkand, an Uzbek city known for its great cultural heritage, will host the SCO Summit on Thursday and Friday.上海合作组织峰会将于9月14日至16日在乌兹别克斯坦名城撒马尔罕举行。This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Charter of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation.今年是《上海合作组织宪章》签署20周年和《上海合作组织成员国长期睦邻友好合作条约》签署15周年。The organization has eight member states, four observer states and six dialogue partners, and around 10 countries have voiced their hope to join the group or upgrade their status within the group.目前有8个成员国、4个观察员国和6个对话伙伴,和其他10个国家表示希望加入上海合作组织或提高其在上海合作组织中的地位。"Instability and uncertainties are increasingly evident now", given the significant global changes unseen in a century, the COVID-19 pandemic and the resurfacing of a Cold War mentality in the world, Ambassador Jiang said recently in an interview with Chinese media.近日,姜岩大使在接受媒体采访时表示:“当前,国际形势面临百年未有之大变局,冠肺炎疫情全球大流行,冷战思维抬头,不稳定性和不确定性日益凸显。”Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev wrote in a signed article that "no country alone can hope to avoid or cope with these global risks and challenges".乌兹别克斯坦总统沙夫卡特·米尔济约耶夫在文章中写道:“显然任何国家都无法置身事外或独立应对全球性风险和挑战。”"In a world with the new challenges and opportunities, the SCO has excellent prospects for transformation and growth, not only through quantitative replenishment, but also through the opening of new strategic vectors. These are transport and connectivity, energy, food and environmental security, innovations, digital transformation and green economy," he added.“在当前充满新挑战新机遇的世界中,上合组织有望通过扩员以及拓展互联互通、能源安全、创新、数字化和绿色经济等战略合作新领域,实现转型和开辟更加广阔发展前景。”pragmatic英[præɡˈmætɪk]美[præɡˈmætɪk]adj. 实际的; 实用主义的vanguard英[ˈvænɡɑːd]美[ˈvænɡɑːrd]n. 先锋,前锋synergy英[ˈsɪnədʒi]美[ˈsɪnərdʒi]n. 协同,配合gear up 英[ɡiə ʌp]美[ɡɪr ʌp]v. 换高速挡; 改进…以适应提高生产的需要spillover英[ˈspɪləʊvə(r)]美[ˈspɪloʊvə(r)]n. 溢出