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The General Administration of Customs' decision to suspend mango imports from Taiwan to the mainland is a legal, scientific and standard biosecurity precaution, a spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said on Monday.国台办发言人8月21日表示,海关总署暂停台湾地区芒果输入大陆是正常的生物安全防范举措,科学合理。Customs officials on the mainland have discovered passion-vine mealybugs, a harmful species of insect, in mangoes imported from Taiwan this year. The mealybugs pose a major threat to the mainland's agricultural production and ecological security, spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian said.朱凤莲表示,今年以来,大陆海关从台湾地区输入大陆的芒果中截获检疫性有害生物大洋臀纹粉蚧。该有害生物一旦传入,将对大陆农业生产和生态安全造成严重威胁。The discovery led the General Administration of Customs to suspend mango imports from Taiwan indefinitely, starting from Monday.鉴于此,海关总署从8月21日起无限期暂停从台湾地区进口芒果。The administration has notified Taiwan of the suspension through channels established under the cross-Strait agricultural product quarantine and inspection cooperation agreement, which was signed in December 2009, and requested that the island further improve its plant quarantine management system, Zhu said.朱凤莲表示,已按照2009年12月签署的《海峡两岸农产品检疫检验合作协议》联系渠道向台湾方面通报,要求台湾方面进一步完善植物检疫管理体系。These measures are normal, scientific and reasonable biosecurity precautions and in line with the mainland's laws, regulations and standards, she said.她说,上述措施是正常的生物安全防范举措,科学合理,符合大陆相关法律法规和标准。Import英 /ˈɪmpɔːt/ 美 /ˈɪmpɔːrt/n. 输入;进口,进口货vt. & vi. 输入,进口Suspend英 /səˈspend/ 美 /səˈspend/vt. 延缓,推迟;使暂停