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Greater international cooperation is needed to explore technological frontiers such as computer-brain interface technologies and artificial intelligence, which are widely seen as key future drivers of global economic growth, officials and experts said.官员和专家表示,需要加强国际合作来探索脑机接口技术和人工智能等技术前沿,这些技术被广泛视为未来全球经济增长的主要驱动力。Highlighting that decoupling in crucial technologies will only slow down the world economy, they called on Chinese companies to have a problem-solving mindset and to accelerate the drive for breakthroughs in core sectors.突出关键技术脱钩只会拖慢世界经济,他们呼吁中国企业要有解决问题的思维,加快推动核心领域的突破。The comments came as AI is grabbing global headlines.这些评论是在人工智能成为全球热点之际发表的。US company Nvidia became the world's first chipmaker with a market capitalization of over $1 trillion on Tuesday morning amid surging demand for its AI chips. Meanwhile, Tesla CEO Elon Musk's brain-implant company Neuralink said last week that it had been given the green light for its first in-human clinical trial.由于对人工智能芯片的需求激增,5月30日,美国公司英伟达成为全球首家市值超过1万亿美元的芯片制造商。同一周内,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克的大脑植入公司Neuralink表示已获得批准,将启动首次脑植入物人体临床研究Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Thursday that China firmly opposes any actions by the United States to politicize and weaponize economic, trade and technological issues.6月1日,外交部发言人毛宁表示,中方坚决反对美方将经贸科技问题政治化、武器化。These comments were in response to recent media reports quoting US Treasury official Paul Rosen as saying that new rules were under consideration which would restrict the flow of US investment and know-how to Chinese companies engaged in the fields of advanced semiconductors, AI and quantum computing.这些评论是为了回应最近媒体报道援引美国财政部官员保罗·罗森的话说,正在考虑新的规则,限制美国投资和技术流向从事先进半导体、人工智能和量子计算领域的中国公司。But China is clear that partnership and cooperation is the only way forward if the world is to fully harness the potential offered by the technological revolution, according to experts.但专家表示,中国很清楚,如果世界要充分利用技术革命所提供的潜力,伙伴关系与合作是唯一的出路。This was expressed clearly by President Xi Jinping in his congratulatory message to the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum, which ended in Beijing earlier this week. Xi said in the message that China is willing to work with countries around the world to promote technological innovation to better benefit the people of all countries.国家主席习近平向在北京举办的2023中关村论坛致贺,其中明确表达了这一点。国家主席习近平在贺信中表示,中国愿同世界各国一道,携手促进科技创新,推动科学技术更好造福各国人民。Wu Hequan, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said international cooperation is vital to achieving scientific breakthroughs, and China and the US are highly complementary to each other in AI.中国工程院院士邬贺铨表示,国际合作对于实现科学突破至关重要,中美在人工智能领域具有很强的互补性。US companies are advanced in fundamental science and underlying computer algorithms, while China has a big market and rich application scenarios, and its research and development prowess in AI is also growing, Wu said.邬贺铨说,美国公司在基础科学和底层计算机算法方面处于领先地位,而中国拥有广阔的市场和丰富的应用场景,其在人工智能方面的研发实力也在不断增强。By 2022, China had secured the top position globally in terms of the number of patent applications for AI, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.据工信部的数据,到2022年,中国在人工智能领域的专利申请量方面已位居全球第一。AI technology will usher in the next digital revolution after the internet and smartphones, experts said, with Goldman Sachs forecasting that generative AI could drive a 7 percent increase in global GDP, or almost $7 trillion, over a 10-year period.专家表示,人工智能技术将引发继互联网和智能手机之后的下一场数字革命,高盛预测,生成式人工智能可以在10年内推动全球GDP增长7%,即近7万亿美元。Nick Fowler, chief academic officer at Elsevier, a Netherlands-based academic publishing company, said there is enduring strength in the China-US research relationship, despite noise about the two countries decoupling.总部位于荷兰的学术出版公司爱思唯尔首席学术官尼克·福勒表示,尽管有关两国脱钩的传言甚嚣尘上,但中美研究关系具有持久的优势。The Field Weighted Citation Impact — a proxy measure of research quality — of China-US co-authored publications reached almost two, which is twice the world average, and higher than the performance of either China or the US alone, according to a report by Elsevier.爱思唯尔的一份报告显示,中美合著出版物的领域加权引文影响力——研究质量的代理指标——几乎达到了2.0,是世界平均水平的两倍,也高于中国或美国单独的表现。While Washington is imposing increasingly tighter restrictions on technology, China's central leadership is attaching greater importance to innovation-driven development.在美国对技术施加越来越严格的限制的同时,中国中央领导更加重视创新驱动的发展。Beijing and Shenzhen, a metropolis in Guangdong province, announced favorable policies this week to support the development of domestically developed AI chips, which are the key to the ongoing AI boom triggered by ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by the US company OpenAI.本周,北京和深圳发布了支持国产人工智能芯片发展的优惠政策,这是由美国公司OpenAI开发的人工智能聊天机器人ChatGPT所引发的持续性人工智能热潮的关键。Liu Qingfeng, chairman of Chinese AI company iFlytek Co, said, "Chinese companies must devote big, real money to research and development in fundamental science to achieve breakthroughs in AI."中国人工智能公司科大讯飞董事长刘庆峰表示:“中国企业必须投入大量资金进行基础科学的研发,以实现人工智能的突破。”So far, China has developed at least 79 AI large-language models, or rivals of ChatGPT, according to the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China.据中国科学技术信息研究所数据迄今为止,中国已经开发了至少79个大型语言模型,或可媲美ChatGPT。When it comes to computer-brain interface technology, which enables a person to control an external device using brain signals, China is also making steady progress.在由人脑控制外部设备的脑机接口技术方面,中国也在稳步推进。A team led by Duan Feng, a professor at Nankai University in Tianjin, completed the world's first interventional brain-computer interface experiment in a nonhuman primate earlier this month.本月早些时候,天津南开大学教授段峰带领的团队完成全球首例非人灵长类动物介入式脑机接口试验。Artificialintelligence英/ˌɑːtɪfɪʃ(ə)l ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/ 美/ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/n.人工智能Quantum英/ˈkwɒntəm/ 美/ˈkwɑːntəm/n.量子Chip英/tʃɪp/ 美/tʃɪp/n.芯片