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China unveiled on Tuesday its first-ever medium- and long-term plan for space science development, looking to establish itself as a "global space science power" by 2050.10月15日,中国发布首个国家空间科学中长期发展规划,目标到2050年成为 “全球空间科学强国”。The plan, which was jointly released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China National Space Administration and the China Manned Space Agency at a news conference held by the State Council Information Office, aims to achieve "landmark original results with significant international impact".该规划由中国科学院、国家航天局、中国载人航天工程办公室在国新办举行的新闻发布会上联合发布,旨在取得“具有重大国际影响力的标志性原创成果”。It outlines the development goals of China's space science, including 17 priority areas under five key scientific themes. The themes include the extreme universe, the sun-Earth panoramic view, habitable planets, and biological and physical sciences in space, said Ding Chibiao, vice-president of the CAS.该规划明确了中国空间科学发展的目标,提出5大科学主题和17个优先发展方向。中国科学院副院长丁赤飚介绍,这些科学主题包括“极端宇宙”“日地全景”“宜居行星”和“太空格物”等。China will explore the habitability of celestial bodies in the solar system and of exoplanets, as well as conduct missions to search for extraterrestrial life, Ding said, adding that the priority areas also include sustainable development, the origin and evolution of solar system, and characterization of planetary atmospheres.丁赤飚补充,中国将探索太阳系天体和系外行星的宜居性,开展地外生命探寻。优先发展方向包括可持续发展、太阳系考古、行星圈层刻画等。The key scientific questions to be addressed include the habitability and signs of extraterrestrial life on Mars, icy moons and ice giants, and exoplanets.需要解决的关键科学问题包括火星、冰卫星、冰巨星以及系外行星的宜居性和地外生命迹象。The plan outlined a three-phase road map leading to 2050.该规划提出了至2050年中国空间科学发展路线图。By 2027, China intends to continuously secure world-class achievements in disciplines where it has a strong foundation and advantages, such as high-energy time-domain astronomy, the origin and evolution of the moon and Mars, and microgravity physics.到2027年,中国计划在高能时域天文观测、月球和火星的形成与演化、微重力物理科学等有基础、有优势的领域不断取得世界级成就。Additionally, it will consider implementing a series of space science missions in cutting-edge areas, including dark matter and extreme universe studies, gravitational waves, exoplanets, and solar activity. In these fields, five to eight missions will be proposed and initiated, with two to three major projects expected to deliver landmark results.此外,中国将考虑实施一系列前沿领域的空间科学任务,包括暗物质和极端宇宙研究、引力波、系外行星和太阳活动。在这些领域,中国将论证立项5-8项任务,其中两到三个重大项目有望取得里程碑式的成果。Between 2028 and 2035, China will deploy a range of space science missions, envisioning about 15 projects in frontier areas such as the early universe, nearby habitable exoplanets, early solar system exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life.2028年至2035年期间,中国将部署一系列空间科学任务,设想在早期宇宙、附近宜居系外行星、早期太阳系探测和寻找地外生命等前沿领域开展约15个项目。During this phase, China will also continue operating the Tiangong space station, undertake feasibility studies for crewed lunar exploration and the establishment of an international lunar research station, and conduct approximately 15 space science satellite missions.在这一阶段,中国还将继续运营天宫空间站,开展载人月球探测和国际月球科研站建设的可行性研究,并论证实施约15项空间科学卫星任务。Between 2036 and 2050, China aims to achieve international leadership in critical fields, establishing itself as a "global space science power".2036年至2050年,中国的目标是在重要领域达到世界领先水平,成为“全球空间科学强国”。During the period, the country aspires to make "revolutionary breakthroughs in basic research" in areas such as the origin and evolution of the universe, the nature of space-time, the origins of the solar system and life, and crewed deep-space exploration, thereby "expanding the boundaries of human knowledge and advancing human civilization".在此期间,中国希望在宇宙起源与演化、时空本质、太阳系与生命起源、载人深空探测等领域取得“基础研究的革命性突破”,从而“拓展人类知识体系,推动文明进步”。Meanwhile, China also plans to guide the global development of space science, proposing over 30 missions and positioning itself with core competitiveness and strong leadership in the next wave of the scientific and technological revolution.同时,中国还计划引领全球空间科学发展,提出30余项任务,使其在新一轮的科技革命中具有核心竞争力和强大领导力。Lunar missions月球探测任务At the news conference, Yang Xiaoyu, director of the Department of System Engineering at the China National Space Administration, revealed more details about China's specific plans for future lunar exploration.在新闻发布会上,中国国家航天局系统工程司司长杨小宇透露了中国未来月球探测计划的更多具体细节。The Chang'e 7 robotic probe will investigate the environment and resources on the lunar south pole, while the Chang'e 8 robotic probe will carry out technological verification of in-situ resource utilization, he said, noting that the two missions will form the basis of the proposed international lunar research station.杨小宇介绍,嫦娥七号将要对月球的南极环境和资源进行探测,嫦娥八号将开展月球资源就位利用的技术验证,二者会构成正在论证的国际月球科研站基本型。Yang also shared the progress in research related to lunar samples brought back to Earth. In December 2020, Chang'e 5 brought back 1,731 grams of lunar soil, which he said is the "youngest moon sample" ever obtained.杨小宇还分享了带回地球的月背样品相关研究进展。2020年12月,嫦娥五号从月球取回了1731克月壤样品,这是人类迄今为止拿到的最年轻的月球样品。Research has found that volcanic activity on the moon occurred as recently as 120 million years ago, and it has been discovered that the moon's cooling rate is much slower than previously thought, Yang said.杨小宇表示,研究发现,在1.2亿年前月球已发生了火山活动,且月球变冷的速度比人们原来认识的要慢得多。Scientists have identified a new mineral in the lunar samples and named it "Chang'e Stone", which is the sixth mineral ever discovered on the moon by mankind, he added.杨小宇补充,科学家们也在月球样本中发现了一种新的矿物,并将其命名为“嫦娥石”,这是人类在月球上发现的第六种新的矿物质。panoramicadj. 全景的habitabilityn. 宜居性extraterrestrialadj. 地球外的cutting-edge area前沿领域envisionv. 展望,想象