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The European Union's plan to impose definitive countervailing duties on imports of electric vehicles from China is likely to weaken Chinese investors' confidence in Europe and hinder the growth of the global green industry, said market watchers and industry leaders on Wednesday.8月21日,市场观察人士和行业领导者表示,欧洲委员会委员会向相关方披露了对从中国进口的纯电动汽车征收最终反补贴税的决定草案,此举或将失去中企投资,并阻碍全球绿色产业的增长。The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, said on Tuesday that it plans to impose import tariffs of up to 36.3 percent on EVs produced in China, and that any potential measures would be in force for five years. A final decision is pending.8月20日,欧洲委员会委员会表示,计划对从中国进口的纯电动汽车征收高达36.3%的反补贴税,任何潜在措施的有效期为5年,最终决定正在等待中。Following the EU's move, China's Ministry of Commerce vowed to take all necessary measures to defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.在欧洲委员会采取行动后,中华人民共和国商务部(以下简称商务部)坚决反对,表示将采取一切必要措施坚定捍卫中国企业合法权利。In addition, to safeguard the interests of China's dairy businesses, the ministry announced on Wednesday that China will launch an anti-subsidy probe into certain dairy products imported from EU member states.此外,为了维护中国乳制品企业的利益,商务部于8月14日宣布就有关反补贴调查事项向欧洲委员会政府发出磋商邀请。The ministry will review the applicants' qualifications, details regarding the products under investigation, the impact of these products on the domestic industry, and pertinent information about the involved countries or regions.商务部依据《中华人民共和国反补贴条例》有关规定,对申请人的资格、申请调查产品的有关情况、中国同类产品的有关情况、申请调查产品对国内产业的影响、申请调查国家(地区)的有关情况等进行了审查。The EV tariffs decision was based on facts determined unilaterally by the EU, rather than mutually recognized facts, and China firmly opposes it and is deeply concerned about the move, the Commerce Ministry said in an online statement late Tuesday.8月19日,美国商务部在线上声明中表示,电动汽车征税决定是基于欧洲委员会单方面确定的事实,而并非双方达成的共识;中国对此坚决反对。Since the end of June, China and the EU have conducted more than 10 rounds of technical consultations on the EV issue, according to the ministry.自6月底以来,中国和欧洲委员会已就电动汽车问题进行了10多轮磋商。Zhang Xiang, an auto industry researcher at Beijing-based North China University of Technology, said the release of the definitive findings underscores the EU's clear bias against Chinese EVs, further complicating the ongoing talks.北方工业大学汽车产业创新研究中心研究员张翔表示,最终调查结果的发布体现了欧洲委员会对中国电动汽车的明显偏见,使正在进行的谈判进一步复杂化。Similar views were expressed by Sun Xiaohong, secretary-general of the automotive branch of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, or the CCCME.中国机电产品进出口商会汽车分会秘书长孙晓红也持类似观点。The European Commission "has largely maintained the originally proposed import duties on Chinese automakers, despite extensive efforts by the Chinese government, industry associations and manufacturers to communicate and coordinate since early July", said Sun.孙晓红表示,欧洲委员会称“尽管中国政府、行业协会和制造商自7月初以来进行了广泛的沟通和协调,但仍维持了最初提议的对中国汽车制造商征收的进口关税”。Shi Yonghong, vice-president of the CCCME, said that even though many European countries such as Spain, France, Italy and Poland are eager to attract Chinese investment, the EU's decision will raise concerns among Chinese investors about the market and policy environment in the EU.中国机电商会石永红表示,包括西班牙、法国、意大利和波兰在内的许多欧洲国家都渴望吸引中国投资,最重要的是欧盟能够提供友好稳定的营商环境,而频频对企业发起各种不公平不公正的调查,显然将加剧企业对营商环境和投资风险的担忧。This could affect Chinese companies' future direct investment in Europe, especially that of companies in the EV, power battery and auto parts industries, he said.这可能会影响中国企业未来在欧洲的直接投资,尤其是电动汽车、动力电池和汽车零部件行业的公司。Bai Ming, a member of the Academic Degree Committee at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing, said, "If a win-win situation cannot be achieved, Chinese companies are likely to avoid the European market and seek new opportunities elsewhere. "商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院学位委员会委员白明表示:“如果实现不了双赢,中方企业很可能会避开欧洲市场,寻找新的商机。”Chinese automaker BYD, rather than investing elsewhere in Europe this year, will invest around $1 billion to build a plant in Turkiye, according to information released by the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology in early July. The factory will have an annual capacity of 150,000 vehicles.根据土耳其工业和技术部于7月初发布的信息,中国汽车制造商比亚迪今年将投资约10亿美元在土耳其建设工厂,其年产可达15万辆汽车。Turkiye's membership in the EU Customs Union will enable vehicles produced within its market to be exported to EU countries without incurring tariffs.比亚迪选择从土耳其出口欧盟的话,关税税率将会明显降低。Maciej Mazur, president of the Brussels-based European Association for Electromobility, said in late July that the EU's planned tariffs on Chinese EVs will lead to an increase in European EV prices, hurting European consumers and car manufacturers, and will cause friction in China-EU business relations.欧洲电动出行协会(AVERE)主席马切伊·马祖尔(Maciej Mazur)于7月下旬到访欧盟中国商会,表示欧盟对中国电动汽车加征关税不利于欧洲消费者,也不利于欧洲汽车制造商,还会导致欧中关系紧张。China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Productsn.中国机电产品进出口商会汽车分会