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With its enchanting allure and captivating attractions, Harbin, the picturesque ice city of Heilongjiang province in Northeast China, has become a social media sensation, leaving netizens mesmerized by its myriad splendors.哈尔滨位于中国东北黑龙江省,是一座风景如画的冰城,以其独特的魅力和美丽的景点,在社交媒体上走红,令无数网友心驰神往。Among these fascinating sights are a group of 11 charismatic children from Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in South China, who fearlessly embarked on an educational trip to Harbin, instantly winning the hearts of online communities.在这些迷人的景点之间,一群来自广西南宁壮族自治区的孩子,一行十一人,勇敢地踏上了哈尔滨的游学之旅,在网络上赢得广泛关注。Clad in vibrant orange attire, they are fondly referred to as the "little tangerines", with the oldest just 6 and a half years old, while the youngest only 3 years and 5 months old. The nickname symbolizes both their cute orange outfits and Guangxi's prominent citrus production.他们身着鲜艳的橙色服装,被网友们亲切地称为“小砂糖桔”,他们中最大的只有6岁半,最小的只有3岁零5个月。这个绰号既因为他们可爱的橙色服装,也表现着广西全国领先的柑橘产业。Each day, their enchanting presence is trending on various social media platforms. Wherever they venture, they are warmly embraced and showered with affection by the locals.每天,他们可爱的身影都在各种社交媒体平台上传播。无论他们走到哪里,都会受到当地人的热烈欢迎和喜爱。In Harbin, they savored the local delicacies, and watched a firework display amid the snowy landscape.在哈尔滨,他们品尝了当地的美食,还在一篇白雪皑皑中观看了烟花秀。Liang, the lead teacher of their tour, confirmed their arrival in Mohe, a pivotal destination in their educational itinerary. Upon their arrival, the tour group was warmly welcomed by a local travel agency in coordination with the city's tourism bureau.此次游学的带队老师梁老师表示他们已经抵达了漠河,这是他们游学中的关键一站。抵达后,游学团受到当地旅行社与漠河市旅游局的协调的热烈欢迎。At the northernmost police outpost of China, they sang the national anthem and saluted the border guards, marking an important part of their educational trip.在中国最北的派出所,他们唱了国歌,向边防卫兵敬礼,这是他们游学之旅的重要内容。Moreover, the police officers at the station prepared snow sculptures and snowmen to treat the "little tangerines".此外,车站的警察还准备了雪雕和雪人来招待“小砂糖桔”们。A parent of one of the children expressed gratitude for the collective support and concern shown by netizens and friends from Northeast China. The use of orange coats worn by the children was chosen by a vote among the parents, primarily for safety reasons. Such gestures of care have provided the parents with peace of mind, allowing them to wholeheartedly embrace the adventure, according to a report by The Cover, a news outlet in Sichuan province.其中一位孩子的家长对东北地区的网友和网友们的集体支持和关心表示感谢。孩子们穿橙色外套的使用是由父母投票选出的,主要是出于安全考量。根据四川省新闻媒体的报道,网友们的关心让父母们安心,让“小砂糖桔”们能够全身心地投入这次冒险。Following their remarkable online journey, these children have received an invitation from cultural and tourism authorities in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.由于他们的游学之旅在网络上走红,这些孩子收到了新疆维吾尔自治区文化和旅游部门的邀请。"Parents are strongly requesting to go to Xinjiang. However, it still needs further discussion", said Liu Ben, organizer of this study tour.“家长们强烈希望去新疆。但是,我们仍然需要进一步讨论“,这次游学团的组织者刘本(音译)说。To express gratitude for the hospitality received in Heilongjiang, a free batch of tangerines from Lipu of Guangxi was sent to the province on Thursday.为了感谢黑龙江的热情款待,周四,一批免费的砂糖桔从广西荔浦运出。Data show that Harbin welcomed more than 3 million visitors, raking in 5.9 billion yuan ($830 million) of tourism revenue during the three-day New Year holiday, which ended on Monday.数据显示,在周一结束的为期三天的元旦假期中,哈尔滨的游客接待量超过300万,旅游收入超过59亿元人民币(8.3亿美元)。Tangerine英/tæn(d)ʒə'riːn/ 美/'tændʒə'rin/n. 柑橘Educational tripn. 游学