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China's outbound tourism market is showing good growth momentum and is expected to make a robust recovery amid the nation's optimized COVID-19 response measures and relaxed travel restrictions.中国出境旅游市场呈现良好的增长势头,预计随着新冠肺炎应对措施的优化,以及旅行限制的放宽,中国出境旅游将实现强劲复苏。According to travel portal Trip.com Group, bookings it received for international flight tickets rose by 145 percent year-on-year during the three-day New Year's Day holiday. The portal is expecting such bookings to increase by 260 percent during the Spring Festival holiday later this month.根据携程平台的数据,元旦跨境机票预订量同比增长145%,春运跨境游热度则更高,预订量同比增长超过260%。Airline international passenger volume saw a 70 percent increase over the holiday, recording their best performance since 2019, according to Flight AI, a database of Trip.com Group.根据携程旗下FlightAI市场洞察平台数据,假期期间,国际航空公司的客运量增长了70%,这是自2019年以来的最佳表现。In December, China optimized its COVID-19 response measures, aiming to revitalize the economy and bring people's lives back on track.12月以来,中国优化了新冠肺炎应对措施,以提振经济,让人民生活回到正轨。According to the latest travel policy, announced by the State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on Dec 27 and to take effect on Jan 8, international passengers arriving in the Chinese mainland no longer need to quarantine or undergo a nucleic acid test on arrival.12月26日,国务院联防联控机制宣布自1月8日起,正式取消入境后全员核酸检测,正式取消集中隔离。Responding to the adjustments, the National Immigration Administration released a notice on Dec 27 saying it will resume services of approving passport applications, and tourism and business permits for the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions on Jan 8.针对这些调整,中国国家移民管理局于12月27日发布通知,自2023年1月8日起有序恢复受理审批中国公民因出国旅游、访友申请普通护照,恢复办理内地居民旅游、商务赴港签注。"The policy adjustments will help in the recovery of China's inbound and outbound tourism markets. ... (My company hopes) to benefit from the new policy adjustments," said Xu Xiaolei, chief branding officer of China Youth Travel Service, a travel portal headquartered in Beijing.中青旅首席品牌官徐晓磊表示,政策调整给国内外旅游业带来巨大政策红利,旅游全产业链都将非常受益。Xu said that consultancies for international trips and searches for visa information, flight tickets and hotels surged on the platform after authorities announced on Dec 26 the downgrading of COVID-19 management from Class A to Class B starting on Jan 8.徐晓磊说,自政策宣布从1月8日起新型冠状病毒感染实施“B类管理”后,国际旅行咨询以及签证信息、机票和酒店搜索量激增。"Searches for visa information increased fivefold on the platform that day. Our users showed a higher preference for overseas destinations," he added.徐晓磊补充说:“12月26日当天,平台上对签证信息的搜索量增加了五倍。我们的用户对海外目的地的偏好更高。”Travel portal LY.com said that as of 2 pm on Dec 27, bookings for international flight tickets rose by 400 percent compared with the previous month. Visa consultancies rose by 100 percent for two consecutive days from Dec 27, it said.截至12月27日14时,同程旅行国际机票订单量环比上涨超过400%,26、27两天签证咨询量连续上涨超过100%。Figures from online travel agency Fliggy show that searches for international flight tickets on the platform increased eightfold after the policy adjustments on Dec 27 and views on its digital visa center increased 8.3-fold year-on-year.飞猪数据显示,该政策发布不到1小时,平台上的国际航班搜索量暴增超8倍,数字签证中心的浏览量同比增长了8.3倍。LY.com said that its users prefer destinations in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia, and that flight bookings to these destinations, from Jan 8 to Jan 21, surged by 277 percent compared with the previous month.However, some industry insiders remain cautious about the recovery of the inbound and outbound tourism markets.同程表示,用户更偏好东南亚的目的地,包括泰国、新加坡和印度尼西亚,从1月8日到1月21日,飞往这些目的地的航班预订量比上月增加了277%。不过,一些业内人士对出入境旅游市场的复苏仍持谨慎态度。Gu Huimin, a professor at Beijing International Studies University's School of Tourism Sciences, told Beijing Business Today that outbound tourism may see the first wave of recovery during the Spring Festival holiday later this month, but the recovery will also depend on the epidemic situation and the availability of flights and visas.北京第二外国语学院旅游科学学院教授谷慧敏告诉北京商报,出境旅游可能会在本月末的春节假期迎来第一波复苏,但复苏还将取决于疫情、航班以及签证。Travel portal Fliggy pointed out that while China has optimized its COVID-19 policies and relaxed entry restrictions, some countries and regions still require travelers from China to take a nucleic acid test on arrival.旅行平台飞猪指出,尽管中国优化了新冠肺炎政策并放宽了入境限制,但一些国家和地区仍要求中国游客在抵达时进行核酸检测。For example, the United States announced last week that all travelers, age 2 and older, must have a negative nucleic acid test result 48 hours before departure from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong or Macao.例如,美国在上周宣布,所有2岁及以上的旅行者必须在离开中国大陆、香港或澳门48小时前的核酸检测结果呈阴性。Japan, South Korea and Italy announced that people arriving from China must show a negative nucleic acid test result.日本、韩国和意大利也宣布,从中国抵达的人员必须出示核酸检测阴性证明。In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said China is ready to step up communication with the rest of the international community and work together to prevail over COVID-19. It said it does not believe that the entry restrictions some countries have imposed on travelers from China are based on science.对此,外交部表示,中国愿与国际社会加强沟通,共同努力战胜新冠肺炎。外交部认为,部分国家采取仅针对中国游客的入境限制措施缺乏科学依据。The ministry said it resolutely opposes any political trickery under the pretext of epidemic control, and that corresponding measures will be taken in accordance with the principle of reciprocity for different situations.外交部表示,中方对试图操弄疫情防控措施以达到政治目的的做法表示坚决反对,将针对不同情况本着对等原则采取相应措施。In the past three years, China's outbound tourism has been sluggish due to COVID-19 restrictions, as people put aside plans for international travel, according to a 2022 report by the China Tourism Academy.根据2022年中国旅游学院的一份报告,在过去三年里,由于新冠肺炎疫情的限制,中国出境旅游业发展缓慢,人们搁置了国际旅行计划。Outbound visits may have reached 26 to 30 million in 2022, roughly 20 percent of the number in 2019, according to the report.报告显示,2022年出境旅游可能达到2600万至3000万人次,恢复程度依然不足疫情前水平的20%。robust英 [rəʊˈbʌst]  美 [roʊˈbʌst]adj. 强劲的outbound英 [ˈaʊtbaʊnd]  美 [ˈaʊtbaʊnd]adj. 出境的trickery英 [ˈtrɪkəri]  美 [ˈtrɪkəri]n. 诡计