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The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er gained World Heritage Site status on the 45th Session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Sunday, becoming China's 57th entry on that list.周日(9月17日),“普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观”在沙特阿拉伯利雅得举行的联合国教科文组织第45届世界遗产大会列入《世界遗产名录》,中国世界遗产数量增至57项。It is also the first World Heritage Site with the theme of tea.这也是第一个以茶为主题的世界遗产。The newly-inscribed heritage site in Lancang Lahu autonomous county in Pu'er, Yunnan province contains 5 large-scale, well-preserved old tea forests - which are 1,250 to 1,500 meters above the sea level, 9 traditional villages scattered in these old forests, and mainly inhabited by Blang and Dai ethnic groups, as well as 3 protective separation forests in between.新增的世界遗产位于云南省普洱市澜沧拉祜族自治县,包括5片规模较大、保存完好的古茶林,海拔在1250米至1500米,9个传统村落散落在这些古茶林中,主要居住着布朗族和傣族,中间还有3片分隔防护林。The landscape was jointly created by ancestors of Blang people who immigrated to Jingmai Mountain in the 10th century AD and discovered and domesticated wild tea trees, as well as by the ancestors of Dai people.公元10世纪迁徙到景迈山的布朗族和傣族先民发现并驯化栽培了野生茶树,共同创造出这种景观。On the basis of longstanding practices, local people developed an under-story growing technique. That is to create ideal light conditions for the growing of tea trees through limited under-story cultivation while preventing insect hazards through the well-preserved forest ecosystem, so as to produce quality organic tea leaves without the application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.通过长期摸索,当地人民创造了一种林下种植技术。这是为了通过有限的林下栽培为茶树的生长创造理想的光照条件,同时通过保存完好的森林生态系统防止病虫害,从而在不使用农药和化肥的情况下生产出高质量的有机茶叶。As UNESCO World Heritage Committee noted on the 45th Session: "(It) represents an exceptional testimony of the under-story tea cultivation traditions that enabled the development of a complementary spatial distribution of different land uses providing ecosystems and micro-climates that support both the cultivation of old tea forests and the well-being of communities residing in this organically evolved cultural landscape."正如联合国教科文组织第45届世界遗产大会所指出的:“(它)是地下茶叶种植传统的特殊证明,它在生态系统和微气候下使不同土地用途的互补空间分布得以发展,既培育了古茶林,也为居住在这一有机进化的文化景观中的人们带去福祉。”The committee noted that the cultural landscape is also an outstanding example of a sustainable land-use system based on a combination of horizontal and vertical land-use patterns.大会注意到,这种文化景观也是以横向和纵向土地利用模式相结合为基础的可持续土地利用系统的一个突出范例。It further stated: "This land-use system permits the complementary use of natural resources in the mountainous environment of Jingmai Mountain and represents an exceptional example of a human interaction by Blang and Dai peoples in a challenging environment."大会还表示:“这种土地利用模式互补利用了景迈山山区的自然资源,是布朗族和傣族人民共同创造的在具有挑战性环境中的独特范例。”Li Qun, director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, vowed in Riyadh that China will strengthen efforts to better supervise the heritage site, face climate change, guide local communities to join in protection and regulate tourism to ensure lastingly inherited outstanding universal values of the old tea forests.国家文物局局长李群在利雅得表示,中国将更加努力,更好地监督管理遗产地,面对气候变化,引导当地人民参与保护,规范旅游,确保持久传承古茶林的突出普世价值。"We'll also advance international exchange and cooperation and take more responsibilities in the World Heritage circle," he said.他说:“我们也将推进国际交流与合作,在世界遗产界肩负更多的责任。”Chen Yaohua, director of World Heritage Research Center of Peking University who has led studies of the site in the past 12 years, said that the practice on Jingmai Mountain is quite unique in the context where large-scaled terraced tea plantations play a dominant role in today's world.近12年来研究该遗产的北京大学世界遗产研究中心主任陈耀华说,在当今世界大规模梯田茶种植园为主的背景下,景迈山的实践颇为独特。"It thus presents the ecological ethics and wisdom which can be critically inspiring for sustainable development of world today," Chen said.“它体现了生态伦理和智慧,对当今世界的可持续发展有非常重要的启发作用。”According to his research, about 10 percent of tea trees on the mountain are at least 100-years-old, and the oldest ones are over 300.据陈耀华研究,山上约10%的茶树至少有100年树龄,最古老的有300多棵。On Jingmai Mountain, indigenous communities also maintain ancient governance systems to protect the site, including traditional festivals and ceremonies related to Tea Ancestor, a belief that spirits live in forest as well as among local fauna and flora. Tea leaves contribute to over 90 percent of the income for those communities.景迈山上的原住民区也保持着保护该遗产的古老治理体系,包括与茶祖信仰有关的传统节日和仪式。茶祖信仰是一种存在于当地古茶林于动植物中的精神信仰。茶叶为这些地区贡献了90%以上的收入。Other than that, local governments of Yunnan province and Pu'er city released 3 laws and 7 regulations focusing on the protection of the cultural landscape on Jingmai Mountain.除此之外,云南省和普洱市地方政府围绕景迈山文化景观保护出台了3部法规和7条条例。The core zone of the World Heritage Site covers about 72 square kilometers on Jingmai Mountain. Its buffer zone spreads to about 120 square kilometers. The cultural landscape of old tea forests was first included in China's tentative list seeking for World Heritage status in 2012.世界遗产核心区覆盖景迈山约72平方公里,缓冲区约为120平方公里。古茶林文化景观于2012年首次进入中国申请世界遗产预备名单。Heritage英/'herɪtɪdʒ/美/'hɛrɪtɪdʒ/n.遗产