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Look at that! We're in Suzhou!快看我们在苏州The best surprise.最好的惊喜Yeah, absolutely. Welcome to Potside Chats没错欢迎收看《围炉漫话》where we discuss all things China.我们一起漫谈中国In today's episode we're going to be discussing本集我们将探讨the ancient city of Suzhou.古城苏州Suzhou was founded in 6th century BC.苏州始建于公元前6世纪The city was ingeniously designed这座城市设计精妙with roads and canals running parallel to each other.道路和运河彼此平行This allowed for the ease of transport这使得货物和人of both goods and people throughout the city.能轻松在城市中穿行That coupled with its connection to the Grand Canal,再加上它与大运河连接which is the world's longest manmade canal大运河是世界上最长的人造运河running all the way to Beijing, some 1,800 kilometers.一直延伸到北京长约1800公里All of that made Suzhou a key trading hub这些都使苏州在中国历史上and economic powerhouse for much of China's history.多数时间中是经济中心和主要贸易点And that economic status这种经济地位was helped greatly by its most famous export,很大程度上得益于其最著名的商品silk embroidery.丝绸刺绣And I'm always curious但我一直很好奇how these more ancient art forms这些古老技艺是如何are preserving their tradition,保持其传统but also bringing it into the modern era.与此同时又融入现代社会的You have any idea on how Suzhou is navigating that issue?你知道苏州是如何做到这点的吗Not at all.完全不知道Okay.好吧Which is why I went所以我去参观了to the Yao Jianping Embroidery Art Brand Pavilion姚建萍刺绣艺术馆to meet with an expert见了一位专家who has a great idea how they've been doing that.他很清楚他们是如何做到的Perfect.好极了Hello Tao.你好陈涛Hello, Ryan, welcome.瑞恩欢迎你Thank you.谢谢This is gorgeous.这太美了Thank you.谢谢And obviously Suzhou embroidery is famous for its beauty.苏绣以精美而闻名But could you explain to me a bit但你能否告诉我why it is so precious to the people of Suzhou?为什么它对苏州人来说如此重要吗And why it is so highly regarded throughout the world?为什么苏绣在全世界备受推崇Of course.当然Suxiu(Suzhou Embroidery)has always been part of苏绣自古以来就是Suzhou's history.苏州历史的一部分It's organic silk.它使用有机丝绸That's why it has all these reflections.所以会有各种颜色的反光You could look at these silk yarns here.你可以看看这里的丝线We make this space very modernized我们将这里设计为现代风格also on the exhibition side,在展览区域也是and we also make courses还提供刺绣课程so younger people could actually get hands-on experience,让年轻人能亲身体验and get to know embroidery more.让他们多了解苏绣That's awesome.太厉害了Can you figure out how embroidery is infused in here?你能看出刺绣是如何与这个产品融合的吗People wouldn't think按说人们会认为watch could be combined together with embroidery.手表无法与苏绣融合That's why we need to go into the younger generations.所以我们需要更年轻的头脑We need to make design products.我们需要设计产品That's why we build a team of younger designers.因此我们建立了一支年轻的设计师团队Get into these traditional industries,进入这些传统工业行业to bridge the gap弥合鸿沟between the modern and the tradition products.让现代和传统都融合进产品中去That's incredible. Speaking on finances a little bit.太绝妙了我们来谈谈经济方面You've made such grand innovations to this art form.你对这项传统艺术进行了大胆的创新How was that then reflected in the market?市场对此有什么反应So in this space we are actually embracing the market其实我们一直在与市场合作where we were also seen by other industries and brands.在其他行业和品牌中常常能见到我们的身影We started making one of a kind我们与其他公司合作unique car interiors with other companies.设计了一款独特的汽车内饰We also started working together with我们还与中国the most popular game in China.最流行的手游合作And we did a character, Wang Zhaojun with them.为其中一个角色王昭君设计了特别款皮肤That's so awesome.这太漂亮了So Ryan this is瑞恩这是我想the last piece I wanted to show you.给你介绍的最后一件绣品So you know about bifacial embroidery.你知道苏绣中有双面绣Most of them two sides are the same, right?通常这种刺绣两面是一样的花纹Check this one out. We have these monkeys here.看这个作品这一面是两只猴子It has different shapes,两面图案不同different needlework and different colors on both sides.针法不同而且颜色也不尽相同Just like the city of Suzhou.就像苏州这座城市We have the super long ancient history我们拥有漫长的历史and then we have the modern side of the city.但也拥有现代化的一面Thank you so much for showing me this.非常感谢你给我介绍这些You're welcome, my pleasure.不客气是我的荣幸I think it's so incredible这太了不起了how Suxiu has maintained its vitality苏绣这些年来both in Suzhou culture and fashion在苏州文化和时尚方面都保持着活力throughout all these years.在苏州文化和时尚方面都保持着活力Yeah. I think they're a really good model对我觉得苏绣在of how to preserve the spirit of the culture.如何保存文化精神方面做了良好表率But I also feel that as tourists,但作为游客来说we're only getting like a slice of Suzhou.我们只是浅尝苏州Yeah.对But Ryan. I want the whole Suzhou pie.瑞恩我想品尝完整的苏州盛宴Help me get it!帮帮我OK, I was thinking the exact same thing.我也正有此意That's why I called up my buddy Marvin,所以我联系了好友马文文who's been living in Suzhou for years.他在苏州居住多年We're going to grab dinner with him我们跟他一起吃晚餐and see what it's like from his perspective.看他是否有什么见解That's great.好极了Marvin, it's great to see you.马文文很高兴见到你