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Sony Pictures has acquired the English-language remake rights to Chinese comedy drama, "Hi, Mom", which until recently overtaken by "Barbie" had been the world’s highest grossing film directed by a solo female.索尼影业公司获得了中国喜剧片《你好,李焕英》的英文翻拍权。该片是全球票房最高的女性独立导演影片,直至近日才被《芭比》超越。The original picture, directed by Jia Ling and released in early 2021, sees a young woman whose mother has been fatally injured in a car accident, travel back to the early 1980s where she becomes best friend to the younger version of her mother. That enables her to work on giving her mother a better life than first time around.该片由贾玲导演,于2021年初上映。影片中,一位年轻女孩的母亲因车祸去世,女孩穿越时光回到了20世纪80年代初,与年轻版的母亲成为了最好的朋友,并努力让母亲过上比第一次更好的生活。Variety's review of the picture said it had an "inspired storytelling switch" and was "a top-notch tearjerker that will have viewers everywhere reaching for the tissues".综艺杂志Variety的影评称,该片“在故事情节的转换上非常灵动”,是“一流的催泪片,能让所有观众感动至深”。"I am looking forward to this cooperation and I am so glad that my story with my mom can be shared with more people. I believe that while everyone’s story with their mom is unique, the love in these stories is universal and something we can all resonate with," Jia said.“我很期待这次合作,也很高兴我和妈妈的故事能与更多人分享。我相信每个人与母亲的故事都独一无二,但这些故事中饱含的爱是普遍的,我们都会有共鸣。”The original story, known in Chinese as "Hello, Li Huanying", Jia’s late mother’s real name, was developed by Jia from a comedy sketch of the same name that she wrote in 2016. Production of the feature began in 2019 with production by Beijing Jingxi Culture.原片中文名为《你好,李焕英》,由贾玲2016年创作的同名喜剧小品改编而成。李焕英是贾玲已故母亲的真名。该片于2019年开始拍摄,由北京京西文化旅游股份有限公司制作。Jia co-starred as the young woman, while Zhang Xiaofei played the younger version of her mother.贾玲饰演年轻女孩,张小斐饰演年轻版的母亲。"Hi, Mom" was released in February 2021, timed to coincide with the Chinese New Year peak box office season, and grossed RMB5.41 billion (some $841 million at current exchange rates), making it the third highest performing film of all time in China.《你好,李焕英》于2021年2月上映,适逢春节档票房旺季,票房收入达54.1亿人民币(按当前汇率约合8.41亿美元),位列中国电影票房收入排行榜第三。Remake rightsn.翻拍权Tearjerker英/'tɪə,dʒɜːkə/美/ˈtɪrˌdʒɜːrkər/n.催人泪下的电影