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英语新闻∣中秋小长假,短途旅行占主流Domestic tourism is projected to rebound during the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival holiday with short-distance trips remaining a popular choice for travelers due to some travel restrictions in areas experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks.受新冠疫情影响,部分地区受到旅行限制,但随着中秋假期临近,国内旅游预计将在此期间反弹,短途旅行成为旅行者的热门选择。Popular for family reunions, the three-day holiday starts on Saturday. Travel agencies estimate that the holiday will provide the strongest boost for the tourism industry's recovery this year after the market showed alacklusterperformance in the first half due to the impact of the epidemic.为期三天的中秋小长假从9月10日开始,是家庭团聚的好机会。据旅行社估计,在受疫情影响,上半年旅游市场表现平平之后,中秋小长假将为今年旅游业的复苏提供最强劲的推动力。The latest figures from travel portal Fliggy show that most of its users are choosing to travel to areas with lower infection risks within a two-hour drive. Hotel bookings on its platform also indicate an increase in short-distance journeys.据旅游门户网站飞猪的最新数据显示,大多数用户选择前往两小时车程内感染风险较低的地区。其平台上的酒店预订也显示出短途旅行数量的增加。It said that in the week from Aug 29 to Sept 4,reservationsfor hotels near where its users work or live rose by 1.7 times compared with the previous week, and sales of tickets for attractions in these places increased by 2.3 times from the previous week.飞猪网站称,8月29日至9月4日这一周,用户工作或生活地点附近的酒店预订较前一周增加了1.7倍,这些地方景点的门票销售较前一周增加了2.3倍。To manage any possible outbreaks during the coming holiday, several provinces and regions have updated their COVID-19 prevention and control policies. Beijing, for example, suggests that residents not travel to areas with high or medium infection risks or places with recently reported confirmed cases. Those who plan to travel to Beijing should have a negative nucleic acid test result from within 24 hours and take a nucleic acid test within 72 hours of arriving in the city.为严防假期期间出现疫情,多个省份和地区更新了新冠肺炎防控政策。例如,北京市建议居民不要前往疫情高中风险区和近期出现确诊病例的地区。拟赴京人员需持24小时内核酸检测阴性证明,入京72小时内进行核酸检测。Online travel services provider Tuniu said that 68 percent of its users are choosing to take short-distance tours during the holiday.在线旅游服务提供商途牛表示,68%的用户在中秋小长假期间选择短途旅行。However, bookings for medium-and long-distance travel have also increased for the coming holiday. Trip.com Group, an online travel agency, said that as of Aug 30, bookings of its tour products for the three-day holiday had risen 137 percent when compared to the Dragon Boat Festival holiday in June.此外,中长途旅行的预订量也有所增加。在线旅行社携程表示,截至8月30日,与6月份的端午节假期相比,中秋小长假的旅游产品预订量增加了137%。It said that of these reservations, 47 percent were for short-distance tours and 53 percent were for long-distance ones. Bookings for long-distance tours had risen by nearly 30 percent from the Dragon Boat Festival.携程表示,在这些预订中,47%是短途旅游,53%是长途旅游。从端午节开始,长途旅游的预订量增加了近30%。Zuo Wei, a researcher at the New Era Culture and Tourism Institute, a third-party think tank, predicts that short-distance travel will be preferred this holiday, and people with children, and younger adults will make up thebulkoftravelers. "Night tours will also surge as appreciating the moon is one of the festival traditions," she added.    据新时代文化旅游研究院研究员左薇预测,今年中秋国内旅游市场本地及周边游活跃度较高,亲子群体、年轻群体为出行主力。“赏月”作为中秋佳节的传统文化习俗,将带动全国各地夜游市场热度攀升。Fliggy showed that reservations for night tour activities such as light shows and boat cruises along the Huangpu River in Shanghai increased by 146 percent in the past week.飞猪表示,过去一周,上海灯光秀和黄浦江游船等夜间旅游活动的预订量增加了146%。"My husband and I plan to go on a short trip to Pinggu district in Beijing this holiday, renting arecreationalvehicle," said Dong Jie, a 31-year-old from Beijing. "We plan to appreciate the moon and eat mooncakes in the RV, which is romantic."31岁的董洁(音译)来自北京,她说:“这个假期,我和丈夫打算租一辆房车去北京平谷区做一次短途旅行。我们打算在房车里赏月、吃月饼,这很浪漫。”She said that they had booked a trip to Tianjin to spend the holiday half a month ago but canceled due to the epidemic control policy. "It's fine for us as we planned to drive to Tianjin. Now, Yanqing is also a good choice. We just want to relax, no matter the destination."董洁表示,他们半个月前就预定了去天津度假的行程,但由于疫情原因取消了。“开车去天津挺好的。但现在,延庆也是一个不错的选择。去哪都行,我们只是想放松。”Tuniu said that self-driving tours will see robust growth during the holiday. It said that people from 26 to 35 years old show a higher preference for traveling on their own, and those living in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, as well as Shanghai and Beijing are more interested in self-driving trips to spend the holiday.途牛表示,自驾游将在小产假期间显著增长。26岁至35岁的年轻人更喜欢独自旅行,而居住在江苏南京、上海和北京的人对自驾游更感兴趣。lackluster英['lækˌlʌstə]美['lækˌlʌstə]adj. 无光泽的,暗淡的reservation英[ˌrezəˈveɪʃn]美[ˌrezərˈveɪʃn]n. 预订bulk英[bʌlk]美[bʌlk]n.(大)量recreational英[ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl]美[ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl]adj. 消遣的; 娱乐的