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Chinese weightlifter Luo Shifang won the gold medal in the women's 59-kilogram division at the Paris Olympics on Thursday, marking the third gold for the nation's weightlifting team at the Games.当地时间8月8日,中国举重运动员罗诗芳在巴黎奥运会上夺得女子59公斤级举重比赛的金牌,这是中国举重队在奥运会上获得的第三枚金牌。Luo's medal brought China's gold haul in Paris to 28.罗诗芳夺冠后,中国在巴黎累计获得多达28枚金牌。Previously, both Li Fabin, the defending Olympic champion in the men's 61kg division, and Hou Zhihui, who was gold medalist in the women's 49kg division at the Tokyo Games, retained their titles.此前,男子61公斤级奥运会卫冕冠军李发彬和东京奥运会女子49公斤级金牌得主侯志慧都成功保持了冠军头衔。Luo, 23, ranked No 1 in both the snatch event, with 107kg, and the clean and jerk, with 134kg, setting three Olympic records, in snatch, clean and jerk, and total weight. Maude Charron of Canada took silver and Kuo Hsing-chun of Chinese Taipei claimed bronze.在抓举和挺举两个项目中,23岁的罗诗芳分别以107公斤和134公斤的成绩位列第一,刷新了抓举、挺举和总重量三个项目的奥运会记录。加拿大选手莫德·查伦获得银牌,中国台北选手郭幸淳获得铜牌。Meanwhile, propelled by strength and steered by willpower, Chinese paddlers Liu Hao and Ji Bowen won China's third straight Olympic title in the men's canoe double 500-meter.同时,实力强劲、意志坚定的中国选手刘浩和季博文在男子500米双人皮艇项目中连续三次获得奥运会冠军。Boasting strong pushes individually and exceptional synchronization of pace in the sprint, Liu and Ji started the final strong to take an early lead. They clinched the gold by paddling past the finish line first in one min, 39.48 sec, while Italy's Gabriele Casadei and Carlo Tacchini won silver and Spain's Joan Antoni Moreno and Diego Dominguez took the bronze.在短距划艇中,刘浩和季博文凭借各自强悍的爆发力和出色的协同步调,自决赛开始就展现出强劲的领先势头。他们以1分39秒48的成绩第一个划过终点线,夺得金牌。此外,意大利选手加布里埃莱·卡萨代伊和卡尔洛·塔基尼获得银牌,西班牙选手胡安·安东尼奥·莫雷诺(音)和迭戈·多明格斯(音)获得铜牌。The Chinese duo's three-peat followed a 16-year wait, after the double 500m was excluded from the past three Games' sports programs, from 2012 to 2021, before its return in Paris.2012至2021年间的三届奥运会都取消了500米双人划艇项目,直至巴黎奥运会该项目才重新回归,经过十六年的漫长等待,中国划艇双人组终于在巴黎奥运会上实现了三连冠的壮举。China's legendary duo of Yang Wenjun and Meng Guanliang, both retired, claimed back-to-back gold medals in the double event at two previous Olympic regattas — Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008 — to become the first and only pair in the world to defend the title.中国的传奇组合,现今已退役的杨文军和孟关良曾在2004年雅典奥运会和2008年北京奥运会上取得双人划艇赛两连冠的傲人佳绩,成为世界上首个在该项目上卫冕的组合。"With everything just falling into place, I feel we had a magical race today," said Ji, a 22-year-old native of Zhejiang province who made his Olympic debut in Paris.来自浙江省,时年22岁的季博文首次参加奥运会,他表示:“一切都是恰如其分,我们今天的比赛精妙绝伦”。"We started out fast, took an early lead, and from there we were just paddling as hard as we could to our own pace, and the result came as expected.“我们起步很快,从开局就领先了,之后我们一直按照自己的节奏尽力去划,最后的结果在我们意料之中。”"To make it happen on a memorable day for all the Chinese Olympians, I am so excited and satisfied," said Ji, who only started to partner with Liu, a two-time Olympian, at the end of 2021.季博文还说:“对于所有中国奥运选手来说,这是难忘的一天,我们非常的激动和满足”。在2021年年末,季博文和两届奥运元老刘浩才成为搭档。The golden race on Thursday capped the steady progress of Liu and Ji during the Paris Olympic cycle on a high note, following their bronze finish at the 2022 world championships and silver at the 2023 world championships.季博文和刘浩在2022年和2023年的世界锦标赛中分别收获铜牌和银牌,8日的金牌赛事,标明了两人的表现在巴黎奥运周期稳步提升,达到了令人振奋的高峰。Since China is the only Asian country to ever have won medals in the event, the nation's future as a dominant force is in good hands, said Liu.刘浩表示,中国是唯一一个在该项目上赢得奖牌的亚洲国家,未来,中国将很有可能成为主导力量。"In Tokyo I took two silver medals, so winning the gold medal means a lot to me, and it's very important for my country as well. It's compensation for what I've done up until now," said Liu, a runner-up in single and double 1000m at Tokyo 2020.刘浩在2020年东京奥运会的单人和双人1000米项目中都获得了银牌,他表示:“在东京,我得到了两枚银牌,所以这枚金牌不仅对于国家十分重要,对我来说也意义重大,它是我所付出的努力最好的回报”。Ji "is very young and motivated; he will be the future of China," said Liu, who pushed with Ji to reach an Olympic record time of 1:37.40 in their heats on Tuesday.刘浩鼓励季博文在8月6日的预赛中努力划进1分37秒40,刷新奥运会记录,他说:“季博文很年轻、很上进,他会是中国的未来”。On Thursday at the Paris Aquatics Centre, China's invincible diving team also maintained its golden streak after men's divers Xie Siyi and Wang Zongyuan finished No 1 and No 2, respectively, in the 3m springboard final to grab the Chinese diving team's sixth gold and second silver in the pool.8月8日,谢思埸和王宗源在巴黎水上运动中心举办的3米跳台决赛中包金揽银,为中国跳水队取得第六枚金牌和第二枚银牌,中国无敌跳水队继续保持着金牌记录。After winning six out of six disciplines by the end of Thursday, the Chinese diving "dream team" stayed on course to achieve the clean sweep of all eight gold medals in diving at the Olympics for the first time in history.直至8月6日,中国跳水“梦之队”稳定发挥,六战六捷,在奥运会跳水项目中收获八枚奖牌,创造历史新高。Divisionn.(足球等体育运动中联赛的)级Snatchv.(举重比赛术语)抓举Clean and jerkv.(举重比赛术语)挺举