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Tanker trucks in China are in the spotlight after a Beijing News report exposed how they are transporting edible oil and chemicals alternatively without proper cleaning in between. Soon after emptying some coal-based oils and other chemicals, the drivers directly load edible soybean oil into their tanks for the next trip, thus increasing the risks of food contamination.新京报刊发的调查报道《罐车运输乱象调查》显示,罐车运输行业存在食品类液体和化工类液体运输混用且不清洗的情况。一罐车运输行业存在食品类液体和化工类液体运输混用且不清洗的情况,有的罐车运完了煤制油,再装运食用油,大大增加了食品污染的风险。Worse than the fact is that some truck drivers told the journalist this risky manner in which tanks were being used to transport food and chemicals was an "open secret" in the industry.有罐车司机向新京报记者透露,食品类液体和化工液体运输混用且不清洗,已是罐车运输行业里公开的秘密。Coal-based liquids contain components that are hazardous to human health and can lead to poisoning. The Food Safety Law clearly stipulates that containers, tools or equipment used for storing, transporting and handling food must be kept safe, harmless and clean to prevent food contamination.煤制油含有危害人体健康的成分,一旦混入大豆油被人食用,可能导致中毒。国家《食品安全法》明文规定:不得将食品与有毒、有害物品一同贮存、运输,做好食品安全工作应坚持最严谨的标准。It will not be right to only blame the tank truck drivers for this unlawful act. After all, it's not difficult to enforce the food safety law — the edible oil company needs to just conduct a simple check of the inside of the tank. However, this check is being overlooked, putting the health and lives of many at risk, without anyone taking any move until a journalist tried to stop them.将以上违法行为归咎于油罐车司机并不合理,执行《食品安全法》并非难事——食品公司只需对油罐进行简单检查。然而,该项检查却经常被忽视,将食品安全置于危险处境之中。该事件中,直到记者试图阻止司机将大豆油装入油罐,未有人制止该违法行为。The transportation company, the edible oil company involved, and the local government agencies in charge of food safety all need to be thoroughly investigated to find out whose negligence is the worst.运输公司、涉事食用油公司及负责当地食品安全的政府机构都需要进行彻查,专项排查食用油风险隐患。Latest news said the China Grain Reserves Corporation (Sinograin), which was involved in the case, had asked its subsidiary oil companies to conduct investigations on July 2. Beginning July 5, a thorough special inspection has been launched across the system, while the Hebei Provincial Market Regulatory Bureau, where Hopefull Grain & Oil, another company involved in the case is located, responded by saying that they have been probing the case.中储粮集团官方微博于7月6日发文称,针对近日媒体关于罐车运输油罐混用的报道,已于5日在全系统深入开展专项大排查。汇福粮油所在的河北省市场监督局称已经介入调查。The move might mend some public trust that's lost but not all, as once lost public trust is hard to regain, especially in a case concerning the health, even lives, of the absolute majority of the population, as edible oil is almost a necessity in all domestic kitchens. Only by thoroughly investigating, completely rectifying problems, providing a satisfactory explanation to the public and adopting a preventive approach through process optimization in the future can trust lost in this incident be regained.部分食用油公司发表声明,但“油罐混装”现象已经发生,失去的公众信任很难恢复,尤其该事件涉及到几乎家家必备的食用油的安全问题。只有深入排查,彻底整改问题,向社会提供满意的答复,并通过不断细化流程,采取预防措施,才能重获公众信任。The Food Safety Lawn.《食品安全法》