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Chinese tech heavyweight Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's online marketplaces Taobao and Tmall announced on Thursday that they will accept mobile payment options from Tencent's WeChat Pay gradually from Sept 12, a significant step in breaking down payment barriers between the two internet companies, enhancing interoperability and interconnectivity of different platforms and improving user experience, experts said.中国科技巨头阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司旗下的在线市场淘宝和天猫于9月5日宣布,将从9月12日起逐步接受腾讯的微信支付作为移动支付选项,专家称这是打破两家互联网公司支付壁垒的重要一步,这将增强不同平台之间的互操作性和互联互通,提升用户体验。They added the move is conducive to elevating payment convenience, invigorating the vitality of consumption, and bolstering the innovation and development of payment modalities.他们补充说,这一举措有助于提高支付便利性,激发消费活力,并促进支付方式的创新发展。Taobao and Tmall said in a statement on Wednesday that they had issued notices on their platforms to solicit feedback from merchants about accepting WeChat Pay as an additional payment method, as part of a broader push to improve the shopping experience.淘宝和天猫在9月4日的一份声明中表示,他们已在平台上发布通知,征求商家关于接受微信支付作为支付方式的反馈,这一举措将有助于改善购物体验。The two platforms said they are upholding the concept of openness and cooperation and actively exploring interoperability and partnerships with various platforms to enhance user experience and make consumers' shopping activities more convenient, enjoyable and efficient.这两个平台表示,他们坚持开放和合作的理念,并积极探索与各种平台的互通性和合作伙伴关系,以提升用户体验,使消费者的购物活动更加方便、愉快和高效。Alipay, a popular mobile payment tool launched by Chinese fintech company Ant Group, said in a statement following the announcement, "Openness, collaboration, innovation and sharing are fundamental principles of the internet and the driving force behind the industry's development."由中国金融科技公司蚂蚁集团推出的流行移动支付工具支付宝在公告后发表声明称,“开放、合作、创新和共享是互联网的基本原则,也是行业发展的驱动力。Alipay said it will continue to deepen cooperation with Taobao and Tmall, and step up innovation in technologies and products. Apart from payment products, the company will further expand open cooperation in broader ecosystems such as internet technology and artificial intelligence to create more business opportunities, it added.支付宝表示,它将继续深化与淘宝和天猫的合作,并加强技术和产品的创新。除了支付产品,该公司还将在更广泛的生态系统(如互联网技术和人工智能)中进一步扩大开放合作,创造更多商机。As the main rival to WeChat Pay, Alipay is a major payment service provider for Taobao and Tmall. WeChat Pay said it is always open to collaborations, and is actively exploring interoperability with various sectors, adding it plans to continue exploring new partnerships and improving convenience for users on the basis of ensuring transactional security.作为微信支付的主要竞争对手,支付宝是淘宝和天猫的主要支付服务提供商。微信支付表示,它始终对合作持开放态度,并积极探索与各个行业的互操作性,同时计划在确保交易安全的基础上,继续探索新的合作伙伴关系并提高用户便利性。Pan Helin, a member of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Expert Committee for Information and Communication Economy, said the move is a win-win result for the two Chinese tech giants as both Taobao and Tmall could attract WeChat users by adding WeChat Pay as a payment option and help bolster their business performances, while WeChat Pay will greatly expand its application ecosystems via its access to e-commerce platforms.工业和信息化部信息通信经济专家委员会成员潘和林(音)表示,这一举措对两家中国科技巨头来说是双赢的结果,因为淘宝和天猫可以通过增加微信支付作为支付选项来吸引微信用户,帮助提升他们的业务表现,而微信支付则可以通过接入电商平台大大扩展其应用生态系统。Pan said Taobao and Tmall have access to several mobile payment tools — such as Cloud QuickPass of payment giant China UnionPay — and digital renminbi, so accepting payments from WeChat Pay will not affect the current digital payment landscape.潘和林(音)表示,淘宝和天猫已开通包括支付巨头中国银联的云闪付在内的多种移动支付工具,以及数字人民币,因此接受微信支付不会影响当前的数字支付格局。"It is foreseeable that there will be more frequent and closer cooperation among different platforms and payment companies," Pan said, adding that allowing users to transact through WeChat Pay on Taobao and Tmall will help the platforms gain more users from smaller cities, where WeChat Pay has a higher penetration rate than Alipay.潘和林(音)说“可以预见,不同平台和支付公司之间的合作将会更加频繁和紧密”,他还表示,允许用户在淘宝和天猫上通过微信支付进行交易,将有助于这些平台吸引更多来自小城市的用户,那里的微信支付渗透率高于支付宝。Industry statistics show that WeChat Pay and Alipay together control 90 percent of China's mobile payments market. Experts said the acceptance of WeChat Pay on Taobao and Tmall is a landmark event in enhancing the interconnectivity of payment methods.行业统计数据显示,微信支付和支付宝共同控制了中国移动支付市场90%的份额。专家表示,淘宝和天猫接受微信支付是一个增强支付方式互联互通的里程碑事件。Wang Pengbo, a senior analyst at market consultancy Botong Analysys, said the move will allow consumers to choose their preferred payment methods freely, enhance their shopping experience, unleash consumption potential as well as provide more possibilities for bolstering the innovation of payment technology.市场咨询公司博通分析的高级分析师王鹏博(音)表示,此举将允许消费者自由选择他们偏好的支付方式,提升他们的购物体验,释放消费潜力,并为支付技术的创新提供更多可能性。Alibaba and Tencent have been taking measures to integrate services since 2021 after Chinese authorities urged tech companies to tear down their so-called walled gardens that block competitors' products.自2021年中国当局敦促科技公司打破所谓的“封闭平台”,即封锁竞争对手产品这一行为以来,阿里巴巴和腾讯就已开始采取联合服务措施。Alibaba has incorporated WeChat Pay into its on-demand food delivery app Ele.me, video-streaming platform Youku and online ticket booking platform Damai. Tencent, which once limited the sharing of links to Alibaba stores on WeChat, has gradually allowed users to open a variety of links and content from rival platforms within its messaging app.阿里巴巴已经将微信支付整合到了其即时配送应用“饿了么”、视频流媒体平台“优酷”以及在线票务预订平台“大麦网”中。腾讯曾经限制在微信上分享阿里巴巴店铺链接,但如今已经逐渐允许用户在其消息应用中打开来自竞争对手平台的各种链接和内容。Moreover, Meituan, a popular on-demand services platform, has launched its food delivery and hotel booking services as Alipay's mini programs, offering exclusive coupons and merchant discounts.此外,美团已经使食品配送和酒店预订服务进入了支付宝的小程序,并提供独家优惠券和商家折扣。Interoperabilityn.互用性,协同工作的能力upholdv.支持,维护,拥护