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China will intensify efforts to further attract foreign investment, in order to drive the growth of the world's second-largest economy in the new development paradigm, according to an executive meeting of the State Council, the country's Cabinet, on Wednesday.6月26日,中国国务院召开常务会议。会议指出,中国将加大力度吸引外国投资,推动世界第二大经济体在新发展模式下的增长。The meeting, which was chaired by Premier Li Qiang, decided that the country will take steps to deepen opening-up efforts in key sectors, focusing on removing market access restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector and introducing a new round of pilot measures to expand opening of the service sector.会议由国务院总理李强总理主持召开。会议指出,要深化重点领域对外开放,落实制造业领域外资准入限制措施“清零”要求,推出新一轮服务业扩大开放试点举措。Domestic and foreign companies will be treated on an equal footing when participating in various sectors, including in large-scale equipment upgrades and government procurement. Efforts will also be made to improve the facilitation of investment and optimize foreign investment policies in areas such as pharmaceuticals and medical devices, according to the meeting.要优化政策实施,一视同仁支持内外资企业参与大规模设备更新、政府采购和投资等。要持续提升投资便利化水平,优化药品、医疗器械等领域外资政策。Additionally, it was noted at the meeting that China will release a revised version of the industry catalog that encourages foreign investment and makes it easier for foreign nationals to work in China.要打造“投资中国”品牌,修订发布新版《鼓励外商投资产业目录》,提高外籍人员工作便利度。Foreign direct investment in actual use on the Chinese mainland totaled 412.51 billion yuan ($56.8 billion) in the first five months of the year, which was 28.2 percent lower than the figure for the same period last year, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed. Despite the decline, 21,764 new foreign-invested enterprises were established, up 17.4 percent year-on-year, according to the ministry.商务部数据显示,2024年1-5月实际使用外资金额4125.1亿元人民币,同比下降了28.2%。我国新设立外商投资企业21764家,同比增长17.4%,延续了去年以来新设企业较快增长的态势。Meanwhile, foreign companies saw a 16.7 percent increase in profits in the first four months of the year, well above the national average of 4.3 percent, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.此外,国家统计局数据显示,今年1-4月外资规上工业企业利润总额增长16.7%,高于全国平均水平(4.3%),经营状况持续改善。The scale of foreign investment in actual use is still at a historically high level, even though there has been a decrease in the amount, which is primarily due to the impact of last year's high base, said an official with the Commerce Ministry.商务部外资负责人表示,我国实际使用外资规模仍处于历史高位,金额有所下降主要是受去年高基数影响。Notably, in the first five months of the year, the manufacturing sector attracted 117.11 billion yuan, accounting for 28.4 percent of the total inflow of foreign direct investment. This represents an increase of 2.8 percentage points compared with the same period last year and points to ongoing improvement in China's investment structure.值得注意的是,1-5月,我国制造业实际使用外资1171亿元,其中高技术制造业引资504.1亿元,占全国引资比重较上年同期分别提升了2.8个和2.7个百分点,显示出我国引资结构持续优化。Foreign businesses operating in China continue to exhibit stable investment expectations and confidence in the country's market. Recent surveys conducted by various business chambers found that more than three-fourths of United States, European and Japanese companies planned to sustain their operations in China, the official added.在中国经营的外企持续表现出稳定的投资预期,中国仍是全球“投资沃土”。各商会最新发布调查显示,计划持续在华经营的美资、欧资和日资企业比例均超过四分之三。opening-upn.对外开放business chambersn.商会