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Camping was all the rage across China during thejust-concluded National Day holiday, with some joking that "half of thefriends on WeChat were camping."A pasture in Shenyang, the capital of northeast China's Liaoning province, waspacked with holidaymakers during the seven-day holiday, and all types of tents mushroomed.在刚刚结束的国庆假期期间,露营在中国风靡一时,有人开玩笑说,“微信上一半的朋友都在露营。” 在辽宁省省会沈阳的一个牧场上,7天假期期间挤满了度假的人,各种各样的帐篷如雨后春笋般出现。Liu Hao, a Shenyang resident, said outdoor camping siteswere popular during the holiday and had to be booked several days in advance.沈阳居民刘浩(音译)表示,户外露营地在假期期间很受欢迎,必须提前几天预订。  "To me, camping is a good wayto relax, especially in such an enthralling scenery," Liu said.刘浩说,“对我来说,露营是一种很好的放松方式,尤其是在这样迷人的风景下。”   China's camping market has beengrowing rapidly as more people turn to short-distance leisure camping duringthe pandemic.疫情期间,随着越来越多的人转向短途休闲露营,中国露营市场迅速增长。According to research firm iiMedia Research, the coremarket size of China's camping economy reached 74.75 billion yuan ($10.5billion) in 2021, up 62.5 percent year-on-year. It further predicts that themarket will grow to 248.3 billion yuan by 2025.根据艾媒咨询的数据,2021年中国露营经济的核心市场规模达到747.5亿元人民币(105亿美元),同比增长62.5%。该公司进一步预测,到2025年,该市场将增长到2483亿元。 More market-sensitive players areplowing into the industry. In 2021, more than 20,000 new camping-relatedenterprises were established in China, and over 5,000 have been set up thisyear, according to the corporate information provider Tianyancha.更多对市场敏感的企业正在大举进入该行业。根据天眼查的数据,2021年,中国新成立了2万多家与露营相关的企业,而今年已经成立了5000多家。 "The year 2020 can be seen asthe first year of the camping market, and the market size began to explode thisyear," said Zhang Yi, who is in charge of six camping bases. "Thecamping economy is a good breakthroughfor the culture and tourism industry which has been hit hard by thepandemic."张毅(音译)负责6个露营基地,他说,“2020年可以说是露营市场的元年,市场规模从今年开始爆发。露营经济对于受疫情重创的文化旅游产业来说是一个很好的突破。”Huzhou, a popular tourist destination in east China'sZhejiang province, hosted the first Camping Conference in the Yangtze RiverDelta in June. The city became one of the first to officially regulate theconstruction standards and safety supervision of camping sites.湖州是浙江的热门旅游目的地,今年6月在长三角地区举办了首届露营大会。该市成为首批正式规范露营地建设标准和安全监管的城市之一。 Beijing and Nanjing in Jiangsuprovince have also introduced related policies for the healthy development ofthe industry.北京和南京也出台了相关政策,促进露营行业的健康发展。 "With the increase of percapita disposable income in China, consumers' demand for outdoor leisureactivities has been soaring inrecent years. I believe more people will join in camping and other outdooractivities in the long run," said Liang Qidong, vice president of theLiaoning Academy of Social Sciences.辽宁社会科学院副院长梁启东说。“随着中国人均可支配收入的增加,消费者对户外休闲活动的需求近年来一直在飙升。我相信从长远来看,会有更多的人加入到露营和其他户外活动中来。”Mushroom英[ˈmʌʃrʊm] 美[ˈmʌʃrʊm]vi.迅速增长enthralling英[ɪn'θrɔ:lɪŋ] 美[ɪn'θrɔlɪŋ]adj.迷人的breakthrough英[ˈbreɪkθruː] 美[ˈbreɪkθruː]n.重大进展;突破soar英[sɔː(r)] 美[sɔːr]vi.高飞;飞腾;猛增