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Aperformance art piece presented by YoannBourgeois, a French choreographer, went viral recently. The video shows him trying to climb a staircase but thenfalling down. Instead of falling on the ground, Bourgeois lands on a trampoline and then bouncesback onto the staircase, only to fall backagain. Bourgeois repeats the same action of falling and bouncing back multipletimes before he finally lands on the top of the staircase.近日,法国舞蹈家、编舞家尤安尼·布尔热瓦(Yoann Bourgeois)完成的一段艺术表演在网络上爆火。视频展示了他试图爬上楼梯,但却不断摔倒的情景。不过,他没有摔到地上,而是落在了蹦床上,然后弹回楼梯上,之后又掉了下来。在最终登上楼梯顶部之前,布尔热瓦重复了多次相同的下落和反弹动作。According to The Indian Express, a video of this performance wasfirst posted on TikTok by photographer Mathieu Stern who saw it live. Stern’svideo has since been reposted across many social mediaplatforms. On Twitter, a video of this performance art gathered over 25.7million views since it was posted on Oct 24.据《印度快报》(The Indian Express)报道,这段视频最早由观看了现场表演的外国摄影师马修•斯特恩(Mathieu Stern)拍摄并发布于TikTok,之后被网友转发至多个社交媒体平台爆火。目前,该视频仅在推特上就已收获超2000万的播放量。Bourgeois’s fluid and effortless movementsshown in the video have impressed people, who took to social media to theorizeabout the message of his performance. A popular theory about the performance isthat it indicates that the path to success is not straightforward and includesseveral ups and downs. Many people also argued that Bourgeois’s act of gettingup after each fall shows that one should not give up on their goal despitesetbacks.布尔热瓦对身体的控制力令人惊叹,表演所传达的信息也引发全球网友热议。很多网友认为,这段表演是在表达通往成功的道路并不平坦,人生充满起起落落;也有不少网友认为,布尔热瓦每次摔倒后都爬起来的行为表明,一个人在遭遇挫折后不应放弃自己的目标。“If you want to get thatliteral to his point, he technically is not returning to the same step eachtime he falls. Inmost cases, hereturns further back. The point is that you have to get back on the path tosuccess rather than just staying down on thetrampoline.” A viewer commented.“如果你想从他的动作中理解他想表达什么,从技术上讲,他并不是每次摔倒都回到同一高度。大多数情况下,他会弹回到更低的地方。所以重点是你必须回到向成功努力的道路上,而不是躺平在蹦床上。”一位视频观看者表示。