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英语新闻|马斯克抱个“水槽”走进推特总部,是什么意思?Elon Musk has completed his $44 billion deal to buyTwitter, a source familiar with the deal told CNN, putting the world’s richestman in charge of one of the world’s most influential social media platforms.据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)援引消息人士称,埃隆·马斯克已完成了440亿美元收购Twitter的交易,让这位世界首富掌管着世界上最具影响力的社交媒体平台之一。Musk fired CEO Parag Agrawal and two otherexecutives, according to two people familiar with the decision. Twitterdeclined to comment.据报道,两名匿名知情人士透露,推特首席执行官Parag Agrawal、首席财务官Ned Segal已被马斯克解雇。Twitter拒绝置评。Elon Musk walked into the headquarters and changed hisprofile descriptor on the platform he now owns to “Chief Twit.” 据外媒报道,埃隆·马斯克当地时间26日走进了推特公司的旧金山总部,他还将自己在推特账号的公开自我介绍改为“推特老板”(ChiefTwit)。Elon Musk posted the video of him walking into Twitter's headquarters onWednesday carrying a kitchen sink, and tweeted the message “Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!”26日,马斯克在推特上公布了一段自己抱着一个洗手水槽进入推特总部的视频,并配文“走进推特总部。好好想想这件事(let that sink in)”。"Let that sink in" is an idiom used immediatelyafter a statement to urge that it be properly considered so that it can befully understood and appreciated.Let that sink in通常用在提议之后,意思是确保其得到充分考量和完全领会。"Sink," as a verb, means to fall or descend. The process bywhich an idea is slowly accepted and understood, is just like an object sinksslowly into water.“Sink”作为动词,是下沉的意思,想法被慢慢接受和理解的过程就像物体在水中慢慢下沉。Metaphorically, it’s referring to a buoyant object that sinks in water. It may take a while before the objectsinks, but it will ultimately sink in the water. When the expression “letthat sink in” is used, it’s like asking someone to let the information “sinkin” or give it some time for the information to “be contemplated”.这句话比喻漂浮的物体沉入水中。物体下沉可能需要一段时间,但最终完全浸入水中。“let that sink in”就像要求某人让信息“融入”,或者给一些时间“思考”。While his tweet garnered plenty of attention on social media, ElonMusk's takeover, along with the removal of several seniorexecutives, raised concerns about the future of social media and the society itaffects.虽然这一推文在社交媒体上赚足了眼球,但马斯克的收购,以及多名高管被开除,让人们不禁对社交媒体未来以及受其影响的整个社会感到担忧。Musk has said he plans to rethink Twitter’s contentmoderation policies in service of a more maximalist approach to “freespeech.” The billionaire has also said he disagrees with Twitter’s practice ofpermanent bans for those who repeatedly violate its rules, raising thepossibility that a number of previously banned users could reemerge on theplatform.据CNN报道,马斯克还表示要重新考虑推特的内容审核机制,以支持一种更加高纲领的“言论自由”方式。这位亿万富翁还表示,他不同意推特对那些屡次违反规则的用户实施永久性封禁的做法,这增加了那些以前被封禁的用户重返推特的可能性。buoyant英[ˈbɔɪənt]  美[ˈbɔɪənt]adj.有浮力的takeover英[ˈteɪkəʊvə(r)]  美[ˈteɪkoʊvər]n.收购maximalist 英[ˈmæksɪməlɪst]  美[ˈmæksɪməlɪst]n.最高纲领主义者