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英语新闻|统筹全社会应对疫情The National Health Commission stopped disclosing the daily COVID-19 pandemic data on Sunday.12月25日,国家卫健委宣布不再发布每日疫情信息。That move marks the fight with the virus has entered a new stage, for the data has been widely taken as a foundation for policymaking and adjustment. It signals that more must be done to address the challenges posed by the continuous resurgence of infections nationwide.这一举措标志着抗击疫情进入新阶段,疫情数据已被广泛视为决策和政策调整的基础。这一举措表明,全国范围内感染数据持续反弹,我们必须付出更多努力来应对这些挑战。That the public health system in Beijing, which has the most medical care resources in the country, has been under great strain because of the sharp rise of severe cases caused by the virus should serve to make the dire situations elsewhere in the country imaginable, particularly the rural areas where the gap between people's demands and the supplies of medical resources is much bigger.北京拥有全国最丰富的医疗资源,但由于新冠疫情重症病例急剧增加,北京的公共卫生系统承受了巨大压力。全国其他地区的情况也可以想见,特别是在医疗资源供需不平衡的农村地区。Although most of those infected with the novel coronavirus recover after several days of home quarantine, the virus still poses a risk to senior residents, especially those with underlying health conditions.尽管大多数感染者经过几天的居家隔离后就能恢复健康,但新冠病毒仍然对老年人,尤其是有基础病的老年人构成风险。China has about 270 million people aged 60 and above, and 36 million aged 80 and above, more than the total of all developed economies combined. While the overall capacity of China's intensive care units is much smaller in comparison with those countries. Not to mention the uneven distribution of health care resources nationwide.中国约有2.7亿60岁及以上人口,3600万80岁及以上人口,超过所有发达经济体的总和。而与发达国家相比,中国的重症监护室数量更少,全国卫生医疗资源分布不均。That's why the COVID-19 prevention and control task force of the State Council, China's Cabinet, recently urged all local governments to prioritize treatment for the aged population, and all major hospitals to serve as the key defense line for saving lives.在此背景下,近日,国务院联防联控机制工作组敦促地方政府全力做好老年人救治工作,并强调医院要兜住医疗救治和生命保障的底线。The NHC has demanded these major hospitals to double the number of intensive care unit sickbeds by the end of this month from the current 4 percent of their total number of sickbeds to at least 8 percent.国家卫健委要求本月底前将重症监护病房病床数量增加一倍,从床位总数的4%增加到8%。Meanwhile, local governments now need to divert their focus and inputs from nucleic acid testing and building collective quarantine stations to increasing the production and supplies of anti-fever and anti-inflammatory medicines to meet the surging demand. Local authorities should also pay attention to the scientific advice and keep the public informed of the pandemic situation.与此同时,地方政府的工作重点应从核酸检测和集体隔离站点转移到增加发热和抗炎药物的供给,以满足需求的激增。地方政府还应提供科学建议,并随时向公众通报疫情情况。The current wave of infections will peak and people have no reason not to remain confident in the country's fight with the virus, which continues to put saving people's lives and protecting people's health first.当前,疫情感染人数即将达到顶峰,人们对于疫情阻击战应当保持信心,我国政府仍将挽救人民生命和保护人民健康放在首位。Following the basic protocol of good hygiene habits, isolating at home, if one does become infected, and doing one's job well are all important contributions that individuals can make to ensure the country passes this test as quickly as possible.人们应当遵循良好卫生习惯,一旦感染病毒,应当居家隔离,做好防护消毒工作。这些举动将为国家做出重要贡献,让全国人民尽快通过疫情考验。Resurgence英 [rɪˈsɜːdʒəns]  美 [rɪˈsɜːrdʒəns]n. 重现Sickbed英 [ˈsɪkbed]  美 [ˈsɪkbed]n. 病床Hygiene英 [ˈhaɪdʒiːn]  美 [ˈhaɪdʒiːn]n. 卫生