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英语新闻∣服贸会正式开幕President Xi Jinping reaffirmed on Wednesday China's commitment to working with different nations in practicing true multilateralism and jointly promoting the growth of a service economy that is open and ensures shared benefits.8月31日,国家主席习近平向2022年中国国际服务贸易交易会致贺信。习近平强调,中国愿同世界各国一道,坚持真正的多边主义,携手共促开放共享的服务经济。In a letter to congratulate the opening of the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services in Beijing, Xi said the nation stands ready to make joint efforts with different countries in upholding inclusiveness and win-win cooperation to injectimpetusinto the recovery of the global economy.习近平主席在对中国国际服务贸易交易会致贺信中强调,中国愿同世界各国一道,坚持普惠包容、合作共赢,为世界经济复苏发展注入动力。He highlighted the fair as a key platform for China to expand opening-up, deepen cooperation and lead the way for innovation, saying that it has made positive contributions to the growth of the global services sector and trade in services.习近平指出,服贸会是中国扩大开放、深化合作、引领创新的重要平台,为促进全球服务业和服务贸易发展作出了积极贡献。China has adhered to promoting high-quality development with high-level opening up, kept widening its market access in the services sector and lifted the level of opening-up for cross-border services trade, he said.He added that the nation has expanded the functions of its opening-up platforms and striven to build a high-standard set of systems for the opening-up of the services sector.中国坚持以高水平开放促进高质量发展,不断放宽服务领域市场准入,提高跨境服务贸易开放水平,拓展对外开放平台功能,努力构建高标准服务业开放制度体系。Trade in services refers to the sale and delivery of intangible products such as transportation, tourism, telecommunication, advertising, computing and accounting, according to the World Trade Organization.世界贸易组织将服务贸易定义为运输、旅游、电信、广告、计算机和会计等无形产品的销售和交付。The nation's trade in services is expected to grow at a fast pace as the country continuously expands high-level opening-up and adopts more liberalization and facilitation measures in the sector, experts and business leaders said.专家表示,随着我国不断扩大高水平开放,采取更多的自由、便利的措施,我国服务贸易将快速增长。The fair, which will run until Monday, will stimulate global trade in services as it bridges supply and demand, helping to shore up thestallingworld economy, they said.服贸会将持续到9月5日,它将刺激全球服务贸易,连接供应和需求,促进世界经济的发展。China's service trade value grew 21.6 percent year-on-year to 2.89 trillion yuan ($420 billion) in the first half of 2022, according to the Ministry of Commerce.根据商务部的数据,2022年上半年,中国服务贸易价值同比增长21.6%,达到2.89万亿元(4200亿美元)。Service exports expanded 24.6 percent year-on-year to 1.4 trillion yuan, and service imports were 1.49 trillion yuan, up 18.9 percent.服务出口1.4万亿元,同比增长24.6%;服务进口1.49万亿元,增长18.9%。"The fair can substantially promote the development of the modern services industry and the structural upgrades of China's trade in services," said Jack Chan, chairman of EY China and regional managing partner of EY Greater China.安永(中国)主席兼大中华区首席执行官陈凯表示:“服贸会能极大地促进现代服务业的发展和中国服务贸易的结构升级。”Driven by emerging technologies such as cloud computing, big data and the internet of things, the tradability of services has been greatly improved, while market demand for high-quality services is also on the rise as new technologies and new businessformatscontinue to grow, he said.陈凯说,在云计算、大数据、物联网等新兴技术的推动下,服务的可交易性大大提高,同时,随着新技术、新业态不断增长,市场对高质量服务的需求也在上升。Li Jun, director of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation's Institute of International Trade in Services, said the fair is an important platform demonstrating China's firm resolve and concrete actions in expanding high-level opening-up in trade in services, and will also showcase the latest trends in the sector, including digitalization and recovery and upgrades in the consumption sector.商务部研究院国际服务贸易研究所所长李俊表示,服贸会是展示中国扩大服务贸易高水平开放的坚定决心和实际行动的重要平台,也将展示服务业的最新趋势,包括消费领域的数字化和复苏升级。Besides, as a global event, it also provides huge opportunities for enterprises from home and abroad to communicate andtaptrade potential while promoting their brand images, he added.此外,作为一项全球性的活动,服贸会还为国内外企业提供了巨大的机会,在提升品牌形象的同时,交流和挖掘贸易潜力。"The fair has become a gala event for global trade in services over the years, and its level of internationalization has reached a new high," said Xia Chaoran, founder of Beijing-based medical technology company Sightnovo.北京华视诺维医疗科技有限公司的创始人夏超然表示:“多年来,服贸会已经成为全球服务贸易的盛会,其国际化水平达到了一个新的高度。”"Together with our partner Peking Union Medical College Hospital, we have brought to the fair our innovative, multidisciplinary ophthalmic precision medical devices, taking the great opportunity to demonstrate our products to potential clients at home and abroad," he added.他表示,“我们与我们的合作伙伴北京协和医院一起,将我们创新的、多学科的眼科精密医疗设备带到展会上,借此机会向国内外潜在客户展示我们的产品。”impetus英[ˈɪmpɪtəs]美[ˈɪmpɪtəs]n. 动力;势头shore up英[ʃɔ: ʌp]美[ʃɔr ʌp]v. 支持stall英['stɔ:lɪŋ]美['stɔlɪŋ]v.(使)停止转动format英[ˈfɔːmæt]美[ˈfɔːrmæt]n.(出版物的)版式;(数据安排的)形式tap英[tæp]美[tæp]v. 利用,开发