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The company of the net celebrity "Wang Ma" released a letter of apology online after its former staff members and job applicants reported their irrationally low payment but highly intensive workload at the company.网红“王妈”所属公司在网上发布了一封道歉信,此前该公司的前员工和求职者爆料称,他们在该公司的薪酬极低,但工作量却非常大。"Wang Ma", meaning a nanny surnamed Wang in Chinese, is the main character of an online short play presented at a douyin account called "Qi ke xing xing". The account so far has about 16.58 million followers at Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok.“王妈”,中文意思是姓王的保姆,是一部名为“七颗猩猩”的抖音在线短剧的主角。到目前为止,这个账号在抖音(中国版的TikTok)拥有约1658万粉丝。The sitcoms have soon gone viral online after they debuted in March, as "Wang Ma" has been portrayed as a sober female with a sharp tongue who dares to fight against improper or irrational requirements from her boss with comedic and facetious acts. Many netizens commented online that they resonated with "Wang Ma" and had been cheered up and inspired by her.这些情景喜剧在3月份首播后很快走红网络,其中“王妈”被塑造成了一个敢于用滑稽的行为对抗老板提出的不正当或不合理的要求的说话尖锐的清醒女性。许多网友在网上评论说,他们与“王妈”产生了共鸣,并受到了她的鼓舞和激励。However, some staff members and job applicants to the company — Wuhan Huangye Culture and Media Co in Hubei province, running the douyin account of "Wang Ma" — unmasked the harsher working environment and low pay at the company.然而,“王妈”抖音账号所属的湖北省武汉荒野文化传媒有限公司的一些员工和求职者揭露了该公司恶劣的工作环境和低工资。They revealed that the company required its members to work following "big week, small week" — working a six-day week every two weeks — and only pay 4,000 yuan ($552) or less for highly-intensive jobs, as reported by ChinaNews.com.据中国新闻网报道,他们透露,该公司要求其成员按照“大小周”工作——每两周有一周工作六天——并且只为高强度工作支付4000元人民币(552美元)或更低的工资。There were no working computers, and there was no additional pay for overtime work. No social insurance would be given to interns, and the insurance is also a vague problem for its permanent workers, according to ChinaNews.com.没有可以工作的电脑,加班也没有额外的报酬。据中国新闻网报道,实习生没有社会保险,而正式员工的保险缴纳情况也并不清晰。The company made an apology on Tuesday on Weibo, claiming that it has paid full social insurance for its permanent workers and will optimize the payment management system in the future.5月28日,该公司在微博上道歉,声称已为其正式员工缴纳了全额社会保险,并将在未来优化薪酬管理体系。According to the company's apology letter, it has decided to raise the minimum payment to 6,000 yuan ($828) per month to all its workers and canceled the working hour rule of "big week, small week". It will offer extra holidays to its workers in addition to the nation's official holidays and offer office supplies like computers.根据该公司的道歉信,该公司已决定将所有员工的最低工资提高到每月6000元人民币(828美元),并取消了“大小周”的工作时间规定。除了国家法定假日外,该公司还将为员工提供额外假期,并提供电脑等办公用品。Also, it promised to hire extras, pay them reasonable salaries through regular brokerage firms and try its best to protect their rights.此外,该公司承诺坚持通过正规经纪渠道招募群演并按规定支付合理薪酬,并尽最大努力保护他们的权利。online short play网络短剧big week, small week大小周工作制brokerage firms经纪公司