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China's tourism industry will continue to surge as people show a strong desire to travel during the May Day holiday despite it being almost a month away, according to industry insiders.业内人士表示,尽管离五一假期还有近一个月时间,但由于人们对五一假期表现出强烈的出游意愿,中国的旅游业将继续蓬勃发展。On Monday, authorities announced that the May Day holiday this year will start on April 29 and end on May 3, lasting five days.4月10日,有关部门宣布,今年的五一假期将从4月29日开始,到5月3日结束,为期五天。With the last major holiday falling in January, industry insiders and tourism operators predict strong demand for travel for the May Day break.由于上个重要假日在1月份,业内人士和旅游从业者预测五一假期的旅游需求会很强劲。"The suppressed traveling desire will be unleashed at the May Day break, with both domestic and overseas destinations benefiting from the huge travel and consumption demand," said Fang Zexi, an analyst from travel portal Trip.com.旅游门户网站携程的分析师方泽茜表示:“积压的旅游欲望将在五一期间得到释放,国内外旅游目的地都将得益于巨大的旅行和消费需求。”According to the group, the number of bookings for May Day holiday trips as of Thursday had overtaken that in 2019 — which had four days off and was before COVID-19 hit. The number is up sevenfold compared with the same period last year.据携程数据显示,截至4月6日,今年五一假期旅行的预订数量已经超过了2019年——2019年的五一假期有四天,且是在新冠疫情爆发之前。同比去年,今年的预订数量增长了7倍。Overseas bookings on its platform had increased by 18-fold year-on-year as of Thursday.截至4月6日,出境旅游预订量同比增长了18倍。During the May Day holiday last year, overseas trips were under strict control with group tours to overseas destinations suspended due to epidemic control policies.去年五一假期期间,由于疫情防控政策,出境旅游受到严格管控,境外旅游团被暂停。In addition to domestic destinations such as Beijing, Shanghai, Dali in the southwest province of Yunnan and Weihai in the coastal province of Shandong have proved popular.国内旅游目的地中,除了北京和上海,西南的云南大理、沿海的山东威海也很受欢迎。Chen Liling, a 32-year-old from Beijing, said: "We are planning a trip to Huangshan Mountain in Anhui province and Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang province to spend the holiday. We've not had such a long break for months and we can't wait to travel."来自北京的陈丽玲(音译)今年32岁,她说:“我和我丈夫正计划在五一假期去安徽黄山和浙江千岛湖旅游。我们已经几个月没有这么长的假期了,我们迫不及待地想去旅行。”She said that she and her husband plan to start their travel on April 28 — a day before the holiday — to avoid the travel rush.她说,她和丈夫计划在4月28日——五一假期开始前一天去旅行,以此来避开旅行高峰。"Almost every colleague and friend of mine plans to take a long trip this holiday as we only enjoyed one day off during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday this year, which usually lasts for three days in previous years. Many of my friends booked overseas trips to Southeast Asian countries for the five-day break."“几乎我的每个同事和朋友都打算在这个假期去长途旅行,因为今年清明假期只有一天,而往年通常会持续三天。我的很多朋友都预订了五天假期里去东南亚国家的境外旅游。”A recent report by travel portal Tuniu forecasted that outbound tourism will see a boom during the coming May Day holiday.旅游门户网站途牛近期的一份报告预测,在即将到来的五一假期中,出境旅游将迎来热潮。It said that destinations including Thailand, New Zealand and the Maldives remain popular choices for Chinese travelers, adding some destinations in Africa and Europe such as Egypt and France may see increased visits with improved airline capacities thanks to optimized COVID-19 management policies.报告显示,包括泰国、新西兰和马尔代夫在内的目的地仍是中国游客的热门选择,此外,由于调整优化的新冠疫情防控政策,随着航空公司运力提高,去往埃及、法国等非洲和欧洲的目的地的游客量也将增加。Surge英/sɜːdʒ/  美/sɜːrdʒ/v.激增,急剧上升