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According to research, 90% ofadolescents have difficulty waking up in the morning. Other research showswhile more of us become morning people as we age, many adults struggle to wakeup, too.根据研究,有90%的青少年早上起床困难。另有研究表明,尽管随着年龄增长有些人会起得变早,但还是有很多成年人起床时挣扎万分。The body prepares to wake upin the hour or so before you awaken — your body temperature begins to rise, andblood pressure increases. Serotonin and cortisol flood the brain, and theneurons and activity start firing.我们的身体准备起床时,或准备起床之时,你的体温和血压开始升高,血清素和皮质醇充斥大脑,神经元和神经活动开始活跃。If using an alarm, which cango off during periods of deeper sleep, you might find that you wake up feeling groggy, especially if your bedtime and wake-uptimes vary day to day.而如果闹钟在深度睡眠阶段响起,那你醒来可能会觉得昏沉沉的,特别是在作息不规律时,这种情况尤为严重。Your circadian rhythmis your internal body clock, which is tuned to a 24-hour cycle, and researchsuggests those clocks can have natural preferences for day or night that showup in our DNA. Some people are predisposed to early wake-ups, whereas othersnaturally sleep later.生理节律是你体内的生物钟,以24小时为周期。研究表明,生物钟对白天或夜晚有自然的偏好,这是在我们的DNA中体现出来的。有些人容易起得早,而另一些人则天生睡得晚。A relaxing evening helps youfall asleep. Avoid stressors like email and tough talks with family members atleast an hour before bed. To get in the mood for slumber, you can stretch, takea warm shower or bath, or read a book in a low-lit room.夜晚放松有助于入睡。至少在睡前一小时避免邮件、与家人严肃的谈话等会造成压力的活动。想要进入睡眠状态,你可以拉伸、洗个热水澡,或者在光线较暗的房间里看看书。Yes, alcohol makes you feelsleepy. But it makes it harder to stay asleep and can make you feel groggy inthe morning, too. If you do hit the hooch, stick to one drink and have it withdinner, or at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.酒精的确会让你昏昏欲睡。但它让你更难保持睡眠状态,还会让你在早上感到昏昏沉沉。如果你非要喝点酒,那就小酌一小杯,晚餐时喝,或者至少在睡觉前2到3小时喝。If you wake up some days at 6am, others at 8 am, and still others at 11 am, you’re confusing your circadianrhythm. While some people plan to let themselves sleep as late as possible onweekends, that can actually be counterintuitive, throwing off your body clockeven more.如果你有时在早上6点醒来,有时在8点醒来,有时在11点醒来,那就混乱了自己的生物钟。虽然有些人想在周末晚睡些,但实际上,这样做是有悖直觉的,甚至还会打乱生物钟。How to wake up quickly in themorning?早上如何快速清醒?Studies show that exposure tobright, white light in the morning can increase alertness. Sunlight is great,simply open your bedroom curtains.研究表明,早晨明亮的白光可以提高警觉性。阳光是很好的,拉开卧室的窗帘让明媚的阳光照进来。Starting your day with adaily wake-up meditation can help set the stage for a successful day. Bycultivating your peace of mind before jumping into your day, you can putyourself in the best position to treat yourself and others with kindness.让清晨的冥想开始新的一天。冥想可以帮助你为顺利的一天打下基础。在新一天工作开启之前,先培养平和的心态,这样你就能摆正善待自己和他人的最佳位置。Jumping jacks or a brisk walkcan get your blood pumping and rev up your nervous system. You'll feel more alert in the moment  and hours later, too.开合跳或快步走可以让促进血液循环,激活神经系统。你会在晨练的时候变得更加清醒,这一状态可以维持几个小时。编辑:陈月华参考来源:Headspace WebMDfire英[ˈfaɪə(r)];美[ˈfaɪər]v.射击;解雇;烧制;(引擎)点火; 驱动; 唤起n.火(灾);炉火;取暖器;火力;激情groggy英[ˈgrɒgi];美[ˈgrɑgi]adj.不会的,不稳的,摇摆的;昏昏沉沉的circadian英[sɜ:ˈkeɪdiən];美[sɜrˈkeɪdiən]adj.<生理>昼夜节奏的,生理节奏的 (即大约每天一次的)rev up英[revʌp];美[rɛvʌp]vi.加速;(使发动机)快速旋转;加快转速;(使)活跃起来;兴奋起来