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英语新闻|暖心!小朋友音乐会现场点歌《孤勇者》,视频火了A video of a concertwent viral recently for its sweet and warm interaction between theorchestra and a little audience member.最近,一段音乐会视频在网上疯传,这是一个乐团和一名小观众之间甜蜜而温暖的互动。The orchestra played theme songs composed byJoe Hisaishi, a famous Japanese musician, for cartoons created by MiyazakiHayao, a well-known Japanese cartoonist, whose works constitute fond childhoodmemories for many people.乐团演奏了日本著名音乐家久石让为日本著名漫画家宫崎骏的漫画所创作的主题曲。宫崎骏的作品是许多人美好的童年回忆。For the encore, the clarinetist asked the audiencefor their desired song, and they would play it.在返场曲中,乐团单簧管乐手询问现场观众还想听什么曲目,他们随后会演奏。A child shouted, "Lonely Warrior",a song quite popular recently especially among students for its uplifting lyrics and dynamicmelody. The request elicited good-natured laughs from the audience.一个孩子喊道“孤勇者”,这是一首最近非常流行的歌曲。它振奋人心的歌词和动感的旋律在学生中尤其受到欢迎。小朋友的要求惹得观众纷纷大笑。The clarinetist then played the melodious prelude ofKikujiro's Summer,by Joe Hisaishi—notLonely Warriorlike the child requested. But, soon into the song and with a seamlesstransition, the orchestra bent the melody to Lonely Warrior smoothly. By then, the audience realized the tacticaldesign of the orchestra, and a round of applause was given to encourage thischeeky trick.当单簧管乐手随后吹奏起久石让的杰作之一《菊次郎的夏天》的悠扬序曲时,大家都以为小朋友点歌没有成功。然而过了一会,随着乐手们的默契配合,乐队演奏的旋律“丝滑”地过渡到了《孤勇者》。这时,观众们渐渐反应过来,台下掌声雷动。The clarinetist, Lee Zhenghan, who first played themelody to Lonely Warrior, said that because the concertis related to cartoons, there are often many young audience membersin attendance. To satisfy the tastes of both theadults and children, the orchestra specially prepared some popular songsas a "surprise" to their repertoire.作为最先奏响《孤勇者》旋律的人——单簧管演奏手李政翰介绍,因为这个音乐会和动画相关,现场常常有很多小听众。为了兼顾大小朋友们的心愿,乐团会特地准备一些流行曲目作为“惊喜”融入主题曲目中。He also said thatthey actually prepared many versions of Lonely Warrior, and thetransition from Kikujiro's Summer is only one of them. Although they have rehearsed inadvance, they didn't have the chance to play the song live until they met thischild in Hangzhou.他还表示,《孤勇者》其实准备了很多版本,从《菊次郎的夏天》过渡只是其中一个版本。虽然提前排练过,但直到在杭州偶遇这位小朋友才有机会现场演奏《孤勇者》。Many netizens admired the children's courage and praisedthe band's response. Theyleft comments like, "If you have a dream, say it out loud. Maybeit will come true", and, "Those who were children grew upto realize children's dream now".不少网友对小朋友的做法感到佩服,也为乐队的回应感到暖心。他们留言说:“如果你有梦想,就大声说出来,说不定就会实现”,“以前的小孩子长大了,变成了圆梦人”。What could be more heart-warming than thefulfillment of a child's wish at a concert that evokes childhood memories? Mayall your childhood wishes come true.还有什么比在能唤起童年回忆的音乐会上实现孩子的愿望更温暖人心的呢? 祝你的童年梦想都能成真。编辑:朱迪齐实习生:张婉诗uplifting英[ˌʌpˈlɪftɪŋ];美[ʌpˈlɪftɪŋ]adj. 令人振奋的elicit英[iˈlɪsɪt];美[iˈlɪsɪt]v. 引出repertoire英[ˈrepətwɑː(r)];美[ˈrepərtwɑːr]n. 全部节目