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英语新闻︱海南加强滞留旅客服务保障The authorities in Hainan province are working hard to assist tourists who have been stranded amid a new outbreak of COVID-19 that has so far affected 13 cities and counties across the island.海南省正全力开展工作,帮助滞留旅客。目前,本轮疫情已扩散到海南省13个市县。The latest steps unveiled by the provincial government on Monday, which are part of Hainan's liaison mechanism to serve stranded tourists in the island province, include the opening of an official WeChat account and a special 24-hour hotline service.为建立健全省市联络机制以妥善统筹滞留旅客的诉求,海南省政府于8月8日公布最新举措,开通官方微信公众号和旅游涉疫专席24小时热线电话。A special group headed by Shen Danyang, executive vice-governor of Hainan, has been working since Friday to ensure emergency support, provide considerate and warm services and deal with the various needs of tourists who have been stranded in Sanya, where the first confirmed new case of COVID-19 was detected on Aug 1.8月1日,三亚发现了首例新冠肺炎确诊病例。之后,以海南省常务副省长沈丹阳为组长的游客服务工作专班自8月5日便展开各项工作,确保应急保障到位,为三亚滞留游客提供暖心周到的服务,满足游客的各类需求。The popular resort city imposed a citywide lockdown starting from 6 am on Saturday that has also seen the suspension of all public transportation services in the city.8月6日凌晨6时起,三亚全市实行临时性全域静态管理,暂停城市公共交通。From Aug 1 to noon on Monday, a total of 824 confirmed locally transmitted cases and 419 asymptomatic carriers had been reported in Sanya, according to the local COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control headquarters.据三亚市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作指挥部通报,本轮疫情以来,全市累计报告本土确诊病例824例,无症状感染者419例。More than 80,000 tourists are currently stranded in the city, which is in its peak tourism season, said He Shigang, vice-mayor of Sanya.三亚副市长何世刚表示,目前正值旅游旺季,估算大概有8万名游客滞留在三亚。Travelers who are in Sanya, or have a travel history that includes visiting Sanya since July 23, will have to stay in Hainan for another seven days starting from Saturday, and have five nucleic acid tests before leaving the island province, local officials said.据海南省新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作指挥部消息,自8月6日18时起目前在三亚,或7月23日以来有三亚旅行史的旅客,暂不离岛,完成七天风险排查后,即7天内第1、2、3、5、7天核酸检测阴性,经评估后方可离岛。The local government in Sanya has asked hotels in the city to offer half-price discounts to tourists having to extend their stays.三亚政府要求该市酒店对滞留游客提供半价优惠的续住服务。Liu Cheng, an official with the provincial tourism authority, said that personnel have been sent to deal with complaints by tourists that some hotels have failed to follow the relevant measures and overcharged tourists.海南省旅游和文化广电体育厅副厅长刘成表示,针对游客反映三亚个别酒店不按相关措施执行,变相提高房价的情况,相关部门已派出专人赴现场处置。He said that special work groups have also been established to assist tourists seeking to cancel hotel reservations and requesting refunds, and to help safeguard their legal rights and interests.刘成介绍说,全省各市县旅文部门已启动退订专班,启动退订专线电话,协助滞留旅客退订,维护广大游客权益。"Despite the sudden outbreak, our stay in Lingshui and Sanya in the past week has been unforgettable. Its tropical attractions and tourism facilities are fabulous," said He Chenyang, a diving coach from Chengdu, Sichuan province, who is now stranded with her family at a homestay in Bohou village, Sanya.来自四川成都的跳水教练何晨阳(音译)说:“虽然遭遇了突如其来的疫情,但我们在陵水和三亚度过了非常难忘的一周。这里的热带风光和旅游度假设施都非常棒。”目前,她和家人滞留在三亚博后村的一家民宿里。Support teams with the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism, backed by more than 8,500 medical workers from 18 provinces and regions, have been organized to help the island cope with the developing situation, local officials said at a news conference on Monday afternoon.8月8日,海南省疫情发布会通报,根据国务院联防联控机制综合组海南工作组支援计划,全国18个省市8586名医务人员驰援海南,帮助海南应对本轮疫情。As of noon on Monday, the province had registered 1,042 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 465 asymptomatic infections since the first case was reported in Sanya on Aug 1, according to the Hainan Provincial Health Commission.海南省卫生健康委员会发布的数据显示,本轮疫情以来,截至8月8日12时,海南省累计报告新冠肺炎确诊病例1042例,无症状感染者465例。Mass nucleic acid testing is being conducted for all people on the tropical island to cut off the chains of transmission and get the outbreak under control as quickly as possible.为尽快阻断传播链,早日打赢疫情防控攻坚战,海南省正有序开展全省全民核酸检测工作。Meanwhile, Haikou, the provincial capital, began to implement citywide temporary "static management"-whichbarred residents from leaving their homes unless necessary from 6 am to 7 pm on Monday to help stop the outbreak. Similar practices have also been imposed in other cities and counties across the island, including Danzhou, Lingshui, Wanning and Dongfang.为尽快阻断疫情蔓延,自2022年8月8日6时起至19时,省会海口市实行临时性全域静态管理,全体市民非必要一律不外出。海南多个市县也实施了全域静态管理,例如儋州、陵水、万宁、东方等。记者:马智平strand英[strænd];美[strænd]vt. 使滞留,使搁浅;使陷于困境vi. 搁浅;陷入困境n. (绳子的)股,绞;海滨,河岸;(思想等的)一个组成部分tropical英[ˈtrɒpɪkl];美[ˈtrɑːpɪkl]adj. 热带的;来自热带的;典型热带气候的bar英[bɑː(r)];美[bɑːr]v. 阻拦,禁止;(用铁条或木条)封,堵n. 条,块,棒,带;酒吧,柜台;小吃店;栏杆;电热棒;(球门)横梁;障碍;(乐谱)小节;出庭律师;(气压单位)巴;功能条prep. 除了…以外