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英语新闻|做好准备应对新冠新形势China's recent shifts in COVID-19 control strategy are well-paced, with sufficient preparatory work in place to handle the resulting surge in medical demand, authorities said on Thursday.我国政府周四表示,中国最近对新冠控制策略的转变进展顺利,已做好充分的准备工作来应对由此产生的医疗需求激增。With the epidemic progressing rapidly, they added that the country has counted and will always count and publish the COVID-19 death toll in a transparent and fact-based manner.随着疫情的迅速发展,他们补充说,我国已经并将始终以透明和基于事实的方式统计和公布新冠死亡人数。Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a news briefing that outbreaks in cities like Beijing and Tianjin as well as Chengdu, Sichuan province, have peaked.中国疾病预防控制中心流行病学首席专家吴尊友在新闻发布会上说,北京、天津和四川成都等城市的疫情已经达到高峰。Increased movement during the Spring Festival travel rush and circulation of other respiratory diseases will make the situation more challenging, he said. "Localities are closely monitoring and analyzing outbreaks and strive to reduce disruption to normal lives and production."他说,春运期间流动性增加以及其他呼吸道疾病的传播将使形势更加严峻。 “各地正在密切监测和分析疫情,努力减少对正常生活和生产的干扰。”China has adjusted its COVID-19 strategy and gradually eased curbs since November, leading to concerns over the challenges posed to the resilience of a healthcare system serving a dense and massive population.自11月以来,中国调整了其新冠战略并逐步放松限制措施,这引发了人们对服务于密集且庞大人口的医疗保健系统的弹性所面临挑战的担忧。Jiao Yahui, deputy director of the National Health Commission's medical administration bureau, said that the country's overall medical system has not reached full capacity and is not under widespread strain, although some cities have faced a shortage of medical supplies during infection peaks.国家卫生健康委员会医政局副局长焦亚辉表示,尽管部分城市在感染高峰期面临医疗物资短缺,但国家整体医疗体系尚未达到满负荷状态,并未普遍承受压力。"We had foreseen a spike in medical demand (after the policy shift) and have been stepping up preparedness," she said.“我们曾预见到医疗需求会激增(在政策转变之后),并且一直在加强准备工作,”她说。For instance, community and rural health institutions have all been required to set up fever clinics, and the number of facilities accepting fever patients at secondary and tertiary hospitals has increased to about 57,000.例如,要求社区和农村卫生机构全部设立发热门诊,二级、三级医院发热门诊机构增至5.7万个左右。"Makeshift hospitals and nucleic acid testing booths can also be repurposed to function as temporary fever clinics, in order to meet the needs of patients," she said.她说:“方舱医院和核酸检测站也可以改造成临时发热门诊,以满足患者的需要。”Authorities have also beefed up production and distribution of medications, and residents can purchase medicines either online or at bricks-and-mortar pharmacies.当局还加强了药品的生产和分配,居民可以在网上或实体药店购买药品。Jiao said the number of intensive care beds has reached 181,000 nationwide, and more emergency medical equipment, ranging from respirators to high-flow oxygen devices, has been added.焦说,全国重症监护病床数量已达到18.1万张,并增加了从呼吸机到高流量氧气设备等更多紧急医疗设备。To alleviate pressure in hard-hit regions, Jiao said a cross-regional assistance mechanism devoted to mobilizing critical care resources has been set up.焦说,为减轻重灾区的压力,已经建立了专门调动重症监护资源的跨区域援助机制。As China is set to lift quarantine and testing demands for incoming travelers on Jan 8, Jiao said that being well prepared means that the opening up of borders won't overwhelm its medical system.由于中国将于1月8日取消对入境旅客的检疫和检测要求,焦说,做好充分准备意味着边境开放不会压垮其医疗系统。Spike英[spaɪk];美[spaɪk]n. 猛增;急升Downgrade英[ˌdaʊnˈɡreɪd];美[ˌdaʊnˈɡreɪd]v. 使降职;使降级Perimeter英[pəˈrɪmɪtə(r)];美[pəˈrɪmɪtər]n. 外缘,边缘