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英语新闻︱台风“马鞍”登陆广东Typhoon Ma-on, the ninth typhoon of the year, made landfall in the coastal area of Dianbai county of Guangdong province on Thursday morning, bringing heavy rainfall, especially in the west of the province.8月25日上午,今年第9号台风“马鞍”在广东省茂名市电白沿海地区登陆,带来的强降雨主要出现在广东省西部地区。Ma-on made landfall with gales of around 119 kilometers per hour. After its landfall, the typhoon moved northwest at a speed of about 25 km/h, passing through the city of Maoming in Guangdong. The typhoon entered the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on Thursday afternoon, with winds decreasing.“马鞍”以每小时119公里登陆,随后以25公里的时速向西北方向移动,穿过茂名市。25日下午进入广西,强度逐渐减弱。Affected by the typhoon, southern Guangxi and western Yunnan province are expected to have high risks of geological disasters, the Ministry of Natural Resources said.自然资源部表示,受“马鞍”影响,广西南部、云南西部发生地质灾害风险较高。Before landfall, the ministry activated a Level IV emergency response, the least severe in a four-tier system, for possible geological disasters triggered by the typhoon.24日,自然资源部启动地质灾害防御Ⅳ级响应,地质灾害防御Ⅳ级响应表示灾害发生可能性较小,用以应对台风可能引发的地质灾害。Cities across Guangdong, especially those along the eastern and western coastal areas and the Pearl River Delta region, all issued emergency alerts for flooding.广东各地城市,尤其是粤东、粤西沿海和珠江三角洲市县均发布了洪水预警。Several sections of expressways in Maoming and nearby Yangjiang and Zhanjiang cities in Guangdong were closed, according to the local traffic police authorities.据悉,茂名、阳江、湛江部分高速路段实施了交通管制措施。Flood control and drought relief authorities in Guangdong have dispatched three working groups to Maoming and Zhanjiang cities to guide the flood-control work, with various materials including reinforcement frames and sandbags already being placed in advance in the western areas of Guangdong.广东省水利厅派出3个工作组赴湛江、茂名等地市现场指导防御工作,工作内容包括在粤西提前放置钢筋笼、土工膜、土工布等各类防汛物资。A total of 162 reservoirs exceeding their designated water levels during the flooding season had been verified in the province, according to the Water Resources Department of Guangdong.据广东省水利厅消息,广东省共有162个水库超汛期控制水位。The China Meteorological Administration said typhoon Ma-on arrived at Bobai county of Guangxi at 3 pm on Thursday after it decreased to a severe tropical storm.中央气象台表示,台风“马鞍”在减弱为强热带风暴级后,于8月25日15时抵达广西自治区博白县。Railway services linking Guangzhou to northern and southwestern China, as well as Shenzhen to eastern parts of the country, resumed on Thursday morning, as the typhoon waned in the Pearl River Delta region, according to Guangzhou Railway Group.广铁集团表示,9号台风“马鞍”对珠三角地区影响逐渐减弱,自8月25日8时起,陆续恢复贵广、京广高铁、广深城际等线路的旅客列车开行。Entry and exit services at Hengqin Port in the city of Zhuhai, which neighbors Macao, also resumed after the typhoon passed.台风过境后,珠海市横琴口岸也已恢复办理旅客出入境手续。Traffic on the connecting line to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the temporary construction bridge of the artificial island at the Zhuhai port also resumed on Thursday afternoon, according to the local traffic police authority.据悉,8月25日下午,珠海连接线、珠海口岸人工岛施工便桥解除交通管制,恢复通行。Urban Haikou saw more than 150 millimeters of rain on Thursday due to the typhoon, which left part of the Hainan provincial capital waterlogged.受台风影响,25日海口市降雨量超过150毫米,部分路段积水。Ten flights at Haikou airport and two more at Sanya airport in Hainan province were canceled on Thursday.8月25日,海口美兰国际机场计划执行航班取消10架次,三亚凤凰机场取消2架次航班。Earlier, ferry services in the Qiongzhou Strait and operations at three ports in Haikou were suspended from 8 pm on Wednesday.8月24日20时起,海口新海港、秀英港、铁路南港停止作业,琼州海峡停航。记者:邱铨林landfall英[ˈlændfɔ:l];美[ˈlændˌfɔl]n. 着陆dispatch英[dɪˈspætʃ];美[dɪˈspætʃ]v.派遣;发出;迅速处理;处决n. 派遣;急件;迅速;新闻报道waterlog英[wɔ:təlɒg];美[wɔtəˌlɔg]n. 涝灾vt.使(船等)进水;使浸透水