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英语新闻∣北京新增一起高校相关聚集性疫情The latest COVID-19 epidemicclusterlocated in a college in Beijing on Tuesday has warned that the infection risk is increasing due to many students returning from summer vacation, a senior official said at a news conference on Tuesday morning.9月6日上午,北京市举行疫情防控工作新闻发布会,会上表示,6日新增一起高校相关聚集性疫情,当前正值暑假结束、学生返校高峰,疫情防控形势严峻。Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control, said the city's epidemic control and prevention condition is severe at present.北京市疾病预防控制中心副主任刘晓峰在发布会上介绍,当前北京市疫情防控形势严峻。Wang Feng, vice-principal of the Beijing University of Chemical Technology, said at the news conference that one confirmed COVID-19 case and five positive cases were identified by this morning.北京化工大学党委常委、副校长王峰在6日上午举行的发布会上表示,截至目前,北京化工大学昌平校区报告1例本土新冠肺炎病毒感染者和5例核酸初筛阳性人员。"All the staff and students with risks have been sent tocentralizedquarantine," he said.王峰表示:“昌平校区风险人员已全部有序转运隔离观察。”Li Yi, spokesman of the capital's education commission, said the city has strengthened multiple measures to avoid infection risks in colleges.北京市教委发言人李奕表示,北京市已加强多种措施,以避免高校感染风险。Early Tuesday morning, Beijing reported one new confirmed COVID-19 case between midnight and 7 am. The case is a college student who returned to the city from another province for the new semester, according to an announcement from Changping district epidemic control and prevention center on Tuesday morning.9月6日7时,北京新增一例新冠肺炎确诊病例。据昌平区疫情防控中心发布的公告,该病例为一名新学期从外省返乡的大学生。The student, whose nucleic acid tests on Aug 29, 30, 31 and Sept 2 all showed negative, has been sent to thedesignatedhospital for medical treatment.该学生8月29日、30日、31日和9月2日的核酸检测均为阴性,目前已被送往定点医院隔离治疗。The student took the train G572 on Aug 28 and arrived in Beijing at noon. After arriving on their campus in the afternoon on Aug 28, the student had not left the campus until they were transferred to hospital due to a fever on Monday.该学生于8月28日乘坐G572次列车于中午抵达北京。8月28日下午到达校园后无校外活动,直到9月5日因发热到校医室就诊。The No 4 building of Beijing University of Chemical Technology's campus in Changping district, where the student lives, has been designated as a high-risk area.经研判,划定高风险区域1个:北京化工大学昌平校区4号楼。Beijing also reported one locally transmitted COVID-19 case on Monday. The case, who lives in Fengtai district, was inquarantinefor observation.9月5日,北京新增1例本土确诊病例,为隔离观察人员。现住丰台区,目前正在隔离观察。cluster英[ˈklʌstə(r)]美[ˈklʌstər]v. 聚集centralized英[ˈsentrəlaɪzd]美[ˈsentrəlaɪzd]adj. 集中的designated英['dezɪɡneɪtɪd]美['dezɪɡneɪtɪd]adj. 指定的,选定的quarantine英[ˈkwɒrəntiːn]美[ˈkwɔːrəntiːn]n. 检疫期,隔离期