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The Shenzhou XV crew returned to Earth on Sunday morning after a six-month mission that witnessed the completion of the Tiangong space station.在完成为期六个月的天宫空间站任务后,神舟十五号航天员乘组于6月4日上午返回地球。A reentry capsule carrying the three astronauts — mission commander Major General Fei Junlong, Senior Colonel Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu — touched down at the Dongfeng Landing Site in northwestern China's Gobi Desert at 6:33 am after flying for nine hours on a reentry trajectory.6时33分,载有航天员费俊龙、邓清明、张陆的返回舱在轨道飞行9小时后于戈壁滩东风着陆场着陆。Ground recovery personnel opened the hatch of the capsule and conducted a preliminary examination of the astronauts' condition. The crew members told ground controllers in Beijing via radio that they had landed safely and were "feeling pretty good".地面工作人员打开舱门,对航天员的情况进行了初步检查。乘组人员通过无线电告诉北京的地面人员,他们已经安全着陆并且“感觉很好”。The astronauts were carried out and placed on chairs in front of the capsule, and shared their experiences with a reporter from China Central Television in a live program.航天员们被抬上太空舱前的椅子,在直播里与中央电视台记者分享了他们的经历。Deng, 56, trained for 25 years before he finally got an opportunity to fly to space, becoming a shining example of the dedication and perseverance of Chinese astronauts. He said his experiences over the years reinforced his belief in the power of dreams and persistence. "No matter how old I am, I feel so happy to have been summoned to serve my motherland," he added.56岁的邓清明接受了25年的训练,终于有机会飞向太空,成为中国航天人奉献精神和坚韧不拔精神的光辉榜样。他说,这些年的经历让他更加坚信梦想和坚持的力量。他说:“无论年龄多大,能够被祖国需要就是最幸福的。”Zhang, one of the nation's second batch of astronauts, recalled that he often tried to spot China, his hometown in Hunan province, as well as the Dongting Lake, when the Tiangong space station flew over Earth.作为中国第二批航天员之一的张陆回忆说,当天宫空间站飞越地球时,他经常试图寻找祖国,寻找家乡,寻找那汪洞庭湖。"Although these places were often hidden by thick clouds, they were always in my heart and mind. We will go back to training as soon as our bodies permit, and will always be ready to return to space to contribute to this great new era and fulfill the duties given by the Party and the people," he said.张陆说:“虽然厚厚的云层总是遮挡我的视线,但是我知道,祖国一直在我心中,家乡也一直在我心中。我们会尽快调整状态,投入训练,随时准备再次出征太空,为这个伟大的新时代和履行党和人民赋予的职责。”After the interview, the astronauts were moved into special vehicles for health checks. They were flown back to Beijing on Sunday afternoon. The three were taken to the Astronaut Center of China in northwestern Beijing to start several months of medical quarantine, health observation and recuperation.采访结束后,航天员被转移到专用车辆进行健康检查。他们于6月4日下午乘飞机返回北京。三人被送往位于北京西北部的中国航天员中心,开始数月的医学隔离、健康观察和休养。As the fourth group to go to the Chinese space station, Fei and his teammates were launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China on Nov 29.They docked at Tiangong the next day and met their Shenzhou XIV peers.作为第四批前往中国空间站的航天员,11月29日,费俊龙三人从中国西北部的酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,次日对接天宫空间站,与神舟十四号航天员乘组会面。Their meeting marked the first time six Chinese astronauts were in outer space at the same time and also the first in-orbit handover between Chinese crews.这次航天员的会面标志着六名中国航天员首次同时进入外太空,也是中国航天员之间的首次在轨交接。The Shenzhou XV astronauts conducted four spacewalks and installed equipment outside the Tiangong station, becoming the most experienced Chinese team in terms of extravehicular space activities.神舟十五号航天员进行了四次太空行走,并在天宫空间站外安装了设备,成为中国出舱航天活动经验最丰富的队伍。The crew lived and worked in the Tiangong complex for 186 days and conducted a number of fruitful experiments.航天员乘组在天宫空间站生活和工作了186天,开展了多项卓有成效的实验。The astronauts successfully obtained three-dimensional structural images of their skin cells with China's self-developed two-photon microscope. This achievement, the first of its kind, marked the success of the in-orbit verification experiments of the two-photon microscope, providing a promising tool for future health monitoring of astronauts in orbit.神舟十五号航天员乘组利用我国自主研制的双光子显微镜,成功获得了皮肤细胞三维图像。这份世界首次的成就标志着双光子显微镜在轨验证实验的成功,为未来开展航天员在轨健康监测研究提供了有效工具。China also successfully performed the first in-orbit ignition test in the Mengtian space lab module's combustion cabinet during the Shenzhou XV mission.我国还在神舟十五号任务中成功完成了梦天实验舱首次在轨点火试验。On Friday afternoon, a brief handover ceremony took place inside Tiangong, with Fei and his crew formally giving control to the Shenzhou XVI flight team that reached the space station on Tuesday. The Shenzhou XV astronauts left Tiangong at 9:29 pm on Saturday.6月2日下午,天宫空间站内举行了一个简短的交接仪式,费俊龙三人正式将控制权交给5月30日抵达空间站的神舟十六号飞行员乘组。6月3日晚上9点29分,神舟十五号航天员乘组离开天宫空间站。Astronaut英/ˈæstrənɔːt/ 美/ˈæstrənɔːt/n.航天员Microscope英/ˈmaɪkrəskəʊp/ 美/ˈmaɪkrəskoʊp/n.显微镜